Why'd You Want to Go and Make Me Feel This Way?


I couldn't believe we had finished our first show. I took the hottest shower imaginable at the venue, cleaning my face free of the sweat and tears I had put into our first performance. I couldn't believe how many people already knew our songs and were so excited to see us play. As a tour tradition, 5SOS offered to take us out on the town for a night of drinking on their bill. We weren't going to turn them down, so while they played we cleaned ourselves up and changed into different outfits. I was ready before their set ended, so I decided to stand on the side of the stage and watch the end of their set.

Fans were going crazy for the boys. Screaming, crying, waving just to get a look of acknowledgement from them, just to almost faint after they would make eye contact. I waited for them to bow and come off stage while high-fiving them as they passed.

I walked behind Luke, Calum and Michael, beside Ashton, "You guys looked so comfortable on stage."

"Not all of us are natural on stage like you, Rosie. It's taken time for us to get comfortable." Luke spoke back at me, overhearing my comment.

"What are you talking about? I was a stuttering mess on stage tonight." I blushed, kicking at a piece of paper that was on the light grey hallway floor.

"You only tripped three times." Ashton poked my arm and I waved bye to them as I rejoined the rest of my band in our dressing room.

"Are we going to a club or a bar?" I asked, sitting beside Sawyer who was watching Seth and Ryan battling on a video game.

"I don't know, it's some place that those youngin's can get into, so I'd assume it's a low key place. Why?"

"I didn't know what shoes to wear." I sighed to myself, kicking my feet against the edge of the sofa.

"Wear something you can drunk walk in!" I decided to keep my red flats on. It took the boys 30 minutes to all get showered and ready to leave. We loaded up into a huge SUV. I illegally sat on Sawyer's lap with my legs spread out over Calum and Michael's lap in the middle row.

"Hey these shoes are cute!" Michael said, messing with my right foot that was in his lap. "Don't you think, Ash?" He removed my shoe and threw it into the very back of the van.

I kicked him in the thigh. "Not a smart move to throw the shoe of the LADY who's foot is extremely close to your dick. Get it back." I said as we got closer and closer to the bar. "Ashton, seriously, throw me my shoe." The boys ignored me and I felt Sawyer laughing beneath me. I turned to face him and started tickling his sides.

"Alright, alright! Seriously, get Ro's shoe back up here." Seth retrieved it from the back and each boy passed it to the one beside him until it finally made it back to Michael, who put it back on my foot.

"Your glass slipper, mi' lady." I rolled my eyes.

"You owe me a shot." I pointed my finger at Michael like a gun and he winked back at me as the vehicle came to a stop. "LADIES FIRST!" I yelled before climbing across everyone's lap and climbing out of the SUV. Bars in the UK were way more "dodgy" looking on the outside, if that's the right word, than they were in the US. When I opened the door, Michael was behind me and caught the wood door with his hand before it slammed behind me.

We found a leather booth in the dimly lit back corner that all 9 of us packed into somehow. I was squeezed between Ashton and Sawyer. Luke got the attention of a waitress and ordered shots for all of us, then Calum ordered the next round. I ordered a Jack and Coke to pace myself, I was just feeling warm since I had hydrated myself so much after the show. Everyone else seemed to be at the same pace as me. There were pool tables set up in the next room, so Calum, Seth, Ryan, Luke and Jackson all walked over to that room, leaving me with Michael, Ashton, and Sawyer. Sawyer and I were most comfortable with Ashton because he was closer to our age, and wasn't as immature as the rest of the group. Michael probably just stuck around because he didn't want Ashton to be left alone by himself.

I finished my drink and climbed over Sawyer's lap to get up and go to the bathrooms, which were located between the pool room and the bar. I returned to the table to 3 silent boys and 8 full shot glasses.

"You're really trying to kill me tonight, aren't you?" I sat myself down beside Sawyer, across from Michael. We all grabbed a shot glass, toasted, and then I chased the shot with the next one. I had started to feel the alcohol once I stood up and sat back down, but I tried to not let them see it.

"No, we aren't. You just need to celebrate an awesome show!" Ashton yelled out, taking his second shot. Michael sat beside him, laughed and took his next, followed by Sawyer.

"So, Miss Rose. Tell us about yourself."

"Well, I hail from Georgia." I said, immediately palming my forehead as I heard my southern drawl come out.

"Geoooorgia!" Ashton mocked my accent which was starting to come out with increase of alcohol.

"I would have never known." Michael piped in.

"You only know it when she's drunk. We'll have to get her drunk and take her to karaoke once, she can sing Taylor Swift better than Taylor Swift." I punched him in the arm, embarrassed of myself. Sawyer went back to the subject, sensing my drunkenness was starting to hit me. "Both of us lived about five minutes down the street from each other growing up. We always joked about starting a band, and we saved up all of our money when we got our first jobs at 16 to buy guitars. We started The Sundaes and played small acoustic shows, songs we still sing now, but just more low key. Then I met Seth, Ryan and Jackson at a local punk show and they told me about how they had just quit a band together and were looking for a new band to join. They weren't too sure about a girl lead singer until they met little Miss Rosie here," he stopped to elbow me in the side, "but once they heard her sing they were hooked."

"So how'd you change all of your songs to become a full band song?" Ashton asked, sipping on a mixed drink.

"It was tough, because we had only ever imagined our songs to be a two piece band, so-" I joined back in.

"You play guitar too?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, but I dropped it so I could perform better on stage. I still play when I write, and when we did acoustic shows to promote over here, I played. It sounds better with three guitars but I know my nerves would never allow me to sing and play on stage. Maybe later on." I took a sip of my new drink before continuing, "And the rest you guys know about."

"Why The Sundaes?"

"Because I'm lactose intolerant and love ice cream sundaes." I said, not even able to get the statement out of my mouth without laughing. "And we'd always practice longest on Sunday's." I shrugged, laughing at my own self.

"She's gone." Sawyer announced to the other two boys as I continued my laughing fit. My head was getting heavier, and I was getting more giggly.

"Am not." I laid my head down on his shoulder and continued laughing.

"Did you two ever date?" Ashton asked and I immediately picked my head up off of Sawyer's shoulder.

"That's a complicated question." He answered for me and I looked down to my straw and stirred the ice in my drink.

"Literally everyone has asked us that and we don't know what to tell them, because you seem like you two are dating sometimes." Ashton said.

"We tried it for like what, 3 years on and off? We almost quit with music, tried to date once more for a year and it just didn't work out." I answered, "We're just really close. He gets me, and I get him, and I think that's why we thought we'd work out so well. I'm complicated, and he's not, but he just understands me. We're better off as friends, and you'd think it would be awkward between us but I think it was only awkward for about a month after the last breakup."

"When her little brother asked if we were still 'under the same sheet' in her room, in front of her parents." Sawyer added and I felt my face blush a deep shade of red.

"He was what, 6? Leave him alone."

"Come play darts!" Luke came around the corner to us and pulled me up out of the booth. I stumbled over my own feet as I tried to keep up with his long legs carrying me into the next room.

"I can't play darts worth shit sober, what makes you think I'm going to not stab myself in the eye this drunk?" I asked him as he handed me another shot glass full of a darker liquid. Dark rum always did me in, it turned me into the flirtiest, drunkest, loosest person ever and I... kind of loved it.

I shot Luke a look as he handed me red darts. "You're red, I'm black. Loser plays Michael. And has to take a shot at the end of the game."

"The winner should have to play the next person, though." Luke shrugged, too drunk to really care about rules. "Well you can go ahead and just let me play Michael because I'm going to be hitting the wall." I stepped up to the line in front of the board and threw my first dart, almost hitting the bullseye.

"Beginners luck." Luke stepped beside me, aiming and coming really close to mine. "OOOOH!" he yelled in my face and I bumped him aside with my hip.

I closed one eye and pretended like I knew what I was doing with my aim, and threw, the dart landed almost on the complete outside of the circle. I hung my head and walked aside, letting Luke aim for his next. Another shot glass was handed to me by Seth. "I don't need anymore." I pushed the shot glass away back towards his chest.

"Come on, just one more." I sighed and took another shot, knowing I'd regret this in the morning. I hadn't eaten dinner and I was getting looser as the minutes passed.

"Come on Rose!" I heard Jackson yell at me as I threw my next dart, throwing me off completely, making me hit the outside of the board again.

I turned around and shot him the bird, propping myself up against the wall to watch Luke almost nail the bullseye once again. "You're cheating, you fucker." I muttered to him as he flew his hands up in the air as if he were surrendering.

I threw my last one and hit closer to the bullseye but not close enough, I had already lost this round. Michael picked up the darts that were on the board, and handed me the red ones again. I was aiming my dart as an arm snaked around on top of my shoulder with a shot of rum in it again.

"Seriously if I take another shot I'm going to pass out."

"We can carry you home, I promise." Michael handed the shot off to me and I took it like a champ, shaking my bangs out of my face. I made close to the bullseye on my first, second, and third shots but Michael made it only on the first and second. We finished our round and I quit because if I had anymore to drink, I was going to be miserable.

I asked for a glass of water and chugged it as soon as it came to me. Michael and I were sitting at a bar top table in the corner watching everyone drunkenly play pool and darts, no one was paying attention to us.

"I'm so drunk." I said as I waited for another glass of water to be brought to me.

"Really? I can't tell." Michael laughed back at me. "Your cheeks are so... rosy." I let out a cackle which caused Sawyer and Ashton to look up from the pool table and they just shook their heads. "He's so protective of you."

"Hmm?" I looked up from my phone, reading the congratulations text messages that family, and various friends had sent me throughout the night as videos and pictures circulated the internet.

"Sawyer. He's protective of you."

"Yeah, I mean, we grew up together. We've been in a band for seven years together. He's seen me get my heart broken, and he's seen me treated like shit. He just keeps me close." I said, sipping on my water.

"It's kind of scary." Michael muttered, sipping on his beer.

"Why does it scare you?" I furrowed my eyebrows together and frowned.

"I don't know, it just does. He could kick my ass."

"Michael, you're like half a foot taller than him. He's under 6 foot and you're like, a little bit smaller than giant Luke. You could totally kick his ass, I've seen him fight. I'd hate you if you did, but I am just saying. Sawyer's a teddy bear, honestly. He's cautious of any guy who tries to befriend me. He likes you guys though."

"Whatever you say..." Michael smirked as he sipped more of his beer. I was starting to feel more level headed. "How are you feeling?"

"Still drunk, not quite miserable. Those glasses of waters have helped. I'm going to go outside. Bad drunk habit, do you want to come?" Michael declined my offer as I walked out the back door to smoke.

Seth joined me, both of us had a bad habit of smoking when we were drunk. We'd always do it on Sunday nights after practice, and just sit and watch the neighborhood.

I took the first puff of my cigarette and Calum joined us, Seth lending him one of his cigarettes.

"So that's the secret to your voice?" Calum joked with me.

"Oh, hush. I smoke like once a month." Which was true, I could always smoke and I'd be a better drunk. I was starting to feel some type of way from the rum, so I just stuck to myself while the two boys talked amongst themselves and finished my cigarette before returning to the pool room. Sawyer was standing to the side, watching the pool game that was going on.

"Hey." I said, leaning on him and he pulled me into his hip. "Michael said he's scared of you."

"He should be." He chuckled quietly, "He's trying so hard to get you."

"No he's not!" I fake gasped. "He's cute though."

"No, Rosie. You are just drunk."

"Yeah, he is! He's so nice too. And young." I sighed.

"You're so drunk, babe." Sawyer pushed my hair out of my face and tucked my bangs behind my ear for me. "Want to go back? I can call you a cab." I shook my head and stepped away from Sawyer, a little annoyed with him. I stood watching the pool game with my arms crossed. He could tell my annoyance and walked away from me to watch the dart game that was going on. I felt a tap on my shoulder and a beer handed to me.

Michael was beside me and I smiled at him, trying to hide my annoyance. "You okay?"

"No." I said, "I need to go back outside." I said, walking away from him, not wanting to say anything mean to Michael who had no idea of the situation. I lit up another cigarette as soon as I stepped outside, and turned around to see Michael had followed me. "You didn't have to follow me out here."

"I can leave you alone. I just didn't know if you were okay or not."

"I'm not okay, really. He's being a dick." I motioned my head back in the direction of the building.

"What's he doing?" Michael propped himself against the wall beside me and lit my cigarette for me.

"Just being drunk Sawyer."

"What's that mean?" Michael grabbed my cigarettes from my purse and lit one for himself.

"He's just being weird, Michael." He wasn't getting what I was saying, and I was growing agitated with the questioning boy with dark hair.

"I don't know what weird, drunk Sawyer means." He took a puff through his smirk, and I grew frustrated at his confident smirk.

"Weird, drunk Sawyer means he's about to be a complete fuckboy to me."

"Girls actually use that term?" He let out a chuckle and I rolled my eyes, not saying anything. I continued to suck on the cigarette, not saying anything. Michael stomped his cigarette after halfway finishing it and just watched me finish mine. "Do you want to go back, or I mean- Not like, go back together but I'll go with you if you want to get away, or we can go somewhere else, it's still only just 1 o'clock. We usually stay out until about 3 or 4."

"I don't really know." I said, not looking at Michael, just straight ahead.

"O--ooookay." I saw him shrug his hands in surrender before going back inside to the bar. I stayed outside for what felt like forever, but was probably only five minutes. I contemplated Michael's choices, and decided I wasn't ready to go back to the buses yet. I grabbed one of the shortest pool sticks off the bar and took another shot of rum from the tray Luke had ordered. Some random people had wandered into the room, a few random girls who probably recognized someone in 5SOS, and a couple of guys who were talking to my bandmates. They seemed pretty chill, so I decided to stick around a little bit longer.

I stood by the pool table with Michael and waited for him to finish his game. "Care if I join?" He shrugged and I internally groaned, I had probably upset him with my bitchy attitude earlier.

"Sure." He hung his pool stick back on the wall and Ashton shot me a look, raising his eyebrow. I shrugged back at him.

"I guess its just you and I."

"Guess so!" He gathered the pool table balls in the triangle and let me break them. I instantly sunk a stripes ball, claiming my team. Ashton was pretty good, but shocked at how good I was. I looked around while waiting for him to make his decision of which ball he was going for, and spotted Sawyer talking to one of the random girls. Then I looked for Michael, and saw him sitting at a bar table with some girl standing between his legs. His hands rested on her hips, his thumbs laced through her belt loops. I could feel my face heating up with anger the longer I looked at the two of them.

"You're up!" Ashton poked me in the arm from across the table with his pool stick. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He mumbled as I walked past him.

I rolled my eyes and bent over the table, sticking my ass out to whoever was watching. I sunk the red striped ball I was going for, the bang of the ball hitting the wood grabbing the attention of a few people. Ashton let out a wail, and a few people walked over with their drinks to watch the two of us. The girl left Michael to go to the bathroom, so he stood up to watch the intense pool game. I watched as Ashton aimed his pool stick at the white ball, I thought he was going to knock my ball into the pocket, but he was using mine as leverage to get his to a destination. My purple striped ball ended up against the wall of the pool table, and I smirked to myself. I propped my ass up on the pool table and leaned as seductively as possible, pretending like I knew what I was doing. I shot my eyes from the ball, to Michael's bright green, blood shot eyes, back to the ball, then back to his eyes, giving him a wink.

Honestly, it was probably the easiest shot I could have made all night. But I didn't like easy. I hit the ball as hard as I could, bumping the white Q ball a little too hard, making it bounce off the table and landing directly on Michael's package. Luke brought over another shot glass and toasted me, laughing with tears coming out of his eyes. I didn't care that I had surrendered the game, making a foul so bad that made them want to start a new game. Everyone was high fiving me and laughing, while poor Michael was sitting in the corner at a booth. I made my way over and sat beside him.

He curled up against the wall and acted like he was in so much pain. "I'm sorry." I said through drunken giggles. "I didn't mean it."

"The fuck you didn't. That hurt." He was pouting and I reached for his beer, then handed it to him. "This doesn't mean you're forgiven. You owe me."

"What do I owe you?" I sat, facing my back to the bar.

"You owe me... I don't know yet. More alcohol."

"I can do that." The tray with the rum shots was still sitting on the tall bar table, so I stood up and grabbed two shots, but before I could return to the table, Sawyer blocked my path. "Excuse me."

"Excuse you? You're not even hanging out with your own band."

"I'm trying to bond." I cocked my hip to the side and impatiently tapped my toe. "You seem to be the only one who has this problem. Go make some friends."

"You're just trying to make me jealous."

"Sawyer, seriously? Leave me alone. You know I can't stand it when you're drunk."

I tried pushing past him but he leaned his arm against the wall, blocking me again. "No, give me that."

He grabbed the shot from my hand and as he was throwing his head back, I snuck under his arm and back to the table. I plopped down beside Michael, "What was that about?"

I shrugged, "You ready to get out of here?"

"If you are." Michael took the shot from me and downed it. We walked around the pool tables to leave and Michael put his hand on Luke's shoulder before leaning into his ear to tell him we were leaving. I hovered behind Michael, trying to escape Sawyer's wandering eyes. We walked out of the bar into the crisp London air and I let out a shiver. Michael noticed immediately and shrugged off his jacket. I pushed it away.

"Stop, you've got on a t-shirt." I said, refusing to take his jacket.

"And you've got on even less than me." I leaned away from Michael as he tried draping it on my shoulders. "Rosie, just take my jacket."

"Gotta catch me first." I said, winking at him and taking off. I remembered passing a park on our way to the bar, so I headed that way. I tripped and stumbled onto the grass, Michael following me and grabbing my arms to pull me back up.

"See, you should have just taken my jacket." He placed his jacket over my shoulders and I slipped my arms into it, pulling it close. He kneeled and brushed the wet grass and dirt off my knees. "That was payback for ruining the family jewels." I let out a cackle as we walked over to the swing set. As we got closer, I realized one of the swings was broken and hanging by only one chain.

"Who gets to swing?" I stopped and looked at the sad swing set.

"Ladies first." Michael held the chains as I turned around to sit in it, then he pulled it out from under me, making me fall on my ass again. He was laughing to himself, and I couldn't help but join in. "Okay, that was payback. I'm sorry. Have a seat. I'll push."

I cautiously watched him over my shoulder as I sat down on the wooden swing. Michael pulled me back by the chain and then let me go, I kicked off as he pushed me, the both of us staying silent as I kept getting higher and higher. He let me swing for a few minutes before getting impatient, just like a child.

"Let... Me... Swing..." He said each time I returned to him, his pushes becoming weaker and weaker.

"I'm not done!" I whined. I was going lower and lower each time I returned back to Michael. He grabbed the chains and pulled me to a stop. I remained in the seat of the swing. "I said I wasn't done!"

"Oh yeah? Fine." Michael came around to the front of the swing, and I feared he was going to pull me out and hurt me more. Instead, he held onto the two chains, and straddled himself on my lap. "We alternate pumping and we can go even higher."

I was laughing too hard to kick us off. His legs were longer than mine, so he helped me start us off. I was belly ache laughing when we were mid-air, just imagining how silly the two of us looked.

"It feels like we could reach space!" Michael exclaimed.

"I wouldn't know, all I can see is your black shirt in my face. I shouldn't be the one on the bottom, you're crushing my thighs."

"Then lets switch." I agreed as we slowed down enough for us to stop. Michael took a seat in the swing and I put my right foot beside his hip, inside of the chain. I felt his hand grip my waist so I wouldn't fall over, I was still pretty tipsy and he could tell.

Once my other leg was secure, I lowered my hips onto Michael's waist and he leaned back to kick us off. It wasn't until we had gone back and forth a few times that I realized how awkward this position was. It was no longer a light hearted, silly thing that was happening. I started to feel a tingling in my stomach, and the silence between us was turning into sexual tension. There was no denying that Michael was getting hard in his pants and it was getting me riled up too. I let out a silent "Fuck." to myself and he must have heard it because he let out a chuckle and apologized.

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't really think-"

"Don't apologize." He interrupted me and snaked one of his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his body. "Is this okay?" I gulped and nodded, suddenly feeling warm. Too warm for his jacket, but I couldn't really move to get off of him. We had almost stopped swinging completely and we were just staring at each other. With me straddling his lap, as we came to a stop, his other arm wrapped around my waist and I rested my hands on the back of his neck. He was much taller than me, but we were almost the same height with me on top of him. "You look good on top of me." He muttered before he leaned in to kiss my cheek. I scooted even closer to him and he thrusted his hips up at me. "And you look so good in my jacket... I don't even let Luke wear my jacket."

"It's good to know you're thinking of Luke right now." I muttered as we stared into each others eyes, I started to play with the longer hairs at the back of his head and twisted them around my fingers.

"I'm not, he can't get me this fucking hard." He groaned as he closed his eyes.

"And to think I haven't even kissed you yet." I brought one hand around to his face and touched his eyebrow ring that was shining in the moonlight. "Can I kiss you?" I asked and his eyes fluttered open.

"You don't have to ask that." He leaned up and met my lips halfway. The kiss was gentle at first before we both paused after a few seconds, looked at each other, then he leaned forward again, almost knocking me backwards but catching me in his arms so I wouldn't fall. "I've got you, babe." I felt safe in his arms as we continued making out on the swing, the streetlights had shut off while we were kissing, so when I opened my eyes the only light we had was the full moonlight. I started grinding my hips against his hard cock, pulling at his hair. Michael groaned out, "You're going to make me come in my pants if you don't stop." He started biting at my neck, which made me grind down on him harder. He started moving his hips against mine in the swing, "This feels so fucking good but I really don't want to come in my pants. And I'm really close to it." His hands squeezed my hips to stop me and he stood up with me wrapped around him. I let out a yelp and clung to his neck as he looked around before finding a patch of trees in the park.

Michael slammed me up against a tree, mumbling a sorry and we continued making out. I let my feet down one at a time and grabbed his belt, directing him to turn around with his back against a tree. I undid his belt and fought his tight pants all the way down his legs.

"Your pants are tighter than mine." I commented and he just laughed as he watched me rip his boxers down to his ankles.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"What, do you have whiskey dick?" I wrapped my hand around his hard length and he let out another groan as he wiped his face with his hand, trying to not be too loud. "Doesn't look like it to me." I looked up at him through my lashes and he placed his hand under my chin as I kissed his tip. I wrapped my lips around his dick, then took as much of his length into his mouth as I could and pumped the rest of him.

A few pumps later, Michael was already a moaning mess, and I could tell by him grabbing my hair that he was already close. "I'll come into the grass if you don't want to swallow." He managed to get out, but I dug my nails into the back of his thighs as I continued working on him, and when he stopped my head from pumping by holding me still, I swallowed his load as soon as it shot into my mouth. "God fucking damn." He ran a hand through his now sweaty hair and pulled his pants and boxers back up his legs.

"Do I really owe you anymore?" I smirked as I stood back up and he pulled me into his waist, kissing me on the lips.

He touched our noses together, "You didn't really 'owe' me that, except because you made me that hard. Thank you though." He kissed me on the nose, "That was amazing, but we should get back." I nodded and we walked back to the streets. We turned to look over our shoulder every time we heard a car pass, keeping an eye out for a cab. Finally one approached us and we hopped into the back seat. Michael kept his arm around me the whole way back, placing kisses on my temple occasionally. I hummed with happiness and leaned my head on his shoulder. When we arrived at the venue, we realized we were back to reality. Our buses both had their interior lights on and I thought they were probably both waiting up to see if we were going to come back tonight.

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow? I hate to hug you because I don't want them to be spying."

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. 'Night, Rose."

"'Night, Michael." I blushed as I pulled his jacket off and handed it back to him. Before I could open the door to our bus, Michael said my name. "Yeah?" I asked.

"I owe you." I could hear the smirk in his voice as we both climbed onto our separate buses.