Through Your Eyes, Lies Your Soul.

Part 3.


As I look at my life now, I don't regret a second of it. The saying: Everything happens for a reason. I never thought it was true. But now, as I look at myself in this full length mirror, dressed in my green and gold robe, I disagree.
Maybe now that I've overcome the obstacles of High School, I can look at the bright side of my life, and be happy. I also think it was just the thought of being a no one my whole life that made me so shy and vulnerable. But as I change into a 'new person' per say, it's also the thought of finding that 'one special someone' everyone is searching for. I thought Frank was him, but I've been made wrong decisions before.
It's exactly 6:30, the ceremony starts at 7:30, but they want us there an hour early. I'm still in shock of the situation. I'm graduating in exactly one hour, then I can forget everything in the past. Of course, it will still be there to haunt me, but I'll just put it in the way back of mind.
I slowly made my way downstairs, where my mother was waiting with an anxious look on her face.
"My little girls growing up" A single tear fell down her cheek, she quickly wiped it away.
"Mom" I whined, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.
"I think you're going to like your surprise" She smiled unsure. she never mentions anything about this 'surprise' until now. I told her I didn't want anything, but when does she ever listen to what I have to say.
"I don't see why you have to move all the to New York. There's nothing wrong with New Jersey" She shoved my last suitcase in the trunk of the car. All my other stuff was on it's way already, to be placed in my dorm at NYU.
"Every thing's wrong with New Jersey. I want a fresh start; make something of myself" she looked a little offended by my choice of words, but I ignored her and opened the passenger seat, before climbing in.
All I do is have to make it through the ceremony, not look at Frank, say goodbye to my family, not look at Frank, and I'm off to NYU. Did I mention not look at Frank? Didn't think so...
I couldn't help but take notice to my mom's sighs of depression every. single. second.
I was just about to snap at her, but the sight of the school came into view.
I rubbed my temples soothingly, hoping to rid of the nerves rising my stomach.
Just the thought of Frank's name makes me nervous, this is going to be harder then I thought.
"Well, here we are" she gave one last sigh before climbing out of the car, myself following milliseconds after wards.
I entered the building, nervousness building up inside of me even more as we got closer to the Auditorium. It seems as if it was just yesterday I started in this school- 20 seconds after, praying for it to end.
I slowly slipped into the room, unnoticed, taking in the familiar figures of my graduating class. The thought of never having to see them, any of them, ever again instantly lightened my mind.
"Okay, I know you're all anxious to get this over with, but it would go quicker if you'd actually listen. Now get in your designated order" Mrs. Harmony ordered us. Everyone moved into their assigned seats, me being stuck between Andy Lock and Josie Lowe. Not that I minded, they never really bothered me, but I was stuck behind Frank, causing me to lose focus as his aftershave hit my nostrils, making my stomach flutter in excitement. It's hard not to feel this way at the moment. I was so consumed in my own thoughts that I didn't even notice Mrs. Harmony start the ceremony, she started reading down the list.
"Jake Adams" Jake walked up on the stage and received his sheet of his paper.
I was getting more and more antsy as she continued on. My attention turning back to the stage as Franks name was called. I turned my attention away from Frank as he climbed onto the stage.
I just want to make it through the ceremony without any more emotion being released.
Feeling a stare on myself, I looked up and was met by an intense pair of hazel eyes Frank's eyes. Feeling slightly confused, I turned my attention back to my hands.
As the ceremony continued on, finally my name was called.
I took a deep breath, regaining composure, and made my way up on stage, feeling everyone's gaze on me. I kept my stare straight ahead as I shook Mrs. Harmony's hand and took my diploma from her other hand, before making my way back to my seat.
As Mrs. Harmony said her last words, relief washed over me, realizing I would be out of the of the city within the hours.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! I am pleased to announce Seton La Salles class of 2007!" Everyone started clapping as my classmates threw their hats up in the air.
I immediately shuffled out of my seat, making my way through the crowds of people.
Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I immediately turned around. A man who looked in about his mid 40's, stood before me. Dressed in a pair of black slacks and a White dress shirt.
"Jude?" The man questioned.
I hesitantly nodded my head, not knowing what else to do.
"You're mother didn't tell you I was coming, did she?" Suspicion rose inside of me at the mention of my mother.
"Who are you?" I finally found my voice.
"Jude, it's me. Your father" My eyes widened and my whole body stiffened at the response of my father.
"No, you're not, get away from me" I found myself slowly backing away from the shock. Wouldn't you, if your long lost father just randomly showed up at your graduation.
"What are you doing here?" My voice held a sudden edge in it. There was no way this man was my father, there just wasn't.
"I'm here to see you, it's your graduation. I couldn't miss it" He explained, trying to gain some sort of contact with me, which I would not give in to.
"You left us! And now suddenly you can come here and act like you've known me forever?!" I almost shouted at him, gaining stares from people around us.
"Jude I was young and- "I cut him off, feeling the urge to slap him right then and there.
"But mom stayed! God even when you were with us you were completely useless!" I could see the anger flicker in his eyes after I said those words.
"Jude-" He started, taking a step towards me, but was abruptly cut off, but not by me. I looked to my left and my breath instantly got caught in my throat.
"You stay out of this boy. This is between me and my daughter" He pointed an accusing finger at Frank.
"You're not my father" I turned away from him, making my way out of the building.
Screw saying goodbye to my family, if I don't get out of the city now, I just might explode.
I slowly unlocked my car, climbing in the drivers side.
"Jude!" I heard from a distance, just was I was about to close my door
"Frank?" My voice came out as a whimper. I was hoping not to have any more distractions but you can't always get what you want right?
"Was that really your father?" A panting Frank asked as he reached my car.
"Yeah, but I don't consider him my father, he left when I was seven" I never told anyone about this. Maybe I was just telling him that because I would never see him again.
"I'm sorry, he seemed like an ass anyway" Frank tried to lighten the mood, but my face stayed hard as stone
"Look, the last thing I was is your pity. Now if you don't mind, I have a plane to catch" I just might have said a little to much there, cause his face contorted into confusion.
"What do you mean?" I might as well spill my whole life story to him. Why is he so interested now?
"I'm leaving, moving to New York City. I got accepted into NYU" I explained, not taking my eyes off his.
"Why would you want to leave Jersey? I know I wouldn't" Like he didn't know, but if I don't get to the airport in 20 minutes, I'm screwed.
"Cause I have nothing left here. I never had friends, school's done, and my dad just decides to appear out of nowhere. I wanna make something of myself; find someone who actually cares about me, you know?" I easily put my keys into the ignition, starting up the car, but a familiar hand reached over me two seconds, and pulled them out, shutting off the car.
"Frank what are you-" His hardened voice cut me off.
"That's the only reason you're leaving? Because you think no one cares about you? We'll guess what I care about you" I stared at him long and hard for a few seconds, before bursting into uncontrollable laughter.
"What are you laughing about? It's true" I stopped laughing, attempting to get the right words out.
"Really? Because the incident in the hall tells me other wise" I looked back up at him
"Jude, I lied okay, I fucking lied to you. The truth is, Sam had nothing to do with it. I never acknowledged you, because I felt something and I never thought you'd feel them back" I lost my ability to speak, so he continued on.
"Ever since third grade I liked you, how artistic and creative you were. you had no friends because I told them to stay away from you. Especially the guys. I didn't want any of them to fall for you, like I had"
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"And then Sam- you know what, let's just sum this up for you. Jude Locke. I'm in love with you" My mouth hung open. I've been waiting forever to hear him say that.
"Frank, you don't mean that" I sighed, gaining ability to speak once again.
"I do. What can I do to make you believe me?" I noticed Frank getting awfully close to me, and before I knew it,intense pressure was put on my lips. Maybe he really was telling the truth
"I love you Jude" I tried to find the right words....
"I love you too Frank"
Let's see, I graduated, met my dumb ass father, got the love of my life I've always dreamed of. Sure I sacrificed my NYU scholarship to be with him, but we got to be together. Not exactly how I pictured it, but it was still my fairy tale ending. Pretty good turn out, I must say.
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Copyright Laceyyy(♥)