Gerard: The Explorer 3.0

Museum Of Awesomeness

Dora: Hello again folks, welcome to Dora; The Explorer!

Gerard: Bitch it’s Gerard: The Explorer 3.0! And it’s awesome!

Dora: Damn it all to hell! I thought you called in sick!

Gerard: I did, but I wanted to come bug you.

Dora: Ew! Don’t cough on me you son of a batch of cookies!

Gerard: So where are we going today?!

Boots: Up in your nose with a rubber hose.

Gerard: I don’t think so, I go to the doctor for him to help me with my nose problems.

Boots: Bitch.

Gerard: Now, I’m trying to be nice. Don’t get on my Evil Gerard side!

Boots: I bet you won’t do anything.

Gerard: Bitch.

Boots: Ow! Animal Abuse!

Gerard: Gah.

Boots: Ha, made you stop!

Gerard: Only because animal abuse is against the law, and at the beginning of the show it says “No Animals Were Harmed in the Making Of This Show”

Dora: Anyway…Gerard, I heard Rihanna is doing songs with Rock Musicians now. I guess that’s pretty much it for you isn’t it?

Gerard: Fuck…you…bitch.

Dora: Alls I’m saying is you’ll probably go blog about this on your blog about how you’re an inch closer to get to sing with your idol!

Gerard: Whatever, bitch…Gah, sing her song once on stage and everyone thinks she’s your idol!

Dora: Idiot say what?

Gerard: What? Huh, fuck you man!

Dora: Anyway, today we are going to the Museum Of Awesomeness.

Gerard: And you won’t be let in.

Dora: Fuck you.

Boots: Haha.

Gerard: Why are you laughing you won’t be let in either.

Boots: I’ll be a monkey’s uncle if they let a fuckface like you in.

Gerard: Fuck off.
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