Status: Complete

Another Day in Berk

Who's Drago?

Below us, a charred forest stretched for miles with no signs of life. The fading smoke was pushed away by our dragons' wings, saving us from burning eyes.

"What took down this forest?" I questioned. "Do you think dragons did this?"

"I don't know, but if they did do this... we might have another problem on our hands," Hiccup told me. "Let's keep going."

We flew beyond the forest and over the ocean until we found more islands. One had buildings with a wooden fence around them, like a fort, but gigantic ice shards protruded from their destroyed structure. It looked like a war zone and the people in the fort lost to whatever created the ice.

"What happened here?" Hiccup gently asked in awe of the devastation.


Suddenly, our attention was brought to a ship off the shore of the island and a net coming straight toward us. Toothless dodged the net, but Nightstriker wasn't as quick and got tangled in the net, knocking me off her.

"Hiccup!" I cried, watching the icy waters race toward me.

At the last moment, Toothless caught me on his back. I righted myself and clung to Hiccup.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

I nodded, "I'm fine. We need to get Nightstriker." I frowned seeing my dragon crash onto their ship and struggle against their net.

Toothless circled around the ship as we met eyes with a buff viking with his dark hair in a low ponytail. He held his chin high and his eyes gleamed at us.

"Back again?" His eyes widened, "Soil my breeches, that is a Night Fury! I thought they were gone for good! Looks like our luck's turned for the better, lads! Don't think Drago has one of those in his dragon army!" The vikings on the ship cheered.

Toothless landed on the ship in front of Nightstriker. I jumped off the Fury to get my dragon while Hiccup jumped in front of Toothless to ward off the vikings with his Inferno. I got Nightstriker out and we stood next to our friends, my axe at the ready.

"Look, we don't want any trouble," Hiccup told the big viking.

"Ha! You should have thought of that before you stole all our dragons and blasted our fort to bits!"

"What are you talking about?" I pressed, my axe lowering only slightly.

"You think we did this?" Hiccup questioned as he glanced at the ice around us.

The viking who I assumed was the leader laughed, "Dragon trapping is hard enough work as it is without do-gooder dragon riders sneaking in to rescue them."

I glanced at Hiccup the same time he looked at me and he spoke, "What do-gooder- There are other dragon riders?"

"You mean, other than your thieving friend from last night? You tell me," the leader said. "You may have an ice-spitting dragon on your side, but I still have a quota to fill. How'd you suppose we explain this to Drago Bludvist?"

"Drago What-vist? Does anything you say make sense?" my friend asked.

"This is what he gave me last time I showed up empty handed." The trapper leader revealed a scar across his shoulder, "He promised to be far less understand in the future."

I tensed, afraid of what that Drago guy was capable of to leave a scar like his.

Hiccup spoke again, " Alright, but we don't know anything about a dragon thief or an ice-spitting dragon... or you lunatic boss and his dragon army, okay? We'll just go now, strange and hostile person whom we've never met."

"Oh where are my manners? I am Eret, so of Eret. Finest dragon trapper alive. After all, it's not just anyone who can capture a Night Fury."

Toothless growled menacingly with Nightstriker. It was time to go and I was prepared to get out of there.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Eret," I said with a short curtsy.

"But Toothless says it's time to go. Now," Hiccup finished.

In seconds, Hiccup and I jumped onto our dragons and took to the air, dodging incoming nets. Toothless shot one of his fireballs to an ice shard and it crashed to the ship, halting their fire.

"You will never hold onto those dragons! You hear me?!" Eret bellowed after us. "Drago is coming for them all!"

Hiccup and I watched the trapper ship disappear from our view before we relaxed a little bit.

"This Drago sounds like a problem. Who is he anyway?"

Hiccup shrugged, "I don't know, but maybe my dad will know. We need to stop this guy... I have a bad feeling about this."

"You're not the only one..."
♠ ♠ ♠
This part was originally a part of the last chapter, but I think it worked nicely as it's own chapter. I'll post another chapter when I get a chance! Thanks for reading!