Status: Please enjoy! Comments and reviews are encouraged!

Not Desperate

Chapter 18 You Don't Touch Her

Chapter 18
You Don’t Touch Her

It was Tuesday morning and Daryl still couldn’t stop thinking about it. Waking up with Yvonne wrapped around him. It had been awkward for sure. He thought he was dreaming at first, she was lying so still in his arms and he was just holding her. He could feel the heat of her breath on his chest. He felt her eyelids flutter open and she looked up at him. She was beautiful in the morning, a sexy, sleepy smile and half-lidded eyes. “Good morning.” She said with a strained voice.
“Good morning, darlin’. How’d you sleep?”
“Great. Much better than I thought I would. I should go make breakfast. Why don’t you take a shower and I’ll get Michael up.” She went all out this morning, it was a special occasion to her. She made scrambled eggs, bacon, homemade biscuits with gravy and hash browns. She barely got some for herself before it was all gone. Daryl suggested they take the car back to Senoia and then have a pic-nic for lunch and maybe do some fishing. He called the diner where Carol worked before they left and put in a lunch order for their pic-nic. They all had so much fun and Michael caught a fish all on his own. He could get used to this, Daryl thought to himself. He’d never had moments like this when he was growing up, or as an adult either. Didn’t know he’d wanted it so much.
So, here it was, two days later and it was still running through his mind. Merle could tell he wasn’t mentally there this morning. Figured it had something to do with that woman he fancied. He needed a favor from his baby brother and felt guilty about it. He wouldn’t even think of involving him in this mess, but Joe wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. The best way to get Daryl to agree to something was to make him feel obligated, so Merle came up with a plan, “Hey there baby brother. What’s up? You seem a little lost.”
“Just can’t concentrate today. Got a lot on my mind.” He replied.
“Wouldn’t have anything to do with that blonde you’re nailing does it?” Merle laughed and slapped his brother on the back.
“I’m not nailing her Merle. She ain’t’ ready for that. She’s a good friend, and, yeah I’m thinking about her.” He said shyly.
“Well, I’m gonna do ya a solid Darlina. Being as how I’m you foreman, I got some say around here. You’re looking a little sickly and ya should probably go home and rest up, take care of yourself. Maybe even get a doctor to look ya over.”
“What the hell are you doing Merle?”
“You ain’t gonna be worth shit baby brother, if you’re sick and can’t concentrate. Go home or go to Woodbury, hell I don’t care. Just get your mind straight, however ya have to do it.”
“You sure Merle? You’re shitting me, right?”
“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth and get the fuck outta here.” Daryl wasted no time. He knew Yvonne was at work, so he just left a message on her phone, He hadn’t heard from her by the time he pulled into the café parking lot, but he could see her working through the front window. The bell chimed above the door as he walked in and both Amy and Beth looked over at him. Yvonne was with a customer and didn’t notice. He sat at the coffee bar while Amy got him a steaming, hot cup. “Here for Yvonne, I assume? She didn’t tell us you were dropping by.”
“She didn’t know. I left her a message on her phone, but I guess she hadn’t checked it yet.”
“What’s the occasion? You off today?”
“Am now. My foreman took pity on me. Said I looked sick and needed to see a doctor. I’m sure he’s gonna ask me to return the favor, but right now, I don’t care. Ya think it’s possible Yvonne could take the day?”
Amy smiled, “Ya know, she’s been looking a might sickly herself. She might oughtta go home and rest.” And then she was there, standing next to him. “He’s awful sick hon, he came all the way out here to look for a doctor.” Amy told her.
“You’re sick! What’s wrong? Shouldn’t you be at home?” Yvonne was frantic.
“Calm down sweetheart. It’s just a bad case of the ‘missin yous’, Daryl said, slightly appalled by his own corniness.
“Looks like you might be coming down with the same thing, Miss Yvonne. Maybe you and Daryl should go see a doctor. I’m sure Beth and I can cover the crowd.”
“Are you sure, Amy? I wouldn’t want to take advantage of your generosity.”
“I’m not being generous. I just don’t want to catch whatever the hell it is ya’ll are spreading.”
“Okay.” Yvonne put her hand on Daryl’s shoulder. “Let me go get my stuff. I’ll be right back.” When they left the café, Yvonne strolled over to Daryl’s truck. “Uh uh,” he said. “We’re gonna take a walk at that park you was telling me about. It’s a beautiful day, ain’t no excuse to be spending it inside.” He held his hand out to take hers and they walked the three blocks to the small park. There was a nature trail which circled a small lake and the two spent an hour just talking and holding hands. They sat on a bench at the end of the trail. Yvonne laid her head on his shoulder and he put his hand on her knee. They sat in silence till the sun began to set. When Daryl’s stomach began to growl, Yvonne giggled and lightly tapped his tummy. “Sounds like the monster is trying to escape. We must appease him.”
Daryl laughed, “I’m starving. Could go for a big, messy cheeseburger and fries.”
“Sure, drive through good?”
“Yup,” Daryl said and held her hand as they walked to the truck. On the way, she took her phone out and called Caleb’s mom to ask it Michael could spend the night; she didn’t know when she would get home. She could hear the boys yelling in the background excited for the sleepover. No sooner that Daryl stared the truck, his cell phone rang, Merle dammit! “What the fuck Merle! Ya know I’m busy.”
“Yeah, I know little brother, but I need to call in that favor you owe me,” Merle said. He sounded nervous.
“Can’t do it tonight, ya know that. Get me tomorrow.”
“Can’t wait. Joe and the boys are here now. They need to talk to ya. It’s important.”
“No Merle. I appreciate you letting me go today, but I can’t do anything for ya’ll right now.”
“If you don’t get your faggot ass here within the next hour, I’ll beat you to death boy, in front of your woman. When I say it’s important, it’s important!” he growled low into the phone.
“They threating you?” Daryl asked, concern flooding his voice.
“Just get here. We’ll explain then.” Daryl hit the end button and threw the phone in the backseat. “I think Merle’s in trouble. He sounded strange. Says his boys need to talk to me. It can’t be good.”
“Listen, let’s just go find out what they want and then we can go to the diner and get one of those awesome burgers. Michael is taken care of for the night. Everything will be fine,
“I don’t want you anywhere near those guys. You stay in the truck and keep the doors locked, ya hear?”
“Yes Daryl. Not gonna do anything stupid okay.” Thirty-five minutes later, they pulled up to the trailer. All the lights were on and there were beer cans littering the front yard. The sun had set on the road and now it was pitch dark outside. “Do not leave this truck!” Daryl stated flatly and got out. Yvonne locked the doors behind him.
They were all good and drunk by the time Daryl walked in the door. “Hey little D,” Len said, the first to see him walk in. “Haven’t seen you in weeks. Who you been doing?” All the guys laughed their drunk asses off.
Ain’t doing anybody douche-bag.” Daryl spat at him. “What the fuck you want with me Merle?” he yelled into the trailer.
“Not Merle that needs ya Daryl.” Joe came walking into the living room. “We need your help with a little project we’re working on. Need your expertise.”
“Expertise in what?”
“In construction, boy. Your brother says you got a mind for all that architecture shit. The way things are put together. That’s what makes ya such a good mechanic too.” Joe said and motioned for Daryl to sit next to him on the dirty sofa. As Daryl went to sit down, he didn’t notice Len slip out the door and Joe nod at him as he did. “Where’s Merle?” Daryl asked when Joe put his arm around his shoulders and hugged him, like a father would. Joe and Merle were the same age; a good twelve years older than Daryl. The rest of the boys were his age. “He went to get more beer, should be back soon. Let’s talk for a while.”
Daryl had parked the truck in partial shadow away from the trailer, under a tree in the yard. Len spotted it right away. He hid at the side of the house so not to be seen. He could see smoke coming from the passenger side window and lingered for a while watching that slender arm go inside to drag and outside to flick. Yvonne was short, about 5’ 4”, but sitting in that truck for forty-five minutes without moving was taking its toll. Just for a minute, she thought. Everybody’s inside, she thought. As quietly as she could, she stepped out of the truck and closed the door. She lit another cigarette and stretched her body as far as it would go. She didn’t see him coming. He advanced on her like she was prey, which she was. She didn’t see him until his hand shot out and rested on the trucks window, right beside her head. “Hey pretty thing. Why you out here all by yourself? Not a good neighborhood for a woman like you to be alone at night without a man to protect her.” Len leaned into her and licked her neck. She could smell the alcohol seeping from his pores. She struggled to get away, but both his hands grasped her biceps and he held her against the door.
“Stop,” she said quietly, almost calmly. She was anything but calm on the inside. Her heart was racing and she continued to struggle against the man pressing himself against her. “I saw you first bitch, long before little D even walked into that bar. He stole you from me.” His hands began to roam over her beasts, squeezing them roughly. He wedged his knee between her legs. “That’s against the rules. He knows that.” He began biting her neck. “He’s gonna pay for that.” He ripped her shirt open, buttons flew everywhere. He reached behind his back and produced a very long, very sharp knife. “Not a sound outta you or I’ll slash up this pretty face.” He grabbed her by the waist and hauled her from the door to the truck bed. Releasing the tailgate with one hand, he threw her down onto the truck. Grabbing her ankles, he pulled her legs apart and climbed on top of her. She started freaking out and struggled against him harder. She began to beg as he wrenched her arms above her head and began rubbing his erection against her. She started crying. “Little D won’t treat you like this. He’s too much of a pussy to give you what you really need.” He put his lips on hers and forced her mouth open. She took the opportunity and bit down on his invading tongue. He yelled and sat up punching her hard across the face. “I like a woman with fight. Wouldn’t have pegged you for liking the pain, but I ain’t disappointed. I can make it hurt if that’s how ya like it.” She bolted upward and without conscious thought, her right hand came up and landed directly on Len’s nose. Blood started gushing and Yvonne took that moment to push him off her and jump from the truck. She ran to the front and screamed “DARYL!” Two seconds later he almost knocked the door off its hinges running to her. He was followed by everyone else in the trailer, except for Joe.
When he reached her, she was hunched over and shaking violently. He grabbed her by the waist to keep her from falling to the ground. “Yvonne! What happened? Yvonne!” She broke down in his arms and turned to see his face; she had to make sure that it was him and not that psycho trying to finish what he started. When he saw her face, he flew into a rage. Her shirt was ripped open and her face was bruised and bloody. “Who did this? Better tell me woman, Imma kill him.” That dumbass motherfucker Len came around the truck on the driver’s side. “She flipped out man. Nailed me right in the fucking face,” he said as blood continued to drip down his face. Daryl placed Yvonne gently on the ground and leaped onto Len, taking him to the ground with a thud. He beat the man mercilessly, both fists flying. He couldn’t even see the damage Yvonne had done anymore. After a minute or two of just watching the beating, Lew and Dave made their way over to the men. It took both of them to drag Daryl to his feet. Yvonne just sat there in the grass watching everything, trying to wrap her shirt around her.
“I’ll kill you motherfucker! You don’t touch her!” Everything stopped as they heard sirens in the distance getting closer. Everyone was about to take off running until Joe stepped out the door. “Stay put fellas. Nothing here to run from.” It was Rick who exited the vehicle first, he immediately went to Daryl. “What the hell is going on? Got a call about a domestic dispute, some kind of fight.” Shane had stepped out of the car and walked over to where Lew and Dave were holding up Len. “That Goddamn piece of shit tried to rape her Rick! Imma kill him!” Rick held him back as he tried to advance on Len again. “How’s she doing? Go check on her, I’m gonna go talk to the boys. You take care of her. I’ll be back in a minute.” As Rick walked away, Daryl went to her and helped her stand. He hugged her tight and she clung to him like he was her lifeline. “Let’s get you inside,” he said and helped her up the steps and through the front door