Status: active for Now.

When the Dead Come Knocken.


Every time I had closed my eyes the image would pop back in my mind, the man who had most it all and took his own life thinking that he was saving mine. But to be honest, he wasn't saving me. He helped me get closer to Daryl and Merle but it wasn't saving me, he helped me with protection and a tad bit shelter but he wasn't saving me. I was saving me, I was moving forward and I will never give up.

I had driven non stop on a well known road, when I started to get closer I would stop to rest and then start again. Sometimes I would even have to stop in order to let a horde pass by, cutting the engine I would jump in the back seat and cover myself with the largest blanket I had and hoped they would keep going.

It worked for the most part, it worked until I pulled into our drive way. My heart had dropped instantly, merles truck ead gone along with Daryl's bike. The thoughts raced around my head, did they go to new York?

Cutting the engine I made my way slowly into the house, gun ready. They had pretty much emptied out the house of the good supplies leaving me with a few pieces of clothing and some canned goods, along with a note.

"If you read this, which I hope ya do. Find us, we ain't going ta new York. So find us baby doll. Love ya Daryl."
Smirking I looked down to see Merlrs hand writing.

"Can't wait ta see da fine ass of yours again."

Rolling my eyes I folded the paper and slide it into my jeans, taking one more look around I left and went to the back hoping they had left some gas for me.

After rummaging, scuffling and finding what I needed. I was on my way to no where, I sat in my car trying to think of the best place they would go. The bar? No, maybe. Atlanta? I could try that. Pulling out of the drive way I made my way towards the city, hoping that it was nothing like new York.
It was a short drive, but what scared me the most was all of the car abandoned leaving the city and how the highway entering the city was empty. Looking forward and seeing that I was getting closer to the city, I pulled my car onto the side of the road near some bushes.

Grabbing my gun, blade and phone. I made my way into the city. I walked for a while as slow and silently as I could, there wasn't a soul or walker in sight. I eyed the top of the building in search of someone but there was no one.

Turning the corner I froze as I saw a horde of walkers. Their backs were to me giving me a Small chance to turn and walk in the other direction. But as I was doing that a gun shoot caused them to look in my direction. The feet shuffled, their moans grew louder and I turned my back to them as I started in the direction of the gun fire.

Not the smartest idea but better then looking for an escape from walkers, I ran for about two blocks running past a few more Straggler's, my breathe was ragid and my chest hurt. I turned a corner to see a truck pulling off as walkers followed after it, quickly I ran into the building and up to the roof.

I watched the truck leave the city taking all of the walkers with it, the red car followed with its loud alarm.
"Please god you son of a bitch!" My head snapped in the direction of the voice and quickly made my way over, I heard the door groaning and saw the fingers reaching through.

As I got closer to the person my heart skipped.

♠ ♠ ♠
Just because she found Merle doesn't mean anything, it will honestly be a long time until she finds Daryl. A lot of tears, blood shed and heart break before she finds Daryl or before he finds her. :)

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.thank you to my two commenters, you are awesome.