Status: active for Now.

When the Dead Come Knocken.


We had abandoned my car and were now driving the truck, I had no idea how Merle was driving but he was doing pretty good. Given that he only had one hand to drive with.

"So..." He was the first to speak in the past hour.

"What Merle?" I looked over to him and watched him. He kept his eyes on the road the entire time.

"What happen in new York?" He glanced at me and I looked out of the window.

"Death, pretty much. My mom was bit and didn't tell me, instead let her self turn and I had to kill her. I didn't look for anyone, I just wanted to get home." I mumbled as I watched the trees pass by, Merle didn't say anything.

The ride was pretty much silent from there.

"We pull over here and rest." Merle spoke pulling me to kook at him.

"Merle were are we going? Are we going to Daryl?"

Merle chewed his bottom as he leaned back in his seat.

"I ain't goin back there, if I do then I'm kill them. Daryl better off thinking I'm dead right now." He muttered. I quickly grabbed my bag and opened the door.

"How far? How far from here can I make it to him?" I spoke fast. I was ready, I was going to find my husband, My other half.

"Darkin' goin out there now is suicide."

"Tell me Merle!" I had stepped out of the truck and watched him as he looked around.

"Uh, if I'm right it about five miles west of here. You'll come to a quarry and they are at the bottom." He looked at me with. Serious look. "Don't get yourself killed."

Nodding I walked around the truck and started to run through the woods as fast as I could.
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Happy thanksgiving.