Life of the Assassins

Life Of The assassin's Part 2

2 weeks later}... Sapphire is reading a book about battle tactics... the assassin wakes up he sits up fast he yells" OWW FUCK!... Sapphire puts her book down and says" take it easy your hurt enough as it is... the assassin asks" ho are you and where the hell am I?... Sapphire says" my name is Sapphire you are in my hideout ho are you?... the assassin says" my name is Altair and thank you' you saved my life... Sapphire says" it was not just me... the eagle KAAAAAA!... The Wolf Awoo!... the black panther RAAAAAAR!... Altair Freezes and says" those are wiled animal Yet they help you Amazing then Altair Says" Don't Take fences of this But are you Really An assassin?... Sapphire Says Yes I am Why is so hard to Believe?... Altair says it is Because I have Never Meat a Girl assassin Were is your Master he Must be Proud of his a Prentiss... Sapphire says" he Died of old age The Man Saved me From Templars When I was a Child... Altair Says" o I am sorry And What is that? he Points at her weapon... Sapphire says" o this it's a phantom blade My Master Made it For me It's Every useful... Altair Says" It looks it, By the way, how long have I been out For?... Sapphire says" You wore out For 2 Weeks Your Every Lucky I Showed up Altair Why wore they After you any?... Altair says" I killed their caption For Murder... Sapphire says" o Well I Gas I Can Cross that off My Hitlist... Altair Asks May I Pet The wolf?... Sapphire says" if he lets you Saber is Kind of Trick With Strangers... Altair Holds his hand out To let the wolf Small his hand... Saber Grails GRRRRR! He Bares His Teeth at Altair... Altair Looks away From the wolf... Saber Comes down And Sniffs His Hand He Rubes his head agent his hand... Sapphire says" wow your the first man he has ever done that to he must really trust you she smiles at him... Altair says" his fur is soft its the first wolf I half ever seen and touch I gas I could be thankful he did not bit my hand off... Saber walks away and lays down on the floor... Shadow eyes the mail assassin carefully... Altair says" crepe... Sapphire says" sorry she does this all the time with strangers... Altair says" Its Ok I Understand... Sapphire Says" I Need To Change your Bandages Sit up Slowly... Altair Dos And says" Oww oww Fuck... Sapphire Takes the Old Bandages off She looks at his ingress She Sees that Some of them are infected She Gently Cuts them open And Puts Peroxide on them... Altair Yells FUCK! He Lens Forward But he stays still... Sapphire says" Their Done and sorry... Altair Lays Back Down and says" its alright Thank you O and Could you Teach me how to Us That?... Sapphire says" yes I can but ill half to Make you a phantom blade But For Now, You Need to Rest... {Heard Nocks On the Door}... Sapphire Grabs her phantom blade And Points it at the Door She Yells" Identify Your self Or Ill Shoot!... Saber Grails GRRRRR!... The Person says" its Ruanda I have Letters... Sapphire says" Then Leave them on my doorstep and Leave Or all Sent My Hound after you... Ruanda Puts the Letters Down and runs away... Sapphire says" Ko Get the Letter Ko Fly's Out the window And gets them... she sighs and puts her weapon down... Altair asks" are you ok?... Sapphire says" yes I am fine it's hard for me to trust people sometimes... Altair says" I can understand why thou... Sapphire Says" It Will be a while before you can Move around on your own So Try not To Push Your self-ok Altair?... Altair says alright I will Try not to Sapphire and thank you again... Sapphire says" don't mention it Altair... 3 weeks later}... Altair is fooled healed he can know move around Altair says" So Wen do we start?... Sapphire says" First Let me Make you A phantom blade She Go's Outside She Puts Some Pease's Together Then she says" Follow Me... Altair Fallows Sapphire... Sapphire stops and says" here Put it on and Fire it at the targets over their... Altair Dos As he is Told
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{Eagle}...{assassin}...{assassinated}...{phantom blade}...{Raven}...{Ron}...(woman)...(loyal)...(Daughter)