Sequel: A Light In The Dark

Type X

Type X - Chapter 15

A terribly loud sound went off behind us and the door that we had come in through shattered in a burst of bright orange flame while the stone wall that we had been pressed against shook and leaned forward in a way that something that hard shouldn’t have. In the initial explosion everyone in the room was thrown to the ground. I landed hard on my stomach and Fallon fell right beside me, his arm resting over my back. The flames quickly died down due to the lack of wood or any burnable material and the air had become thick with smoke and dust.

Every single one of the vampires looked dazed but they also seemed aware of something that us humans weren’t, and they were rapidly coming out of their stupor. Fallon thought quickly and stood up, hauling my own body with him. “Run Eadan!” I was shocked for a few seconds but I listened to him and ran for the wood door, which thankfully hadn’t gotten destroyed by the sudden explosion.

I ran to the door and grabbed the handle, hoping that it would be unlocked, and when I tugged on it it actually squeaked open. After I ran through the door I turned, ready to slam it shut, but I had to wait for Fallon. He was running to the door but right on his heals was an extremely angered vampire by the look on their face. When Fallon reached the doorway he grabbed hold of the door and together we pushed it shut before Fallon locked it quickly.

“That was close,” I said breathing a little heavier after that. All of a sudden the door pulled on it’s hinges as another explosion hit the building. Fallon nodded then looked behind us and sure enough we were in another hallway. This building confused me more than anything; one minute your in a beautiful Grand Hall and the next your walking down a dingy, cold, dark hallway with a rotted wooden door as an entrance.

Without warning a pale hand shot through the bottom of the wood door and shards of sharp wood were sent flying in all directions. Fallon swiftly wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me away from the door before the hand could grab a hold of my ankle. In the quick movement he managed to trip and we both fell to the ground, both of us landing on our backsides and me sitting between his legs. The vampire continued to make a bigger hole in the door in order to squeeze itself into the hallway causing Fallon to scramble backwards and drag me with him.

“Come on!” He said when we had moved far enough away from the door. We heaved ourselves off of the ground and made our way down the hallway with a quick pace. Fallon spotted a door on the left side of the narrow hall and came to a halt in front of it before opening the door and heading blindly into wherever it led. We really had no other choice really due the hallway ending only a few feet after the door and it was the only one there. We came into yet another hallway.

“Oh give me a break!” Fallon shouted, clearly frustrated at this maze of hallways and doors. He grabbed my hand before heading to the left not wanting to go too deep into the building and risk getting lost. The air had started to get dusty again and I coughed while the smoke stung my eyes slightly. In the second that I had to close my eyes Fallon came to a quick halt and I ran into his back before snapping my eyes open and looking around him. Somehow we had managed to get back to the room all of the vampires had been in, though we were standing on the other side, and the wall was completely gone. The right wall was missing too and I could see that it clearly led to world outside. It was dark out but I could still the trees surrounding the building.

I was about to smile and run forward but something in front of us stopped that from happening. It was the elder vampire that had wanted so badly to consume us. The vampire looked even more fragile now due to the blasts and explosions but both Fallon and I knew that it was still extremely dangerous. Before I could even blink the vampire lunged at us and latched onto Fallon. The sudden force pushed Fallon backwards and when he knocked into me I was pushed roughly to the side.

As I fell to the ground I saw Fallon trying to hold off the vampire much like how I had tried to hold off the one that had attacked me after I left Blake’s study. My head suddenly hit something hard when I landed on the stone floor. White spots starting dancing before my eyes, obscuring the scenes around me, and I felt slightly dizzy despite the fact that I was lying on the floor. Fallon yelled in pain as the vampire managed to dig it’s teeth into the base of his arm. I snapped my head around, ignoring the sudden pain, and stared at the two in horror.

I tried so hard to get up but my body wouldn’t cooperate. And that’s when I saw them. They were standing only ten feet away, watching everything with large eyes, before they turned their gaze on me. I wasn’t sure whether I should have felt happy that they were there or sad that they would probably want to simply stand back and watch as Fallon got killed by the hungry creature on top of him. The person standing there was none other than Blake.

“Blake,” I called to him in a weak voice. He looked like he was ready to run to my side but I shook my head and pointed a shaky finger at Fallon and the vampire. “Please, save him.” I didn’t care about me. If I had died there that moment I wouldn’t care. All I wanted right now was to see Fallon safe and I prayed that Blake would do what I begged him to do. He watched me with undecided eyes but when he saw the tears in my own eyes he ran forward.

He quickly wrapped his arms around the elder vampire’s mid-section and pulled him roughly off of Fallon. He had blood dripping down his chest when he sat up but he didn’t show any pain on his face as he looked up at Blake who was easily securing the old vampire despite the fight it was putting up. I watched as they both looked each other in the eye and something passed between them. It was almost like they were talking with their minds and some sort of understanding passed from one to the other.

As Blake headed off down the hallway, dragging the irritated vampire with him, Fallon quickly stood and made his way over to me. He lightly put his hand to my head and when he drew it away I could see bright red blood on his finger tips. Worry washed over his face as he looked down at me and then gently picked me up, trying to be as careful as he could be. My hands rested in my lap, my arms too weak to keep them around Fallon’s neck, and my head rested against his chest.

I could faintly see everything around me. Most of the vampires were still in the room but there were new figures as well. They were dressed in all black with masks covering their faces, and I could clearly see that they were fighting against the vampires. Fallon made his way over to the collapsed wall and jumped down to the ground, grunting in pain as my head pressed painfully against the wound the vampire had inflicted upon him. I could feel my blood along with Fallon’s soaking my hair and the back of my shirt.

Through my half opened eyes I saw three figures approach us and I recognized them as the people dressed in black. Surely they were here to rescue us for they were trying to kill the vampires. Two of them had white bands around their arms I noticed while the other was wearing much nicer and intricate clothing, though it was still black. “Are you injured?” One of them asked Fallon with a formal tone to his voice.

“I’m fine, but she has a bad head wound,” Fallon spoke out of breath.

“Should we take her to the infirmary Captain?” One of the men with a white band asked and both of them looked to the third man waiting for his decision. I could hardly see anything by now and my head was throbbing due the immense pain.

“No, I’m going to take her with me.” He said. I felt the man’s arms slip around my body and begin to tear me away from Fallon. I reached up and tried to hold onto Fallon, not wanting to be taken away from him and he was trying to do the same, but the men with the white bands grabbed him and started pulling him away. Faintly I could hear Fallon calling my name but my senses were starting to dull.

I reached out my arm. I tried to grab a hold of him but my hand kept slipping down his arm until I got to his wrist and was able to grasp the tag that the vampires had put on each of us. The plastic band however, being slightly burnt and worn down, snapped and the tag fell away from his wrist but I managed to wrap my fingers around it. I felt his arm slip away and he called my name one more time but I had already slipped into unconsciousness.


My eyes slowly fluttered open and the first thing I felt was a dull pain on the back of my head. My vision was blurry but after blinking a few times it cleared up. I looked up at the dark sky above me, staring at the bright moon in the sky and the stars keeping it company. The next thing I noticed were the trees moving by so quickly. It confused me how they could be moving but when my body was thrown upward off the floor I realized that I was the one that was moving.

I looked at what I was lying on to find I was in the bed of an army looking vehicle with a blanket underneath me. “Hello love,” Someone next to me said and they leaned over me so I could see them. It was the Captain. A confused look passed over my face for I didn’t know where I was going or who this person was. “I’m so glad your awake.”

His hand reached up to the mask on his face before pulling down. He looked young, but he gave off the feeling that he was older than he looked, and he had unusually thick, dark brown hair. My attention was caught by his eye though. They were a bright gold color and they shined in the darkness almost like the moon in the sky just above his head, but his pupils weren’t the regular circles like they should have been. The dark onyx pupils of his eyes were narrow slits much like a cats. A sly grin formed on his face, and it was then that something clicked in my mind and I realized what this man and the others like him were.

They were werewolves.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I definently had fun writing that because I started it at 11 pm and finished it at 12:30 pm last night. But, and I probably should have warned all of my dear readers, can anyone guess what's so special about this chapter? That's right everyone, this was the last chapter! Of course there is a sequel and I'm calling it A Light In The Dark, but I don't know when I'm going to start on it. Probably soon but there's no telling for sure. The sequel is also more focused on werewolves instead of vampires, but that doesnt mean that a certain vampire won't be in the sequel. (that is if he lived after the werewolves attacked)

So yeah, be sure to comment and tell me what you thought of the story. I'm sorry it was so short but I still Thank You all for reading!