Status: Love's a game, wanna play?

Blank Space


Maybe it's a good thing I started school on a Friday. None of my teachers wanted to get me started until Monday. So my day was spent glancing at classmates doing their make-up assignments, or taking a test. The downside of waiting it out to start school, is leaving students with curiosity of why I didn't want to start when I was suppose to.

I've been pacing my way around the cafeteria wondering where to sit. I hope I'm not going to have to eat lunch in the restroom stalls like a loser.
I spotted a table in the corner to the cafe window. The sunlight was blinding to the table, I figure no one would enjoy sitting at a table that can make you blind as you go to bite you chicken patty. It's probably for the best if I sat with the junior/senior class to my back, so I can enjoy my lunch without being self-conscious about the way I bite into my food or slurp my strawberry milk. Maybe this would be a good time to check in with my mother.
As I leaned down to reach in my backpack for my phone, I was startled by someone poking my shoulder. I quickly whipped my head around to see the blonde girl I tried to greet earlier.

"Unless you want to be embarrassed your first day of school, move." She bossed. I furrowed my brows towards her. Is she suppose to be the bully of the private school?

"What, are you going to be the one to embarrass me?" I sassed back to her. She didn't do anything but grin.

"That's cute, new girl got a back bone. I'm confused if I should invite you to sit with the coolest kids in school, or leave you here for Audra to chew you out." She took a step back and glanced at me. I think this is the part where I pick my things up and follow her. I mean, she basically invited me to sit with her. Sorta. I'm not passing up this opportunity.

I quickly rose and slung my backpack on my shoulder and gripped onto my tray.

"Good choice."

She led me to another lunch table, a smaller one, on the opposite side of the lunch room. I seen a blonde boy diving into his lunch, as if he never ate a chicken patty before.

"This pig right here, is Toby." She smacked the back of his head playfully. He turned his head around to the girl, but his eyes landed on me. I couldn't help but to smile, yes he was cute, but he has ketchup on his chin and he's looking at me like I'm the chicken patty he's enjoying. "You have ketchup on your chin, that's why she's smiling at you." She rolled her eyes at the boy. Embarrassed, he reached for a napkin to wipe his mess.

"I'm Monica." I introduced as he checked his reflection with his phone to see if the mess is gone.

"You're the new girl, I heard about you today in gym." He nodded and dove into his french fries next. It was an instinct to sit next to him and wait for me to tell me what was said.

"In case you didn't know, newbie here cares about what people say about her." The blonde girl sat next to Toby and helped herself to some fries.

"They weren't saying anything bad about her. Just Luke's friends were talking about how she has a nice body, and Luke said he'll have to see for himself." He spoke with his mouth full. I could feel my pink cheeks shade into red. I leaned forward to see the blonde trying to hold back a smile.

"What's so funny? Who's Luke?" I asked her shyly, fearing for her reply.

"I'm not pointing him out to you. Just know, stay away from anyone guy named Luke. Audra, will make your life a living hell." She giggled. I don't understand what's so funny. Who's Audra? How am I suppose to stay clear of Luke if I don't know what he looks like?

"You need more salt on your fries." She said getting up from her seat, leaving to go get salt for the fries I'm assuming.

This is my opportunity.

"Toby, will you tell me who Audra is? How am I suppose to avoid people I never seen? And the girl who introduced me to you, she never told me her name." I quickly dished out the questions before she comes back.

"Slow down killer," He laughed, "her name is Nora. Audra, she's beyond tan. You'll know her when you see her, she's orange. You don't get on her bad side, it's the worse thing to do. Trust me." I nodded, I should've wrote this down. Nora made it back to the table with five packets of salt. I watched as she ripped the packets and loaded the fries with salt. He forgot one of my questions.

"What about Luke?" I whispered the question to him, too shy for Nora to sarcastically answer me. I watched him glare behind me, and looked back at me.

"Luke is the guy with the lip ring, in the red plaid shirt, staring you down." He whispered back. I felt my whole face turn red.

"Should I just not look?" I asked. I seen Nora lean backwards to peek into our conversation.

"You're going to have to look, he's coming this way. More likely to talk to you." She smirked.
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