Status: Getting into writing again and working on my NaNoWriMo entry

Little Star

Life Story

Everyone stood in silence for what felt like an eternity to Celestia. Was it really so strange, what she’d said? Then again she wouldn’t know what could be considered a “normal” reaction since these were the first people other than family members that she had ever told. She whistled softly and she rocked back and forth on her heels, waiting for someone to say something. Eric seemed to be quicker on the uptake then the other two vamps and was the first to move; and by move that means he, once again, grabbed Celestia up by the throat and pressed her against the wall, though she wasn’t sure from this angle if it was the same wall.

No longer having to hide the facts of her heritage, Celestia easily stopped her breathing, since it really wasn’t all that necessary a bodily function, and let her fangs drop down, smiling amusedly up at the fanged blonde male. “Well I think this is probably a better reaction than I could have gotten. Do you have some sort of kink with necks and walls or is that a vampire thing? Cause I don’t think I have that but maybe it’s because I’m only half vampire. Then again if it really did matter that much how much of a vampire I am then I don’t think I would be able to do this!”

Before Eric could open his mouth to retort to all her incessant questions, his grip on her throat was empty. She was gone. His eyes widened in surprise before he spun around at the sound of an amused giggle behind him. Celestia was sitting atop the bar swinging her legs back and forth in a very child-like manner, and cheerful smile spread across her lips. “How did you do that?” He growled out, stalking toward her. She easily hopped off the bar before he got too close and danced gracefully away from him, weaving in and out of chairs and tables.

“The same way vampires get their special abilities. It was passed down to me from my….Maker? Hm, not sure if that’s what you call him since I’m not a full vampire, but I guess we can go with that for now. I should ask him what I should call him next time we have out centennial meeting.” She muttered absentmindedly as she quickly moved around Eric who moved to grab at her again.
“Stand still!” He scolded angrily as she continued to evade him.

Celestia raised an eyebrow at him and shook her head. “Nah, don’t think so. Not that it bothers me much but I don’t really like being man-handled by people younger than me. It’s a pride thing, I think I get that from my Maker too.”

Everyone’s eyebrows, even Sookie’s, perked up at her words. Bill was the one to ask the question they were all now wondering about. “Exactly how old are you?”

Celestia tisked him gently. “A gentleman should never ask a lady her age.” She laughed at the look Bill gave her about questioning his gentlemanly nature. “I know Sookie is curious too since I’ve never had this conversation with her so I guess I’ll tell you. I’ll be turning 1,652 in July.”

All three vampires present looked at her with surprise and disbelief and while they weren’t really paying attention, Celestia moved quickly over to Eric, standing on the tips of her toes to get a good wiff of his scent before dancing away when he tried to swat at her. “Hm, yup, only about a thousand years on you.” She looked briefly at Pam and Bill. “And I won’t even get started on the younglings in the room.”

Pam was beyond unimpressed by being called a youngling and she bared her thick fangs at the black-haired woman, who simply stuck her tongue out at her childishly. Eric said something to her in another language and she retracted her fangs and left with a rather large Asian vampire that appeared out of nowhere. Celestia paid the newcomer no mind, she didn’t really care who he was or where they were going. After Pam’s departure, Eric fully focused on Celestia. “How is someone like you even possible? And did you say you were part fairy?”

Celestia smiled. “I was wondering when you were gunna notice that little bit of information.” She said, motioning to the stools along the bar. It was a complicated story and she at least thought everyone should be comfortable for it.

“My full name is Celestia Brigant. My mother had a sexual relationship with Fintan Brigant, the Prince of the Fae kingdoms. She was pregnant with me when she was savagely attacked by some outsiders from the neighboring villages. She was left to bleed to death in the middle of the forest. My Maker found her, nearly dead, and for whatever reason took pity on her and the child she was carrying. He fed her his blood and she lived to give birth to me months later. I don’t think he knew the consequences of his actions back then, and as far as I know I am the only one like this. I grew much faster than other children and many called me a demon and a witch for the powers and abilities that I displayed at a young age. It wasn’t until I was about six years old that the man my mother was living with tried to drown me, thinking me a demon. It was on that day that I first realized I had no real need to breath.

“I killed the man who tried to drown me, it was my first and last kill. I have no real need to feed on human blood and TruBlood does nothing for me nutrition-wise, but if I am injured I will heal faster with a fresh dose of blood. I stopped aging when I reached approximately 26 years of age but since I aged faster than most humans I was technically only about 17 years old when the aging process ceased. I traveled around, doing odd jobs for money, until I ran into my Maker again. I in my 60’s at the time and apparently he had been looking for me because he could sense me, like a Maker can their Childe, even though I was not fully vampire. He helped me, got me settled in a safe place, gave me enough money to care for myself until I could get myself a proper job. We meet up every century or so to catch up, he is rather busy especially with the Great Revelation and all this mainstreaming stuff.

“I never did get to meet the man you gave me my fairy inheritance but that is because Fintan was killed in the civil war in the Fairy Kingdom long ago. Nial Brigant, my grandfather, found me when I was about 600 years old, and he taught me how to better control the light I had inside of me. Up to that point I had been trying to live with the weirdness factor of being able to see aura’s and sense people and animals and the like. He was a great help to me back then.

“Sookie knows me because my mother went on to have other children and that bloodline eventually turned into the Stackhouse family line. I have looked after the Stackhouse family for as long as I can remember, but Sookie has a special place in my heart because she is so gifted. I was able to help her with her telepathy a few years ago, allowing her to better shield herself from the harsh thoughts of those around her. I don’t really have a home, I mostly just move from place to place and have enough money to keep 200 people living comfortably for the rest of their lives. So yea, that’s my life in a nutshell.”

Celestia could practically see the wheels in Eric’s head turning as he stared at her unabashedly. She smiled sweetly at him and tilted her head to the side slightly, waiting to see what he had to say. She did move her eyes away from him for a moment to focus her senses outward, feeling that the sun would soon be rising. “As much fun as this has been, you will have to go to ground shortly.” As she said this, Pam and the random Asian vamp returned covered in mud. Celestia raised an eyebrow at them and Pam scowled.

“The area has been scanned.” The blonde female stated coldly, glaring up at her Maker who had since gotten up from the stool he had been using for story time. Celestia moved over to Sookie, pulling the girl to her for a hug.

“I need to be heading out, baby girl, but I think I might stick around for a bit.” Celestia glanced back at Eric who had turned to look at her when she said she was leaving. “Seems this place is a lot more interesting than my little hole-in-the-ground.”

Sookie made her promise to come over to the house the next day so that they could talk and she could tell by the way Eric watched her that she would most certainly be getting a visit from the tall blonde sooner or later, if the intrigued way he watched her was any indication. Just before she walked out of the hole that had once been a door, she turned and smirked at Pam. “Oh, Pam.” Said female looked at her, well more like glared at her. “Those were nice pumps.” Her laughter followed her out of the establishment and was swallowed up by the coming dawn.
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Woot! Three chapters in one day! So maybe only getting one, maybe two chapters in tomorrow since I have to work on getting another chapter for NaNoWriMo out but I will do my very best! Have a good night peeps!