Behind Bars

The Flash Back

"it was just a dream. It was just a dream" I kept saying over and over to myself.
The reality of it was that it wasn't only just a dream. Dylan was still in prison, My mom had gotten worse with beating me. My brother had went off the deep end.
I was still in the same boat as I was the day they took him, but only worse. My mom had taken up drinking and my brother was into some really bad shit. Stuff I hated with a passion. He was always high on coke and always shooting up heroin. I couldn't wait for the day Dylan was out, just so I could get away from all of this.

Dylan's POV:
"you fucking piece of shit whore, I told you I loved you. I even told you I wanted to marry you! and I come home and catch you with some sleaze bag in my bed?" I said as I stood in the doorway of my bedroom door. The only girl I ever really thought about marrying and having kids with, and she fucking cheats on me. I couldn't hold back the anger anymore.
I just let me fury unleash, like the devil had just taken over. I knew what I was doing, I knew I could stop anytime I wanted. But truth is I didn't really want too.
"Dylan please stop, im sorry" she wined at me but I didn't really care how sorry she really was. I looked over in the corner of the room to see that fag she was with knocked out cold. Soon she was too.
As soon as I realized what a mess I had made from all of my anger and how badly I had beaten the two. I called the only true friend I ever really had in the world.
"Becca, you were right she was no good for me. I think I killed them. I don't know what to do" I was almost crying. I knew if the cops came Id go to jail. I couldn't go to jail. Were in the middle of making an album. The fans would be devastated.
"Them who?" She finally replied "Britni and the fag she was with in my bed" just thinking about it pissed me off even more and made we want to continue with them, until they were done for good.
"can you please help me? Becca what do I do. oh my god I can hear the cops outside. im going to go to jail. oh god" I kept going. I didn't want to go to jail.
"Dylan, please whatever you do, DO NOT run from them" She said as I hung up the phone.
I slowly made my way to the front of the house, and opened the front door.
I put my hands over my head and walked down the porch, about five police officers came running to me handcuffed me and made sure I didn't have any weapons on me.
As they finished searching me they dragged me to one of the police cars. As we were driving away I saw her, and it hit me like a freight train.