Boys of Summer

My Cousin is in McFly

Hotel Room, Blackburn, UK
April 25th
12:33 AM

Harry sighed as he sat in the hotel room, smiling at the boys sitting around him as they talked about their awesome show. He considered adding his own opinion on the audience and their amazingness when he felt his mobile phone vibrate in his pocket. He picked it up, slipping outside the room and onto the balcony to get better reception.

""ello," he asked, not bothering to check the Caller ID. The phone was too damn small to read anyway.

"Harry," he heard a familiar voice question.

"Dani," he asked, amazed. He wasn't expecting her to call.

"Oui, you silly boy!"

"Dani," he laughed, ecstatic to hear his cousin's voice. "How are you," he questioned, smiling.

"Oh, I'm fine, just very bored and wondering what you're up to," she said.

He smirked, "Avoiding your homework, then?"

"Biology is quite possibly the most boring subject in the world; that's all I have to say on the matter." Harry laughed again, imagining his younger cousin sitting in a biology room staring at some hag of a teacher, doodling in her notebook and sleeping.

"Well, I am currently on tour," Harry said.

"Oh, are you now?"

"Yup," he responded smugly. She was always curious about his band, since she hadn't been able to come and meet them.

"Did you just have a show or is this one of those traveling nights?"

"We just had a show."

"Good show?"

"Amazing," he replied, smiling. "Quite possibly the best so far on this tour."

Suddenly, someone rammed into the glass door behind Harry, causing him to jump and almost drop the phone. He laughed when he turned to see his band mates squished against the door, pounding as Tom yelled for Harry to come back to bed. "What was that," his cousin asked apprehensively.

"My mates, they just ran into a glass door," Harry explained, rolling his eyes at the rest of McFly.

"They sound bright," Dani replied, and he could tell she had just rolled her eyes as well.

"They aren't, I know." Dans laughed and Harry smiled as he thought of all the times he and Dani had laughed on the phone, "I miss you, Dans."

"I miss you too, when are you coming to the States?"

"Not for a while; we haven't gotten many breaks coming our way. A little interview/promotional bit in June and July and then... say, when're you getting off for summer holiday?"

"I don't know, mid-June I think. That's when it usually is."

"What would you say, then," Harry said, wondering if he should even offer was he watched Dougie start to jump on the bed and try to kick Danny in the face. "What would you say," he asked, turning away from the spectacle so he wouldn’t think twice about his offer, "If you came, and spent some of your holiday with me? I'll be promoting and interviewing a bunch, but you can come along, and we'd have a lot of time off anyway. You can meet the boys, finally."

"Like, come and stay with you for, say, two weeks," Dans asked, and he could hear the excitement in her voice.

"Yeah, sounds about right."

"Harry, I love you," Dani said, and he laughed.

"Do you think your mum would let you?"

"My mom would, my dad... might."

"Well, who will you be with for the first few weeks of your holiday?"

"Dad," she said, sounding quite dejected.

"Chin up, give him a ring and ask if he'd let you come and stay with me and the boys. You know he'd give you anything," Harry replied, smiling.

"Yeah, but it's the only time I get to see him all summer, except for my birthday. He won't be too thrilled about that."

"Screw it if he's thrilled, as long as he lets you come."

Dani laughed, "I'll give him a call now and call you back."

"I might not answer," Harry warned, "I might be showering."

"Showering? I thought you gave that up."

He smiled as he started to make his way back to the hotel room, "I have to do it every once and a while, especially when we're on tour. I get all sweaty on stage."

"Mm, tasty."

"The screaming girls think so," Harry countered.

"Ew, you have weird fans."

"Don't make fun of our fans. I've got to go, though. Call your da!"

"Yes sir," Dani responded, closing her cell phone and, Harry could only hope, calling her father.

He sighed as he walked back into the room, trying not to laugh at the wrestling match that Tom and Danny had seen fit to start as Dougie continued to bounce on the bed, "Lads, I have some exciting news!"

Tom and Danny paused in the midst of their match, turning their attention to him, "Yeah?"

"What," Dougie questioned, still bouncing.

"You know my cousin, Dani?"

"The one you talk to all the time-"

"And squeal like a fan girl when she calls?"

"I don't squeal," Harry protested Danny's accusation. Harry shook the hair out of his eyes, "Anyway, what would you all say if she went with us as we promoted this summer?"

"That could be fun," Tom considered, untangling himself with Danny and tapping his chin in thought.

"Yeah, but she'd have to not mind sleeping on our moldy couch," Danny said, referring to the absolutely ghastly couch that Danny and Harry had in their apartment.

"I think I'd rather she slept in my room with me; Lord knows what you'll do to her otherwise."

"We'll bother you more than we'll bother her," Dougie countered.

"If she sleeps on that couch, I can guarantee you'll sit on her."

"But would that be bothersome," Dougie wondered, pausing in his jumping for a moment to consider whether or not being sat on while trying to sleep would be bothersome.

"Well, Harry, if that's all that you have to say, I think my adrenaline has finally completely passed through my body. G'night, then," Tom said, walking out of the room as he yawned overdramatically.

"That was a weird way to say it, 'passed through my body,'" Danny muttered as he followed Tom out of the room.

It was only when Dougie and Harry heard two distinct door slams that Dougie finally asked something that Harry wondered if he actually meant to be a question, "What'll your cousin do, then, when we're hanging out?"

"I was thinking that she'd hang out with us," Harry said, his eyebrows rising in slight confusing. What else would she do?

"But won't she feel awkward? We joke about... streaking and getting drunk."

"Dougie," Harry said, leaning against the dresser opposite the bed Dougie was standing on, "My cousin isn't a dainty bird; she's a clever bitch with tough skin. That's why I love her," Harry smiled.

"What makes her so great, then? What makes her so tough?"

Harry laughed, "Mate, she spent most of her holidays growing up with me; she's gotta be pretty tough to be able to stand a teenage me." Just then, his mobile phone vibrated in his hand. "Hold on, then, got to take this." Harry walked out onto the balcony, leaving Dougie alone with his thoughts.

Dougie sighed as he let his legs slip out from underneath him, landing on his bed and bouncing as he tried to picture the idea that Harry had painted. Some bint, walking around and laughing at jokes about poo just like she was one of the boys.

Dougie shook his head, a light smile gracing his face as he looked outside and saw Harry jumping up and down. Guess the bird is coming. But he still couldn't imagine it; laughing and relaxing with some girl like she was his a boy. It wouldn't ever happen. She wouldn't last a week with the McFly boys.

Harry was smiling proudly as he walked back through the door, messing up Dougie's hair along the way, "Night, Dougie."

"Night, Harry," Dougie called back, watching as Harry strode confidently out the door, and walking into the hotel room directly across from his.

Dougie shook his head again as he let himself fall back against the bed; never happening.

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Dorm Room, California, USA
April 24th
7:48 PM

I smiled to myself as I closed my phone, fresh from my conversation with Harry. My father had said I could go, under the condition that Harry never lets me out of his sight, and that I spend a week at home with him before I went. I had expected worse, to tell the truth. I may be a daddy's little girl, but my dad is also very pushy about the time he gets to spend with me.

My mom'll be thrilled though; she's been annoyed that I haven't been able to see Harry lately. She's always complaining that I don't see her side of the family enough, especially my older cousin, who had been like a brother to me growing up. It was her conspiracy theory number one: my father is attempting to dismember me from my British family.

I sighed as I remembered all the conspiracy theories my parents had developed since the divorce. It drove me a little crazy, actually, how against each other they were. I never get vacations anymore because all I'm doing is trying to convince whichever parent I'm with that the other is not trying to steal me away forever.

"Making plans for the summer holiday, then," my roommate questioned from the other side of the room, leafing through her magazine and looking as bored as humanly possible.

"Yeah," I said, glancing down at the Biology homework on my lap with distaste. "I'm going to visit my cousin in England."

"England, aye? What part of England?" My roommate, Josie, was British, which always proved to be fun. She actually might know about Harry's band. It never occurred to me before, but it would be the ultimate test to prove whether or not they're as famous as Harry continuously claims they are.

"London, that's where he and his band mates live."

"Band mates? He's in a band," Josie questioned, putting down her magazine. I rolled my eyes; she never took any interest in what I had to say. I don't know why she's paying attention now; she isn't that in to music. Although I do know why she doesn't pay attention to a lot of things I say.

It's a stupid reason, really; I'm a junior, and she's a senior. And, since she is a senior, she shouldn't even have to look at any of the lowerclassmen, which includes me, even though I'm technically an upperclassman.

Really she's just kind of snotty and looking for any reason for someone to be below her. Boys are below her because they're apparently the weaker sex; most girls are beneath her because they're uglier than her; the ones who are prettier are beneath her because their beauty isn't natural.

No one ever bothers to tell her that she's one of the most unnatural girls on campus. The amount of hairspray she uses has created a small hole in the Ozone layer above our room. It's quite a pain, actually.

"Yeah, maybe you've heard of them. They call themselves McFly." There was a pause for a moment, and I wondered if I hadn't been speaking loud enough for her to hear me passed this mountain of a text book in my lap. "I said-"

Then there was the scream. And when I say scream, I mean a full-out window-breaking, earth-shattering, fan-girl scream. This was a scream that could end the world. I guess they really are quite popular, at least with the girls who fancy themselves better than everyone else.

"YOUR COUSIN IS IN MCFLY," she squealed at me, leaping off of her bed.

"Will you be quiet, you're going to make Kathy come and shut you up!"

"Which one is your cousin," she squealed, a little quieter when I mentioned our dorm head.


But it didn't matter; Josie is a doer, not a sit-and-asker. So, taking the initiative, she reached towards my desk and took my cell phone. "Hey, give that back," I said, diving for it and missing terribly. I ended up falling onto the floor, giving myself a nasty rug-burn.

I got back up only to see Jose rapidly searching my phonebook before reaching a number and pushing call, "Danny? Danny Jones!?"

"You weirdo, give me that," I said, snatching my phone out of her hands, checking whose number she had just called. "You just screamed at my ex-boyfriend!" I quickly hung up the phone, shoving it into my back pocket so it would be out of her reach. "Will you calm down?"
"Which one is your cousin," Josie cried/begged.

"Harry, HARRY is my cousin," I said, grabbing my biology text book and settling back down on my bed.

"Harry Judd is your cousin?!" she whispered excitedly.

"No, Harry Potter," I replied sarcastically, trying to remember if his last name was Judd or not. He's always just been Harry.

"Girls," we heard a warning voice call outside of our room; floor prefect. "Study hall doesn't end for another hour and a half, so I suggest you calm down."

"Yes Maggie," I responded, knowing that Josie wouldn't be saying anything since her jaw was halfway between her head and the floor.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Cause I didn't know you were crazy for my cousin," I replied. Okay, so it didn't even occur to me that she might know him, much less be crazy for him; I just assume Harry exaggerates his fame when he talks about the crazy things his fans do.

"Why isn't your last name Judd?"

"Because his father is my mother's brother, now will you be quiet, I have to get this work done," I said curtly. I'm also kind of annoyed; why does she suddenly care about my life now? Because my cousin is famous? He's just Harry for heaven's sake.

I sighed a few minutes later as I closed my Biology book, "So, Harry really is huge in Britain, huh?"

"Huge is an understatement; everyone knows McFly."

"You're exaggerating," I predicted. But then again, if she loves them THIS much, it could all really work out in my favor.

"Maybe a little, but they are really famous. They've set a world record. All of their songs hit number one on our billboard charts. Why don't you know all this if he's your cousin," Josie asked, eyeing me skeptically.

"I really just thought he was lying to me. He's always tried to come of bigger than he really is," I said, falling back onto my bed and staring up at the ceiling, amazed. Harry, my Harry, is the drummer of a band that people actually know about. How surreal.

But as I glanced over at Josie, I noticed her smirking; oh god, that smirk is evil. I'm telling you all right now that Josie's smirk wants to eat me. It thinks I look tasty. And the last time I saw it her friends had gotten bored and painted my pillow with rubber cement. I asked her if they had, too, because I smelled it. I didn't ask about my pillow specifically, but I asked if she'd been using it. She lied to me, of course.

So, I'm going to assume she has no clue who the hell McFly is. Damn, I got kind of excited. She put on a nice show for this one, I'll tell you that much. A damn great show. She even called my ex-boyfriend and asked if he was part of the band. No doubt I'll have an awkward time explaining that tomorrow. She's an evil genius...

or a really lucky bitch.