Boys of Summer


Hotel, UK
July 12th
11:13 PM

I sighed as I lay in bed that night, the image of Dani's furious face burned into my mind's eye, the scene of this morning's slight catastrophe replaying in the background. I couldn't seem to shake it off, why had she been so angry? She was saying it wouldn't work, I was just agreeing!


But still, I wanted to go talk to her. I felt this strange urge to apologize and admit to being an asshole, because I'm sure I was. I just don't know why or how, but I don't doubt that I was. My previous words that I'd said I don't know when, but were posted everywhere on the internet, rang in my ears when I tried to figure out my urge to apologize.

I'm a lame boyfriend... I just do whatever they tell me to do.

But I'm not her boyfriend, I told myself, There is a HUGE difference between boyfriend and a simple kiss. And I do NOT get whipped because of a semi-decent kiss. Impossible.

Even as I said the words to myself, I knew I had screwed myself into fancying Dani when I took her out yesterday. I couldn't deny it to myself, though I would profusely refute the fact should it come up in an everyday conversation.

Besides, I wouldn't ever act on it. I couldn't. Harry'd kill me, Dani would laugh at me, Danny would be hurt, and there's only a slim chance that Tom would be supportive. Acting on it would end in utter humiliation for me, and I've had enough humiliation.

Therefore, since I can't tell her, I can't apologize, which I still want to do, even though I've done nothing wrong to my knowledge.

Groaning, I turned on my side, cuddling into my pillow, imagining it wasn't a starched, stiff hotel pillow, but my pillow from home or, better yet, Dani's tempting torso.

For a moment, Danny's words from the first day replayed in my ears, when he admitted to me that he liked Dans.

"Dani is not someone I will fancy for long. You'll see, nothing will come of this.
Oh, that worked out real well, didn't it Danny?

Hotel Room, UK
July 12th
10:13 PM

I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror, my bangs flattened back against my forehead because of the shower. My hair was in an equally flat ponytail, swishing around and soaking my sweatshirt as I turned from left to right, examining my face.

"You okay, Dans," Harry questioned from the large bed. I nodded absent-mindedly, forgetting that Harry couldn't see me as I tried to distract myself from thoughts of Dougie. My manicured nails, courtesy of a very bored extra make-up artist, shined in the light, and I admired them.

"You aren't tired," Harry asked, and I smiled as I walked out into the bedroom, "No, I guess not." "Well, Dougie usually has trouble sleeping, you could go see him," Harry offered. My eyes grew as I sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing at the bedside table, "No, I think I'm just going to read."

Harry raised a questioning eyebrow as he looked up at me, observing the book I'd grabbed, "Dani?" "Hmm?" "You're reading the Bible." "Summer reading," I responded nonchalantly. What's better is that I'm not lying - my English teacher wants us to read Genesis, along with about a billion other boring books.

"Your teacher is making you read the bible?" "Yup," I replied, trying to figure out where Genesis is in this hulk of a book. Obviously I did not go to church as a little girl. Okay, lying, but I definitely did not pay attention. That was when I developed a talent to sleep in hard, wooden seats, which has served me well in school and detention.

My eyes grew as I looked at the length of Genesis, "So, maybe I'm not reading the Bible JUST yet." Harry laughed as I threw the demonic book away from me onto the table. "Go talk to Tom, then. He shouldn't be too knackered." "Will do, see you in the morning." "See ya," Harry said, switching off the light and using the remote to turn off the TV.

I was about to close the door when Harry called to me, "Dans, are you wearing Dougie's sweatshirt?" The door fell closed behind me before I could answer, and I looked down to realize I was. I must've fallen asleep in it last night, leaving it for me to wear tonight.

I took a deep breath and smelled what must've been Dougie's cologne, smiling at the scent. In hopes of a distraction, I crossed the hall in a few short steps and knocked on what I thought was Tom's door. I then pulled Dougie's sweatshirt tighter around me, sniffing it again and smiling a little wider.

My eyes closed as I took another whiff, at which point the door opened. I let my eyes open slowly, "Hey, Tom." "Well, that's an interesting picture," someone who wasn't Tom commented. I focused my eyes to see Dougie leaning against the doorframe, looking casual and calm despite the fact that he was only in Simpson boxers.

"Sorry," I said, blushing at seeing so much of the bassist and wanting desperately to avert my eyes, but unable to, "Wrong room." I turned, figuring Tom's room must be next to Harry's, not across.

"Wait, Dani," Dougie beckoned, and I turned to see him moving towards me. I only had a split-second to watch him before he let his hand curl around my neck and bring me up to kiss him softly, making my stomach constrict, my heart to skip beats like a child's game, and the world to shift underneath me.

I grabbed Dougie's small waist for balance as the kiss continued, unable to think hard enough to reason that this probably shouldn't be happening. All I could think was that Dougie's lips were unnaturally soft, and that the tenderness of the kiss was contradicting to the crass, almost cruel Dougie that I had seen the first few days in London.

It ended, but was immediately replaced with another, shorter, even softer kiss. Afterwards, Dougie leaned his forehead against mine, his thumb stroking my cheek as his hand stayed glued to the back of my neck.

Biting my lip, I let my hands fall to my side, wondering what the hell I was supposed to do now. I had already told Dougie that this wouldn't work, just like I'd told Danny. And if I went back on my word with Dougie, then Danny would feel like shit.

Then again, what I felt with Danny wasn't anywhere near how I feel when I'm with Dougie recently. Does that justify a relationship?

There are more reasons than the fact that it would hurt Danny, I thought, but I couldn't think of any. I could have a perfectly valid relationship in a month and a half. It wouldn't be a fling, really. It would be a relationship with a definite end.

"You know," Dougie said, taking a deep breath before continuing to speak, "We aren't technically in London right now." But despite everything in my body, I shook my head and stepped away, "No, Dougie-"

I've never seen someone slam a door in my face as fast as he did right then. He has a talent, I think. If there was a speed-door-closing sport, he'd be a pro-athlete. Admittedly, it'd be the only athletic talent he had, but he'd still win prizes and such.

My brow furrowed, and I banged on the door. Dougie threw it open, "What, tease?" "Oh, I'm a tease? Well, at least when I get yelled at I don't just stand there and let someone else defend me!" Whoa, where did that come from? Bad mouth! That was supposed to be an apology and an explanation!

"Your little defense got me in more trouble!" "What do you mean 'more trouble?' You and Harry were fine today! I'm the one that had to have a special talk with him!" All this was whispered as loudly as we felt we could get away with.

"Well, you're still a tease," Dougie declared, slamming the door again and letting his angry face be the last thing I saw of him for the night.

Figuring it was the end of the argument, I turned towards what I suspected to be Tom's door when I heard Dougie's thrown open again, "Tease!" He screamed the word at me before slamming the door again, leaving me standing confused and frozen in the hallway.

Slowly, the door I had been heading too opened, revealing the blonde guitarist looking confused, "Dani? What's going on out here? Did someone just yell 'tease?'" "Uh," I stuttered, Shit, I need a lie!

"I don't know, a guy just pushed this half-naked woman out of his room and screamed at her and slammed the door shut." "Is she alright," Tom questioned, looking slightly like a predator as he glanced up and down the hallway. "She took off running, but she just looked a little shaken up. Can I come in?"

Tom nodded, "Yeah, sure, you know you're always welcome. Harry sleeping, then?" "Like a log." Hopefully.

Tour Bus, UK
July 13th
12:52 PM

I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair, looking between Dougie and Dani and feeling very perplexed. Didn't they just go on a mini-holiday together? Shouldn't they be having fun and joking and generally not glaring at each other?

That didn't seem to be the case as Dani stood after a rather pointed glare at Dougie, "I'm going down to the bedroom to get some reading done." Dougie stood as well, "Well, I'm going to go talk to Paul." "Well, good for you," Dani said, almost snotty, as she turned and stomped down the stairs, Dougie making just as much racket behind her.

"Guys, does this seem messed up to either of you," I questioned Danny and Tom, who were absorbed in the game they were playing. "What," Danny questioned, using his hands animatedly in their controlling of the game controller.

"Dani and Dougie. You'd think they'd start getting along, but-" "Dougie," I heard Dans scream, "There is no need for you to be yelling at Paul!" "Why does it matter? You can just block me out!" "No, I really can't, and I'm trying to read to get ready for school. You know, school? That thing you flunked out of?!" "Why, you little-"

"But that's happening," I sighed as he heard Dani slam the door, leaving Dougie to pound on it and scream that it was his tour bus, and she was a guest, and he'd never fucking… "Maybe they're sick of each other," Tom suggested.

"Could be, but it seems like more-" "Just let her spend the rest of the day with Jess instead of us. We'll get a chance to do our crazy stripping humor and she'll get a chance to not be around Dougie."

Tom paused the game and looked over at Danny, shocked, "That was actually a properly bright suggestion, Danny." Danny almost blushed, "Come on, then, let's play if the problem is solved." It wasn't solved, though; at least not in my book. Danny and Tom went back to playing their game anyway.

I leaned my head against the bus window, watching the scenery fly by, blurred and gray. I could still hear Dougie pounding on the door downstairs, but he was getting tired of it, and he'd stopped yelling. Eventually Paul told him to knock it off, and Dougie listened.

Defeated, he trudged up the stairs. "Why did you even want to get in, mate," I questioned as Dougie flopped onto the back couch. Falling onto his side and curling into a ball, Dougie didn't respond to my question, but simply fell into what can only be described as a deep coma.

I sighed, letting my eyes wander around the tour bus to the window opposite me, where a landscape of some nameless city was flying by. As wrong as it felt, it comforted me that somewhere in that very city, someone was worse off than I was. It could get worse than your bassist hating your cousin, and vice versa.

Angrily, I heard Dani stomp up the stairs, her arms crossed and her face livid. "What," I questioned innocently. "Well, someone spilled COFFEE all over my summer reading and now I can't read it." "Well," Dougie replied hazily, "You should've just let me in to take a nap."

Groaning, Dani threw her arms hopelessly up into the air as she collapsed on the couch next to me. I could tell she was tempted to kick Dougie, or smack him, and I'll admit I was proud of her when she didn't. If I was her, with her morals and priorities, I probably would've.
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