Boys of Summer

Dirty Little Secret

On The Road, London, UK
July 14th
3:28 PM

"I'M GOING HOME, TO THE PLACE WHERE I BELONG-" "Harry," Danny urged, "Will you ever just shut up?" "SO I'M GOING HOME!" Harry screamed in mock of the friend/singer, smiling. "You made a big deal out of positively everything, Harry!"

Harry smiled proudly to himself as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "Yup. I'm loud and proud." I grimaced jokingly next to him, "And you didn't take a shower this morning." "Never do, love."

My nose wrinkled as I looked at him, and Harry laughed, "You look like a raccoon!" "A raccoon? Did my eyeliner smear," I questioned, pulling out, and don't make fun of me for this, my compact. After careful observation, I knew that my make-up wasn't smeared at all.

I knew this because a glance at me reminded me that I'd decided not to wear make-up today; fifteen minutes of sleep seemed much more important.

I wrinkled my nose again, trying to figure out Harry meant, "I don't get it, how am I a raccoon?" Harry giggled, "I don't know, but I can just see you hopping about, eating a carrot." I paused for a second, snapping shut my compact for emphasis, "Harry, when you say raccoon, do you mean a rabbit?"

"Yeah," Harry responded, pleased but not giddy, "That's the one!" Danny laughed, "Even, I'm not that thick, Harry!" "Shut up! You once tried to catch a squirrel!" "I almost caught a squirrel. Big difference, mate."

"We're here," Paul called, pulling over to the curb dutifully. "SO I'M GOING-" Danny slapped Harry upside the head. A wrestling match ensued through the lobby of the apartment building, leaving me and Dougie to walk quietly behind them.

The testosterone-pumped pair fell into the elevator, still writhing in pursuit of victory as the elevator doors started to close. I groaned and rolled my eyes, moving to step in between the doors and force them to stay open for me and Dougie.

But Dougie, ever the wise one, grabbed my arm and pulled me back. It was when a stray arm slammed against the elevator wall that I realized that sharing a small, cramped space with the two boys wouldn't be a good idea.

The doors closed without any complaint from Danny or Harry, leaving me and Dougie standing awkwardly as we waited for the lift to return for us. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Dougie waving Paul a farewell before his manager drove away.

Before the silence had a chance to get awkward, I spoke. "So, thanks for thinking ahead." "Hmm," Dougie questioned, looking down at me through his bangs quizzically. "About Harry and Danny, and saving me from the danger of their wrestling madness."

"Oh, so that's what you thought I was doing." My brow furrowed at his tone, slightly playful and maybe a bit mocking, "Isn't it?" Dougie smirked as he took my hand, bending his head to kiss me lightly on the lips.

We continued our smooch until we heard the elevator ding open. Sighing, Dougie grabbed his things and a few stray things lost in the Harry-Danny brawl and ushered me into the elevator, where he wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulder.

A secretive bliss, Dougie and I had decided to go on a date or two, to see if anything was actually there, before we bothered the group with our little romance.

Of course, that means that Jess has to know right away.
I love being a girl.

After a short kiss goodbye, I waited for my level after Dougie departed and made my way into the apartment, equally as excited as Harry was to be home, but not quite so vocal about it. Danny and Harry had given up wrestling for food, food being cereal and a Twinkie for Danny, while Harry seemed to want actual food.

"Hey, you guys left some stuff in the lobby, it's on the couch." "Thanks," Harry called. I ignored them both, then, and made my way down the hall. Throwing my stuff to the edge of Harry's room, where it had taken up residence, I grabbed at Harry's surge protector in hopes of locating my cell phone charger.

My cell phone went dead last night and I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to know while in the UK, but I'm sure that my cell phone being dead will equate to nothing good.

I plugged in my phone, smiling in relief as the foretelling ‘charging’ button lit up. Anxious, I turned on the phone, falling back onto Harry’s bed in the process. The phone beeped, flashed ‘Verizon,’ and turned on.

Immediately a banner rolled across the bottom, One missed call. I selected it, and gasped in excitement as I read the name. "What’s up?" Harry questioned, carrying in his bags. "Leave," I squealed as I flipped myself into a lotus-position, "Girl-talk."

"You’re calling Jess, then? I think she’s coming with To-" "Not with Jess, leave," I commanded again, looking up at him with the ever-famous, ‘Uh, DUH’ look. Harry took the not-really hint and left, rolling his eyes at me.

I pushed the call button, praying that she would answer. One ring, two ring, three ring, four rings, "Hi, this is Keeva." I groaned, voicemail. Oh well, better than nothing.

For a moment, I sat in silence, waiting for the foretelling, ‘I’m not here right now BEEP!’ "Um, hello," I heard Kev questioned, and I realized that she’d picked up. "Oh my god, Kev, I’m an idiot!"

"Dans?!" "Yeah," I laughed, "I thought you were your voicemail." "No, my caller idea is broken and my mom’s been on my case about being proper on the phone with people." She and I laughed at our stupidity before continuing.

"So, your mom kind of just told me that you’re in LONDON for the summer, what’s that about?" I giggled, "Yeah, custody battle. If this all works out, I never go to my dad’s house again." "Fo’ sho’?" I rolled my eyes, "You’re not gangster, Kev, give it up."

"I’m hardcore," she protested, laughing. I didn’t push the subject, though, "So, what’s been happening with you?" "Same old, same old. Ford and I just broke up-" "Aw-" "Cause he’s an asshole." "Oh, good for you," I said, switching from ‘that’s so sad’ to ‘you were SO right to dump him’ instantaneously.

Knowing better than to question her extensively about the break up, I let her decide on the next topic. "So, what’s been going on with you? Hot guys in London?" "You have no idea," I replied, my stomach churning a little at the thoughts of the passed few weeks.

"Give me one." "It might take a while." "We haven’t talked all summer!!" "Fine," I sighed, rolling my eyes, "But you’re gonna hate me." "I already do." "Thanks."

Harry/Danny's Apartment, London, UK
July 14th
4:16 PM

"That… was an idea," Kev said, unsure of how to respond to my tale. "I know." "I hate you." I laughed, "I told you!" "I wouldn’t have, because normally you don’t date very hot guys but you still think they’re gorgeous, but I’m looking at McFly on the internet and… damn!"

I laughed, "I know. Kind of awkward, though. I still don’t know how it’s all going to go down. Like, if I’m going to tell Harry." "Why wouldn't you tell Harry?" "Cause then Dougie would be a bloody stain on the wall."

"He isn't that protective of you," Kev defended. "Yes he is," I protested, rolling my eyes. Kev always fought for Harry. I'm not quite sure why, but I figure it's because she and him are both so crazy protective of me, so they get each other.

A quick subject change seemed in order, and Kev was on it, "So, you're gonna have to give me the address for the boys' house, because I have a birthday present here with your name written all over it."

My brow furrowed, "Didn't Harry ever invite you to my birthday party?" I knew there was something missing on my birthday! "What do you mean invite me? I kind of don't live in London, and Harry kind of does."

"No, no, he flew Dillon over for my party! I figured maybe you hadn't been able to come, or-" "No, I never got any call." My brow furrowed, "That's weird - he knows you better than he knows Dillon."

"Don't worry about it." My brow stayed knitted, though, as Kev sounded very rushed, "Well, I've gotta go, I've got work. Talk to ya soon, don't be a stranger to your cell phone!" "Love ya," I responded absent-mindedly.

I closed the phone, starting my chewing-on-cheek ritual as Harry walked into the room, looking equally confused, "Hey, Dans, do you know where my notebook went? The yellow one with the drum on the front that I was doodling in in the car, and you said it looked like an owl?"

"No," I responded, watching as my cousin scoured his stuff for the elusive bound-paper. "Hey Harry, why didn't you invite Kev to my birthday party?" "I did, she said she was busy," Harry claimed absent-mindedly as he fell to his knees and started to dig through his clothing.

"No, you didn't - I just talked to her. She said she never got a call." "Well, I guess she forgot. How else would I have gotten Dillon's number if I didn't ask her?" Harry's hand emerged from his suitcase, successfully clutching his notebook, "Got it. Dinner in a half hour, and Jess is here."

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Harry looked at me oddly, "You never asked. You said something about girl talk." "Jess is a girl!" "So was whoever you were talking on the phone with, I hope." I rolled my eyes, standing and yelling to my friend, "Jess, we're going for a walk!"

"We are?" "We are." "Good," Jess said, standing to join me and lead the way out the door. "Hey, what," Tom questioned, standing up and looking at the two of us, very confused. "What's happening?" "Girl talk, mate," Harry reported, which was the last thing I heard before the door slammed shut behind me.

Jess and I stayed quiet until we got into the elevator, where in we hooked arms, and Jess questioned me immediately, "What's your news?" "After a long, winding road, I'm dating Dougie. You?" "After a long winding road, I'm back with Tom."

Simultaneously, Jess and I looked at each other... and screamed. Each of us felt the natural, good-natured urge to gush for the other, but I got my word in first. "Aw, that's so cute, you and Tom back together! And may I say FINALLY! Why'd you guys even break up in the first place?"

Jess' face feel as the elevator door opened, and we both stepped out, still hooked at the arms. "Uh, Dani, I think you and I need to talk about... stuff." My brow fell, and I started to chew on my cheek nervously, "Why? What happened? What'd I say?"

"It's about why Tom and I broke up, and Dougie." "What does Dougie have to do with-" My face fell as I felt my stupidity and naivete fade into the background of my mind, "Oh." "It was a one-time thing, I swear, but... well."

"You cheated on Tom... with Dougie?" "Yeah," Jess said, also looking awkward. "Did Dougie have a girlfriend?" "Yeah," Jess said, sighing. "It was a one-time thing, I swear." "Were you guys drunk, or what?"

"No, it, just... we got left alone together for too long. We might've had a drink, but not enough to be drunk. We were young, stupid." "You're nineteen, Jess, you're still young." "Yeah, but now I've got responsibilities. I go to college; I have my own off-campus apartment; I'm not the same girl I was two years ago."

A vision of a younger Jess and Dougie flashed in my mind, and I felt a little sick to my stomach. Suddenly I didn't want to be going on a walk, anymore. "It won't ever happen again, it was stupid to even bring it up-" "No, I asked," I protested, "You just told me the truth."

"Yeah, but it upset you." "It shouldn't though, you know," I said, looking up at Jess as we rounded the second corner. "I mean, it was, what, two years ago?" "About," Jess said, "And it was definitely nothing. I mean, he's cute and all, but he just isn't for me. For you, definitely, most definitely perfect for you."

I laughed, though I still felt a little queasy, "It's fine, Jess, I'm fine." "You're sure?" "Tell me every detail of how you and Tom got back together."