I'll Tell You My Sins so You Can Sharpen Your Knife

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has the chance to get its pants on

That night, Sarah woke up at three am, and started to inspect the house.

Every window was lined with salt. Every door had sigils carved into the frames. She had to drag a chair over to look at them properly. With a frown, she flipped open a pocket knife and started to carve her own spells in above the back door.

“You’d be hard pressed to find a better protected house.”

Sarah jumped and turned around. Dean was leaning against a kitchen counter top, examining his finger nails. Presently he pulled out his own knife and started picking at them.

Sarah shrugged and turned back to her work. “Well, just making sure.”

“We have everything here.”

“No. You don’t.”

“Trying to say something?”

“Nope.” She blew wood shavings away and kept working. “Just making sure my own past doesn’t come after me, that’s all.”

“And that’s something to worry about?”

“Isn’t it always?”

Dean pushed off the counter and flipped his knife shut. “I’d appreciate it if you told the truth.”

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t assume I was lying.”

“You’re hiding something.”

Sarah stayed silent.

Dean watched her carve for a moment, then said, “Just because Cass trusts you doesn’t mean I do.”

“I think that’s fair.” She stepped off the chair. “Alright, I’m just going to do the front door then go back to bed.”

Dean stayed in the kitchen as she left. He looked up at the fresh sigil. He had never seen anything quite like it. He’d have to ask Bobby to look into it.


Monday, September 12, 2009

Dear Diary,
These entries must be getting boring. Dean’s still a suspicious ass. I’m still getting along with Sam. Bobby still refuses any help. And Castiel continues to be a poor example of a soldier of God. Been getting into the drink lately.

I still don’t understand why he won’t let me go home. At least there I could learn spells or talk to demons for entertainment. Here I can’t even read cards without Dean throwing holy water on me.



Sarah came outside as she heard the Impala pulling into Bobby’s driveway. She and Bobby had spent the last half hour or so laughing about Dean’s account of the Supernatural fan who had her hands all over Sam at the convention they were tricked into attending.

Sam got out of the car and grinned at her. “Still here?”


He ruffled her hair and moved past her, into the house. Sarah lit a cigarette and sat on the front stoop, watching Dean dig around in the trunk.

“Heard you’re looking for a demon named Crowley.” She called. "Heard he has the Colt to kill the devil."

Dean heaved a bag of laundry out of the trunk and slammed it closed. “Might be. What do you know about it?”

“Maybe if you’re nice, I’ll tell you.”

“For a girl who doesn’t hunt, you sure know a lot.”

“I don’t hunt because an asshole with feathers zaps me away whenever I try.”

He sighed, put down the bag, and sat. “Alright. I’ll bite. How do you know Crowley?”

“We chat. Occasionally.”

“What does that mean?”

Way to go, Sarah, Sarah cursed herself. Why don’t you just hand him the fucking gun, too?

“It’s a long story.”

“Always is, with you.”

She took a long drag of her cigarette. “Look Dean, someday when everything isn’t upside down, I’ll tell you everything. I promise. But right now, just ride with it.”

“Fine. Since you chat with him, you gonna call him for me?”

She scowled. “First of all, it’s not that easy. Second, I could, but he won’t answer. He’s been hiding out lately. From Lucifer. But he’s still dealing. Skulk around a crossroads, and soon enough he’ll show up for some desperate human.”

Dean nodded. “Thanks.”

She snorted. “Did that burn your tongue as the word was spoken?”

“Do you always sound like a poet?”

“Maybe I’m Virgil, reincarnated.” She flicked her cigarette butt away and stood. She started to go inside, but she stopped. She looked down at Dean with an expression of concern and doubt. “Hey, Dean?”


“Be careful. If Lucifer is gone, there’s gonna be a big power struggle downstairs. No Lillith, no Lucifer. I’m sure Crowley intends to end up on top. Owe him a favor, but make no promises.”

“That a warning?”

“Just some advice. Take it or leave it.”


Sarah laughed delightedly and clapped her hands as Castiel downed five shots. Jo grinned while Ellen stared slack jawed.

“I think I felt something.” He said.

Sarah hugged Castiel from behind and kissed his cheek. “You’re my favorite.”

Dean watched the brunette, then focused his attention on Jo. Sarah took another shot with Ellen and Castiel, looking away while Jo rejected Dean. Jo was still so young. To see her going off to battle against Lucifer with the only hope of a slender-barreled Colt tomorrow was heartbreaking.

“I want a photo!” Bobby announced, wheeling through the room. “Come on!”

“Come on, Bobby.” Sarah grumbled. “Don’t you have enough photos?”

“Well, you don’t have to be in it.” Bobby snapped. “Gonna be lookin at your pale face all day tomorrow.”

Sarah looked at Castiel. “But, I was going to – “

“You’re not going, Sarah.” Castiel said gruffly as everyone else cleared out of the kitchen. “You’ll get hurt.”

“You mean I’ll get in the way.”

“Sarah.” Castiel said softly so no one could hear. “You are the most powerful white witch in three centuries. You also have a direct connection to me, which many could use to their advantage. Putting you infront of Lucifer and God knows who else is not a good idea.”

Sarah looked away.

“Cass! Get in here!”

Castiel left Sarah alone in the kitchen. She gathered her beer and looked out the window. Sarah on the sidelines. Yet again.

She heard the camera click as she finished her beer and opened a new one. She leard heavy footsteps behind her.

“I hear Cass isn’t letting you come tomorrow.” Dean said.

“Sarah pushed her face into a smile. “That Cass. Always looking out for me.”

“Why? Why can’t you come? We need all the man-power we can get. Hell, I’m not opposed to wheeling Bobby out onto the battle field.”

“Look, I’m not even sure myself why Cass doesn’t let me.” Sarah snapped. “So why don’t you just leave it alone.”

“I didn’t – “

“Yeah, you did.”

Sam walked into the room, and felt that the temperature was ten below the rest of the house. “You guys alright?”

Sarah and Dean were locked in a staring contest. After a second, she snorted and broke his gaze. “We’re fine.” She said shortly, and stormed out the back door to smoke.

“What did you do?” Sam asked.

“Why is it always my fault when it comes to her?” Dean demanded. “She’s the one who’s lying to us!”

“Dean, I didn’t mean it like that.”

Dean just shoved past his younger brother back into the living room.

Sarah sat on the back stoop looking up at the stars. Hopefully this would end soon. And then she could go home, and never have to deal with Dean Winchester and his trust issues ever again.