Brand New Eyes

Brick by Boring Brick

"You built up a world of magic because your real life is tragic Avery, I don't understand why you let this happen everytime, it is always the same damn story," Levi is furious about the outcome, which is similar, almost parallel with every other.

"I think we are going to be okay, I really do love him Levi, he means a lot to me," This was also the same story every time, but I do truely believe it.

"You live in a fairy tale Avery It's all about the exposure, the lense, the angles are all wrong, you think your prince finally came to save you, but it's all a trick," He continues to sound irritated, "And evernturally the clock will strike twelve,"

It was a clever metaphore, but I had my mind set, "Levi, I love you and I appreciate your support and don't know what I would do without you, thank you," It was my way of changing topics.

"This is why I built my heart brick by boring brick, good night Avery, I love you too," He hung up leaving no time for a reply.

"What did he say?" Greyson was being friendly and I was not about to ruin that.

"He said he's glad we could work it out," I smiled.

"We always do baby," He moved towards me so I could curl up on him and drift to sleep.