My Terror Twin & I

They say it all breaks down to keeping our feet on the ground

Hauling another large box from the back of his truck, Danny Worsnop peered up towards the apartment complex. It wasn't anything special. It was maybe 3 or 4 storeys high, windows battered and some even blacked out, the paint peeled off the building and the railings were just about intact with the ground. Not exactly Danny's preferred living environment but it would do for now.
The aromas of alcohol, sex and damp filled his nostrils as he entered the building. Wrinkling his nose whilst trying not to gag he carried on towards the flight of stairs being careful not to trip over his own feet. Just as he started he stopped at the first hall of rooms quickly realising none of them was his. Just as he began to continue upwards, a young women with long curled blonde hair, dazzling azure eyes, sharp facial features with a cute button nose curiously peeked through the gap between the wall and door.
"Are you okay?" She questioned, one of her drawn on eyebrows raising.
Danny awkwardly rubbed his stubbed chin and let out a forced chuckle. "Eh, yeah. I'm just moving in and trying to get these boxes up these goddamn stairs."
The women laughed and finally revealed herself fully. She wore a short yet casual strapped black dress with black platform shoes with a small bow. She sported a chocker around her thin neck and a single nose piercing too. Stepping closer to Danny, she held out her hand and smiled.
"I'm Elizabeth. But I prefer to be called Lizzie."
"Danny," he replied gently grasping her small hand in his large one and shaking it.
"Would you like any help?" She offered, still smiling. Danny smiled and nodded his head politely, handing her the lightest box and they began their trek to the middle floor.
"God, I'm so fucking tired now," Lizzie groaned as she bellyflopped onto the sofa. Danny just simply laughed as he finished to pack away the cutlery in the drawers. He liked Lizzie. She was quiet an reserved at first but they seemed to hit it off great during their box heaving session. He found out she was 20, worked in a local cafe down town, didn't have any family around the area and was bisexual. Oh and she had a freaking fantastic music taste! Danny liked to keep Lizzie as a good friend. Also the fact that she was bisexual meant that she wouldn't always be hitting on him. It's not that he was in a relationship he just preferred a man. Yes, he was gay, and very open about it which made people feel uncomfortable around him but he didn't care much.
"You know," Lizzie started picking at her nails looking straight at him. "There's a few insanely hot guys that live in this building."
"Is there now?" He smirked coming towards the sofa and slumping against it.
"Yes! However, they all are either alcoholics or drug dealers of some sorts..." She trailed off frowning slightly.
"Maybe I like bad boys,"
"Danny!" She screeched giggling slapping him softly on the thigh. He chuckled as well as they talked for the rest of the evening.