

It’s been a couple of centuries since the Fall. History stated that the Fall happened because the people lost their faith in God. The people had sinned by not following the teachings of God to the letter. So, they were rightfully punished. At least, that is what all the history books said.

When society began to rebuild, new leaders took over and instilled the lessons of God into the law. No one ever questioned it. The law changed how people acted and dressed in public, and even at home. According to the law makers, everyone was constantly being watched; if not by others, then by God himself. The law even controlled who could marry whom.

In the older society, not everyone had a birthmark. In the new society, everyone has one. This mark would match the mark of one’s intended spouse. One was required to marry whoever held their mark’s match. Refusal to do so never ended pleasantly.

One would think that this particular law would be quite a pain for those not born with a mark. But every person, eventually, formed a mark. In fact, the term birthmark was a sort of misnomer. Some people were “late bloomers” and didn't acquire their marks until later, usually around their toddler years.

So, no one had issues with the society’s mark/marriage law; except for Camilla. She was a rarity, and, according to the laws of society, an abomination. She was unmarked.