Perfected Flaws


Her run down black converse squeaked against the stage floor as she ran across it; showing off her back hand guitar solo. Her hair fell into her face; sticky and hot as she sang along to the song. Undescribable feelings pumped through her system, swelling her heart up with adrenaline and pride. Each verse seemed to amplify the feeling and as she sang and the only thing that raced through her mind was how much she didn't want this to end. This was what she had dreamed of. She was finally living her fairytale. Just as the song ended an alarm sounded off in the distance and slowly got louder as the band and audience looked around to see where the sound was originating from. Out of nowhere hands started shaking her and she could hear her name being called by a familiar voice.

"Dammit Kat get up!"

Kat sat up; dazed; and looked around at the green-splattered walls of her room. She was back at her small apartment in Florida.

"You alive girl?" Her friend Josh laughed, standing in the poster covered doorway. He walked over and helped her to her feet. "Better hurry up and get dressed." He whispered in her ear. "Haley's gonna have your hide on a platter if you're late for practice again." He laughed. He strolled out of the room as Kat was catapulted back into the present. She sighed realizing it really was just a dream.

"Oh shit!" She yelled, remembering they had band practice today. She shot out of her bed, threw her pajamas onto the floor and rummaged through her drawrs Whipping out her tight black jeans and a black teeshirt, she ran into the bathroom and hurriedly pulled on her clothes. After washing her face she glanced in the mirror and shrugged before grabbing her guitar and bolted out of the room. She grabbed her board and skated to Haley's house as fast as her legs would allow. After what seemed like hours of gasping breaths, she collapsed onto the dusty concrete of Haley's driveway.

"Kat get up! We've got alot to do!" Haley growled, helping Kat up. "You need to get your head out of your ass and put it where it's supposed to be." She thrusted the mic at her and walked back to her left hand position, readying her bass. Kat took one last deep breath, picked her guitar up, turned towards the mic and started singing away. She caught the familiar rythm of the song's beat and quickly became absorbed. In her eyes flashing lights and the sounds of an audience blared in her ears, drowning out all of her other senses.

Yet again another day became another dream and an ordinary girl tasted the boquet of somthing extraordinary.