Forever And Never


"Aaaand... Time!" Ramsey called, looking at his watch.
"Yes!" I yelled jumping from the stool. I stretched a little then turned to him with a big grin on my face. He stood and walked over to me and wrapped me up in a big hug.
"You did really well. Most people wouldn't be able to do it the first time around. If August had to bite someone, I'm glad it was you. You're my best student yet."
I couldn't help but smile even bigger, even if he'd mentioned his name. He'd still said that I was his best student, and therefore his favorite. In your face, August.
He squeezed me a little then let go and held my shoulders, smiling still. He really did look happy. He'd been stressed out with the case and having to train me, it was nice to see how happy he was about this. "How'd you do it? All of my students have at least attempted to grab the glass of blood, but you... you looked like it wasn't even bothering you."
"Well," I said, all the compliments going straight to my head. "It wasn't easy, but I knew I could do it. Mind over matter, that's the trick. Don't let the blood control you."
He smiled bigger and said, "You really did do a fantastic job. That'll look great on your files. Oh, I better do that now before I forget." He released me and looked on the table for a second then said, "They must be in the blood room," and walked quickly down the hallway.
I swallowed hard and looked at the glass of blood still sitting on the table. I clenched my fists shut hard and bit my lip. I was alone with the blood that I wasn't so post to drink... when I'd just said that I could control my hunger.
Ramsey would never notice... if I took a little. He said it was the last day, which meant that he would eventually hand me a glass or package of blood to drink. It wouldn't be a big deal if I fed a little bit early would it?
I shook my head a little and sighed. I can't believe I'm practically being controlled by something that isn't even alive. It's so pathetic.
...But I do need it to survive.

I stepped closer to the table and put my hand on the edge and slowly slid it towards the glass in the center. This is so wrong. What about all that work I just did, now I'm blowing it all for blood.
I closed my eyes and sighed again, feeling pure shame. Ramsey had just praised me and called me his best student, and I'm about to go and wreck it all.
Resentfully, I slid my hand across the table to ware my fingers were inches from the bottom of the glass.
"Mind over matter!" I heard Ramsey call suddenly causing me to jump and pull my hand back to my chest. I looked over to the hallway as he walked down the hallway with a file folder in his hand. "What a great way of putting it." he said smiling as he sat back down at the table and opened the folder.
He smiled up at me, then his face suddenly turned to worry. "What's wrong? You look scared out of your mind."
"I uh... Oh, No you just scared me that's all. Made me jump." I said laughing a little, trying not to let the guilt and shame shine through. He raised an eyebrow at me, but instead looked down at the papers in the folder and started writing on a form with blank boxes and lines on it.
I sat down at the table and watched him trying to figure out if he'd seen me about to drink the blood or not.
He filled out the little boxes and wrote summaries and comments till it was all filled out, then on a line he signed his name in big fancy cursive letters that I couldn't read.
He put it back in the folder at the very end then looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back weakly.
I guess he didn't see...
I could keep my pride for another day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long for this one... I was busy with the opening of the play, and my life.
Glad I wasn't missed....