Forever And Never


It felt like morning came too quick, but as soon as my eyes opened and I sat up in bed, I looked around the room, searching for something different. Ramsey had said it him self that today was going to be a big day, though of course I had no idea what he meant by that. Though I could feel or see nothing different in the apartment, I clung to what he'd said all morning as I performed my morning routine of showing and getting dressed. When I announced myself presentable, I walked out quickly into the living room, sort of hoping Ramsey wasn't going to bring up last night.
He was sitting at the table nonchalantly reading his paper, and when I sat down he stole several glances at me thinking I didn't notice. I sat casually, glancing anywhere but where Ramsey was, determined not to speak first. As the minutes of silence drug on, I could feel his eyes on me more and more. Though he thought I wasn't paying attention, It was making my stomach turn in nervousness and I wanted to scream "What!? What's wrong!?" But I held my tongue, knowing he would spill it sooner or later.
Through out the entire time we spent sitting in silence he must've cleared his throat twenty times, and taken just as many sips of his drink. He read his paper slowly and thoroughly, but kept a close eye on me the entire time.
Only when I was almost to the point of ripping my hair out, I watched as he slowly folded the newspaper, organized it the way it had originally been, then placed it on the center of the table, till he could find time to take it to the recycle bins that were apparently in the main office.
He sighed loudly and looked at me, his crystal eyes glowing in a manner that I'd grown so used to seeing. He opened his mouth, but words didn't come. He looked like he was trying to find the right words to say, the best way to tell me something. I assumed it was bad since he was having such a hard time getting the words to come out.
"I… It's… Today's the …day." He stuttered, his eyes stayed on me watching me and my confusion. What day what he talking about? He'd never mentioned anything about there being a day that I was to wait for… As much as I wanted to ask, I stayed quiet and let him talk, knowing he'd get it all out soon. He'd explain, he was my mentor after all.
"Today's a really important day…and it's crucial that you under stand what's going to happen…" He cleared his throat again, and it was driving me crazy not knowing what was such a big deal that he couldn't even say it. "…Today is a test, and today is where your training really starts to come in handy. …I… I've studied all of your records I've been keeping on your training… and thought over all the improvements you've made… I really think its time that you… put your skills to the test and… take your first trip outside…"
He looked down at his cup that he held in his hands as I sorted through his nervous rambling to find the true meaning of his words. I'd made a lot of improvement... It's time to put my skills to the test... outside...
It finally clicked and I gasped and looked up at him, "I get to go outside!?" I asked, almost screaming it out loud by accident. He gave me a nervous look and nodded saying, "I think its time you make contact with the world again…"
I squealed loudly, then jumped up and rushed over to give Ramsey a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. He smiled weakly at me, but I could see the fear behind his eyes. He was really scared about this, I could only guess that it was because his last student had been such a failure. It gave me motivation to prove his fears wrong.
I jumped up and down —lightly, as to not disturb the downstairs neighbors— and asked, "When? What time?" He stood and took his cup into the kitchen for a refill, speaking as he did so and answering all my eager questions. "…I think the best time for us to go would be around five or six PM, its good weather and most people will be getting home to eat dinner. "
"Where are we going?" I asked as he sat back down at the table and set his drink down on the table. "And how are we getting there?"
"We'll go in my car to the downtown area where we'll mainly just walk around so you can get the feel of being around humans again. I don't want to push you or anything so it will be pretty basic for the first time." He smiled, and I felt the need to not let him down on this. I wanted to make him proud, and making him not be so frightened to take me outside.
"How long are we going to be out?" I asked, my eyes probably gleaming with the excitement I was feeling.
"…For the first session, we'll we outside for about an hour and twenty minutes, it's not too long but it's enough for you to get a taste of the world again." He smiled, and I grinned back happily thinking of being outside again. "We'll go in a few hours, so be ready."

I leaned forward over the sink and carefully applied a thin layer of eyeliner around my eyes, then followed up with some eye shadow and mascara even though Ramsey told me day after day I didn't need it. He'd say I was beautiful and didn't need make up, but I begged to differ. No matter how great I looked, I wasn't going to walk around without make up, and I certainly wasn't going to go outside for the first time in seven months without it either.
After finishing with my face and fixing my hair till it was how I wanted it, I walked into my room to pick an outfit. I dug through the entire pile of clothes in my room three times, trying to decide what to wear. I couldn't just wear one of August's old shirts and a pair of his jeans like I did around the apartment. It was my first time outside in months and I at least wanted to look put together. It was hard picking out clothes, considering the fact that I really didn't know how the weather was, but eventually I settled on a pair of skinny legged pants that Ramsey had gotten from my room along with a thin green shirt with sleeves that cut off at my elbows and a my black slip ons. I'd just have to take my chances with the weather.
Lastly, I walked over to the desk in the corner of room where, laying on a pile of papers and other various things, was my fang necklace Ramsey had given me for Christmas so many months ago. I'd never had a reason to wear it before, but now I put it around my neck smiling, and quickly fastened the clasp. I admired it in the mirror for a second before walking out of the room and joining Ramsey in the kitchen.
He was sitting at the table going through a mass of paperwork and files when I sat down next to him at the table and watched him casually. He glanced up at me for a second then said, "Hold on, I'm just filling out some last minute paperwork."
"What for?" I asked, leaning closer to look at the papers. They just looked like the same old forms he always seemed to have, with different sized squares all over the page meant for writing various things in.
"It's just a paper saying that your going to do your first outside training. Most of it I have to fill out later, to reflect on how you did and how ready you are to be back in the world." He wrote something quickly in a box, then gathered all the papers up and put them away in their files.
After a Few seconds of silence, Ramsey sighed and said, "Are you ready?" I looked at him, and could tell he was nervous. He had every reason to be considering the success of his last student.
I nodded, suddenly nervous, and replied: "As ready as I'll ever be."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yea, I'm still alive don't worry. I was just taking a break... a really, really long break.
But chapter 57 had come. Even though this was going to be chapter 67.

But yea, a lot had happened while I was gone. I started my senior year in high school, got fired from my job, joined theatre crew again, and I've gotten a lot of one shot ideas.
I went to Austin, to the Texas school for the deaf (lots of fun), got my power cords outside my house cut by one of my mom's crazy boyfriends... and other stuff. :P