Innocence Reborn

In the beginning

A young couple give birth to a baby boy, shortly thereafter the couple falls upon hard times and puts the child up for adoption.

Unfortunately, as it was a closed adoption, while the boy may guess whom his birth parents are, chances are he will never know. However, this is only one tale of many tales within this book.

Some might consider it a bigger tale to be told, others stories within stories. Whatever the case, it is about a boy who heads out on life's journey only to find he is not exactly who he once thought he was, in more ways than one.

There are also tales of gangs, guilt, identity theft, libel, love, lust, murder, prostitution, rape, robbery and intrigue. Death defying acts of grandeur, and above all else revelations and resolutions.

It is a book which hopes to entertain, inspire and cause one to question the difference

A friend has compared the story to The Waltons, James Bond & "Boys Doln't Cry."