Creatures of Dusk

Most of the pack is now in college and trying to navigate between adult(ish)hood and fighting the supernatural. It's become easier since accepting Lydia's distant cousin into the mix a year ago. Now the pack has a place to go to get away for awhile and relax or study. A proper Den to call a sanctuary when the outside world has become much (schoolwork, creatures trying to steal their territory, hunters who don't follow the code, parents, etc). It started with a fight gone wrong and one of the pack needing a place to recuperate at. Since then, Lynara's house has become the pack's Den.
However, this sanctuary is about to be threatened causing natures to be revealed, threats to be taken care of, and feelings to be acknowledged. Growing older doesn't mean life gets easier.
  1. Unlike the Animal We Are
    "We have doomed the wolf not for what it is, but what we have precieved it to be- the mythological epitome of a savage ruthless killer- which it is in reality, no more than a reflection of ourselves." -Farley Mowat
  2. An Impossible Code to Fix
  3. Reunions