This Is Not Okay!


Hello my dearies!

yes... i'm going to rewrite carry on.... i'm sorry if i've been keeping you all waiting.. truly i am...

my finals have come.. and i've been busy studying for them.. but in any case.. as soon as they finish which is monday! yay!! i'll get to update carry on! whoop! it might still take me a while... because of all the screw ups i made in the previous story.... i also have to work on my harry potter fan fic and patron saints... my chicago crime fic.... yeah.... so... i'll try to keep up with regular posting... next year is drawing near.. and i might put myself on a self-imposed curfew! ahh!!! no computer cept on weekends! lol... anywho...

for those of you waiting for carry on.. i suggest you try reading my other stories... or read those that i've made banners for... usually.. i only make banners for people who ask... or for people who's stories are really good...
i recomend... 'i will kill for her' s stories... they're the greatest... also.. don't forget to read Louzher's stories... she's my bestest buddy.. and her stories are awesome!!!!..... yeah.. just click the pictures on my pro to lead to the stories.. and enjoy! [but don't forget me!!] hahaha.a......

anyway... i have to go now... see you all!!!
