Gone Were Those Days


At the sixth month, Esper invited Jack to go with her to visit her family. It wasn't too bad, the drive was about four hours but neither minded driving since it was mostly on a main highway with minimal traffic. Wasn’t to say Jack was a little edgy about meeting her family even if he didn’t really show it. Esper was putting on her cool exterior to mask her own nervousness because she knew that if he didn’t get along with her family she couldn’t see a real future with him. This was a test and she wanted him so dearly to pass it. Her family was immensely important to her even if she was a bit of a shut in, they always were there for her and vice versa. The pressure was higher because the only males she brought home were platonic and this was different than that. Everyone was thrown off when Esper mentioned she was bringing someone over, they weren’t sure what to think especially when she offhandedly confirmed her guest was in fact her boyfriend even if she didn’t say boyfriend. When they arrived things were fairly normal with the usual family stuff, dinner and conversation even some card games. It was about enjoying the company of others and catching up on matters.

Everyone seemed on the fence because Jack was older than her. However his manners and ability to roll with the bullshit they warmed up especially when they saw the way Jack looked at Esper, with such adoration. Perhaps Esper’s mother Laura was moved the most by the way he looked at her only daughter, it was everything she ever wanted for Esper; someone to love and respect her daughter for the intelligent and strange woman Esper was. It brought a smile to Laura’s face seeing Esper lean into Jack while explaining how to play a game, it was a subtle yet powerful gesture that showed just how comfortable she felt with him. On the flip side however was Esper’s father Norman who wanted to make sure his baby girl was in good hands. Norman seemed keen on threatening to kill Jack if he hurt Esper and Jack knew it was a promise.

Jack could see just how important her family was to her because all joking and bullshit aside there was a deep love among them. He watched her listen intently to her nephew Charlie as he had her build a space ship out of legos was endearing. There was so much love when she interacted with Charlie and her niece Tori that Jack couldn’t help be a little surprised. It was another side of Esper he didn’t get to see, tender and patient. At this point he had seen lots of sides to Esper. Her kindness, her humor, her intelligence, even her distantness and anxiety. Jack didn’t mind her introvert behavior and need to be alone to recharge, actually he understood it even if it was sometimes hard to abide by when there were moments all he wanted to was just be near her. He smiled as he watched her, wondering how he got a beautiful woman that challenged him with imaginative thoughts and continued to leave him pleasantly surprised.

They ended up staying the night in Esper’s old bedroom no less. Sitting there on the bed in the half converted office and bedroom there were things left behind of Esper’s past. Remnants of memories and things she had from her younger years. Jack liked seeing the little awards for scholarly merit and the like because it only confirmed she was every bit the bookworm that she continued to be. When Esper turned the lights off it showed a dim glow from the ceiling and got in bed with him. Sprawled out on the ceiling were little glowing stars that sprinkled the area.

“That the big dipper?” Jack questioned while looking up at the ceiling. Esper chuckled lightly.

“Yeah, those things have been up there since I was eight.”

“Scared of the dark?”

“Hmm, no, but they’re pretty to look at and were nice when I couldn’t sleep.”

“I had a flashlight when I was a kid.”

“They had those back then?” Esper countered in a playful tone.

“Ha, ha,” he responded as he pulled her towards him. Esper let out a squeak of surprise, the laugh that followed muffled by his shirt. “You’re trying to start trouble.”

“It was a very logical question.”

“Yeah I’m not that old.”

“I know that,” she stated as she got comfortable with her hand resting on his chest. It was quiet for a moment and they just lied there.

“I like your family,” Jack spoke. Esper smiled in the dark. He had done really well with her family and all her worry was for naught because he seemed truly sincere in his words. Jack wasn’t scared off by her family’s antics. She loved that about him, his cool fearlessness that made her feel like it would come out alright in the end. Kissing him on the cheek she just wanted to express her gratitude for his patience and adulation.

“I’m glad you do.”

Things seemed to be on track, but like everyone knows sometimes things can get derailed and that blindside hit was ready to cause its damage not far ahead.
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A little belated Christmas update to the readers including Miss Gwen. Thanks for the subscribers, recommendations and comments everyone. It means a lot to someone trying to write an original piece of work. Happy Holidays. Next update shall get messy, hopefully it won't take too long for me to post either. Thanks again for reading!