New school, New life, New twisted love?!

the beginning

I woke up this morning feeling very concerned. About what you might ask? Well, for starters, I'm about to become the new girl, and i have a really bad feeling about it.

At my old school i had a few friends, but we were normally hanging out in our corner of the cafeteria, or outside, by the soccer field, out of sight - out of mind i used to say.

But of course, my father just had to go off and move to Canada! ugh. right when i get friends, he always feels the need to move, but i gave up talking to him.. you see, my father, he drinks - a lot. and when he drinks, he can get a little.. urm, harsh. But this is not a ' ohh sara's dad is harsh, i feel bad for her ' statement.. its just the truth.

I was walking to school today, off to a great start i am, so far ive missed the bus, and gotten sevral 'who the hell are you ant WHY are you here' looks. I watched as 2 more girls walked past me in mini skirts and pink tank tops [yuck. pink.] and looked down at what i was sporting for the day ..

suddenly my grey skinny jeans and 'cauterize' T shirt was looking like a sore thumb.
As i got to my new school, the bell rang, and i could NOT be late for my first day, so i ran up the steps, but just as i was about to burst through the door, something.. or well, someone got in my way..

"HEY! watch it!" i practically yelled, but as soon as i looked up into his face, i regretted it. He had black hair, that covered one eye, and his eyes were a breathtaking shade of blue.. or was it silver? I'm not sure, they seemed to change back and forth. i kept looking at his eyes, as if i was memorized.

he gave a humor-less chuckle "liking the view, new girl?" wow. he had a voice like velvet too! wait.. did he just insult me? i think he did?. I had just now realized i had re-dropped my books, and was staring at him.

"OH. uh, no. i mean.. you look fine.. its .. i .. uh.."

it was like looking at him had made me magically turn back into a kindergartner. "i gotta go." i said it in one gasping breath, making it sound like one word. he just chuckled as i ran off.
wonderful .. now he is probably going to tell the world about you fantastic speaking abilities, and then you will be an outcast. .. wait, why do i care! i still got my old friends.. back in Florida.. hmm.. thats a problem.

I advanced towards the office, flustered by how different this school was from mine.
"hello, may i help you?" the plump lady sitting behind the desk marked "ms. Joan Hanson"
"yes, I'm new, and i would like my schedule, please"
she looked taken aback by my politeness..
"oh, name?"
"Sara, Sara Winslow."
"ah, here you go ms. Winslow, have a good day, you have writing first, down the hall, then turn left."
I'm assuming she looked at my schedule earlier?
"thanks" i muttered, trying to memorize the directions she had spoken,
but his face was still haunting my eye lids.

i gave a sigh of relief as i finally located my writing class.
"oh, Sara Winslow right?" the teacher asked, now facing me
i merely nodded, i was in shock.
because as i looked around the classroom,
everyone was ignoring my presence,
except for one, adorable, familiar, boy.