New school, New life, New twisted love?!

uneasy feeling

"Ms. Winslow, and what do you think caused this disaster?"
crap.. what are we talking about.

I snapped my head up from my writing assignment, looking around frantically. maybe someone will mouth me the answer..

aw who am i kidding.

"Ms. Winslow, were you listing to me!" that annoying, persistent voice came at me again. "well.. yes, i mean, of course I was.. I just... um.. I think it was.."


and now i finally understand the whole saved by the bell deal.. i thought sighing.

"YOU. stay after class. we need to discuss this!" HA. some sucker got caught doing something wrong, and is now going to feel the wrath of GODZILLA.

Ha, i looked up to see who was being pointed at, and whimpered when it was me ..

I was going to have to face the wrath of Godzilla..

this day is just going freaking FANTASTIC!

"now ms Winslow, your behavior blah blah blah blah.." oh no, Sara, stop tuning out.. now. "and i think that because of this i must blah blah blah.." SHIT. come on Sara, it ain't too bad, just.. listen! "is that understood!" he bellowed. "OH. yeah, erm, never again.. yeah.." I relied, half smiling. he sighed" just leave now.."

I was so annoyed at myself, why do I have to be such a daydreamer, I think too much as well.. well, not that thinking is a BAD thing, its just.. my thinking, always gets me in trouble and if I want to...


uh, not again. I had run into another person. But I was somewhat happy to see that the person sprawled out on the floor was a girl, and she had really cool jeans on -

WAIT. jeans!

and they are defiantly not a skirt!


I was kind of excited to say the least..

"OH MY GOD .. MY LORD.. I AM REAL SORRY LADY!" she practically yelled at me, in her hyperactive voice.

"erm, yeah this seems to happen a lot to me, so its really OK."

i inwardly laughed at my klutziness.

"hey, your new right?.. well, I'm Audrey." woo! new friend time.. " hey I'm Sara.. I LOVE YOUR PANTS!" oh god, new friend gone. why did I say that? it came out like freaking word vomit.
dang. i sighed when she never said anything, and began to turn away when..

" REALLY?! i love your shirt. its SO super awesome! jellos." WOO. someone like me! " you can borrow it whenever you want too!!!!" i laughed and surprisingly, so did she. "so... where do you people eat here?" i asked all of a sudden. "in the caf. here, I want to put my book bag in my locker or something, then we can go, k?" "sickness." wait, did I just say sickness.. oh for peat's sake - I'm gone loco. We were advancing towards the cafeteria, or, as Audrey had said, the CAF and then, I felt watched, I looked around frantically, but no one was in the hallways, weird. but I made a new friend like 2 seconds ago, i was NOT going to tell her of my paranoia.

"AUDRY!!!! WHATS UP..? who is this?" a boy asked. looking me over like I was a piece of meet. I guess me and Audrey had the same ideas because we both reached out and smacked one of his arms laughing. "Dave is the name, pleasure to meet you." he said gently lifting my hand to his lips, I felt myself begin to blush.. damn redness.. and he must have noticed because he laughed when he released my hand
Than the 3 of us went and sat at a cafeteria table, without any food, I thought it was odd, but i was not hungry anyways. We all sat there, laughing and talking, and having REAL fun! But during the whole lunch, that feeling of being watched never did go away..