New school, New life, New twisted love?!

daddy's home!

James's POV:

Finally. It was last period. This period I had science, well, biology to be exact. I had it with Lance, Katie[my girlfriend]..and Sara.

iIwas sitting in the back, as usual, with my friends, and we were all chatting and laughing about how lame this teacher is. But i could not stop thinking about Sara, and why she had the effect she did on me.. it was so.. interesting.

"And then James was all 'dude, keep your hands off my gal' and took me in his arms, and.. and.. he flipped him off!" everyone laughed, except me, honestly - I did not find any humans humorous. All their jokes were so.. i dont no, Lance was really good at pretending to care though.. unlike myself.

"Oh lovemuffin, whats wrong?" Katie asked me.. awakening me from my daze, "oh, babe, its nothing .. really." i said, faking a small smile. "okay!" was all she said before going on about her convorsation with her other buble head friends.

You see, Katie and I were the most popular people in this school - we owned this school basically, so, it only made science that we went out - although, who wouldn't wanna get a part of me to themselvss?!

"Yeah, so did you guys see that new girl yet..?" one of them asked, this cought my attention so i turned my eyes back to the conversation.. "Oh my gosh, yeah I so did, I think she like.. beats herself, then again, if i looked like THAT, i probably would too.."

um.. ok? i thought she looked nice..

"Ha, nice one Katie! I mean really, who does she think she is anyways? She is like screaming to be an outcast!"

not really.. she is being herself... ?

"Haha, we should so set her up for some embarrasing trick!"


"Oh my god! Sadie, that would be totally awesome!"

or just mean..

"hmm.. maby, OH i got it!!"

this should be interesting.

"we should make her think, that one of the guys like her, and then, and then, get the guy to ask her to the dance, but only as a like.. you no, joke.!"

I knew what was comming next..

" JAMES! " all of them practically yelled at the same time, making the whole class turn and look at me like i just bit.. i mean murdered someone.. "no." i said to them, who do THEY think they are? No way was I going to do this... but then again.. "ohh james please? It will only work with you, your the hottest."

well.. that lasp part was true, and it would give me an excuse to chill with sara... "fine!" I sighed. "ill do it.."

But what they never knew, was that i was not doing this for them, for their "joke". I was doing it so that i could really meet sara... oddly enough.

Sara's POV:

Class had just ended, and that guy James kept giving me a really weird look.. even in class i realized he was looking at me, it was kinda freeking me out.. i was used to be un noticed, by everyone, including the popular people..

"Hey, Sara, wait up!" I looked back to see Audrey and Dave runing after me. so i waited for them to catch up with me.

" Hmm? oh, whats up guys?" i asked them casually. "" wow, they were really out of breath, out of shape i suppose.. "oh, alright.. but, my dad.. he uh might want me to come home instead so.." "NONSCENCE!" dave interupted me. "your comming" they both said - at the same time.. freekey.

when we got to their house we went up into Audrey's room. "sooo.. sara, how are you liking the new school?" audrey asked me. "oh, well, its school, not that great.." i replyed smiling down to myself. "I think James has the hotts for her Audrey.." Dave said with a worried tone, what was that about? "oh.. well, at least he is hot!" she turned to me and laughed at my confused expression. "erm, no. noone likes me. they" i said, feeling the blood rush from my face. for some reason the thought of James likeing me intregued me. Its almost like, i dont no, he just, i think he is hiding something, from everyone..

Time went by rather quickly. We all sat down to watch a movie "across the universe" it was 2 hours long, but it was AMAZING! when i looked at my watch, my eyes widened, and i was sure all the blood in my whole body hastely ran down to my feet, it was 6:30 pm.. that means..

daddy's home...

and probably more drunk then ever, and .. worst of all....

I was late.