New school, New life, New twisted love?!

truly, im hurt.

Sara's POV:
I was standing outside of the front door and I could hear him already..

"Saraww, lisrewn heerr you wittle gurll!" .. so, he was definatly drunk..

I slowly creaked open the door, and peered into the dark mass that I call home..

All the lights had been turned off and many things, like vases, lamps, and other breakable items, were shattered on the floor.

I tryed to be as quiet as possible. Boy, that never worked out.

I was almost half way to the stairs, the floorbords were creaking noisily under me, and I was breathing so heavily that im surprised I was not tackled by now.. about three more steps and im off the stairs, an obvious slow down for a drunk... two more steps... one more...

"and where dooo youuu think yourr goin' sarwa?!" oh no.. it was him.. that descrasefull excuse of a father.. and he had me by the back of my shirt..

"COME BACKKK HERE!!" he screamed at me. His loud booming voce scared me and i stumbled and tumbled down the steps i had climbed, landing right at the bottom of his feet.

he just laughed..

and laughed..

but when i tried to get up he punched me strait in the face and pushed me to the floor.. "now my dear, where were you?and why did you try to avoid me? hmm?!" i just sat there, clutching my face..

"AWNSER ME YOU ...YOU... FREAK!" oooh.. daddy called me a freak, truely, im hurt..

SMASH! okay, so this hurt. He had throwen a large, heavy ash tray at my head, hitting me directly in the forehead. "AHH. jesus! that hurt you son of a gun!" i screatched at him.

and again, he laughed.

so i decided, that i would sit here, take my beating, and show no pain, then, he would not get pleasure out of my pain, the sick old man.

After about ten or fifteen minuites of him smashing my face into his knee, i gave up, it hurt too bad. so i screamed, and then he punched me in my stomak repeatidly. "and what do you think of that?!"

"you are worthless! you are the reason why your mother left me! it was all you! and it is you who makes me be alone.. YOU. ITS ALL YOU. your fault! and now, you suffer for my pain! you are a worm, filth, GARBAGE!!" he screamed.

I never remembered my mother, but many people did, she was very kind, apparetly. But i never did beleive that, my mother, was horible. she left me with this.. with this.. monster.. for a .. father.

When my father mentioned my mother, i must admit, it did hurt me. Because, i DO beleive that it is my fault she left.. But i was so young, i never meant too.

My 'daddy' seemed to be deep in thought so i ran up the stairs..

as fast as i could... and ran into my room - closing and locking the door..

i pulled my knees up to my face, and thought ..

"how am i going to explain this to Audrey and Dave??" i wispered quietly, so quietly that it was barely audible.. even to me..