New school, New life, New twisted love?!

why are you hiding from me?

Sara's POV:
it was as if Audrey knew what had happned to me.. but thats impossible, not like she can read minds or see my past or anything like that.

but, somehow, her soothing words did help. alot. I felt like i finally had someone i could rely on. A real.. friend. And, that felt good.

* bring bring bring*

Dave looked at Audrey, and Audrey nodded.. "look, sara, we got to go to class. but we will see you at lunch. ok?" Dave said, comning over to breifly hug me. Audrey solemly smiled to me and then left, whispering a small "buh bye"

I ran to my locker, i was not in the mood to be yelled at for my tardyness, and .. i dont need more attention, i mean, reallly.. due to my dad's harshness... i looked horrible, scary even.

I got to class just a few secconds before everyone else, and sighed in releif as i put my head on my desk, so noone would see the state of my face.. now.. if i just turn my head a bit, i can see the teacher walk in, but noone will see my face, so.. thats the plan i thought as i slowly turned my head to the right.

"who ya hidin' from girlie?" someone beside me said. Ugh, so not in the mood for this right now. "ever think it was you!" i replyed. I no, lame comeback, but it was early. and i was crooked. but as i glaned up to see who was actually talking to me I saw a very hurt looking James.

"why are you hiding from me..." he asked quietly. as if he really did have something to hide, as if he really was someone to hide from.. strange.

James's POV:
"ever think i was hiding from you!" sara spat at me.. oh no. she couldn't. i mean, how? no way.. noone new mine and Lance's secret.. noone! Her statement officially got me worried.

"why are you hiding from me..." i asked her, oh god. i barely recogniced my own voice i was so stressed.

she sighed hevily "im not realy. wouldn't you think that if i was truely hiding from you i would be talking to you right now? its a joke. calm yourself man." she replyed, sounding slightly annoied. I immediently smiled a little. I dont no why, she was just so... differnt. in a REALLY good way.

she is really... "cute". i said outloud, not meaning to.

"whats cute?" she asked, genuilly confused. "oh, uh.. your sarcasam, was.. cute?" i said, quite unsure of my awnser to her.

she just looked at me through her arm and turned her head arround to the other side. I guess that meant the conversation was over? yeah, probably.

All through class, i couldn't help but watch her. She would not lift her head from her desk. It really did look like she was hiding. I tryed to probe her mind sevral times, but every time i came up with a blank. 'maby its my powers weaking' i thought, so i tryed them out on the boy sitting ahead of me.

'new girl - sara - she is cute.. ' the boy thought. For some reason, his thought angered me. I never liked sara... did i?

then the bell rang to go to next period. I realives Sara was not getting out of her desk so i decided to stick behind as well.. hah, i think she fell asleep.

She never realived i has stuck behind. When the "last" person walked out she got up, and turned in her seat in order to put her books in her bag, and thats when i saw it.

her face..

she was all brused up. as if she was beaten, badly. there was some dryed bloos still left ontop of her eyebrow. My eyes locked onto it. I could not help it. After a few moments she spoke, knocking me out of my trance.

" look, go ahead, make fun of me. just get it over with okay!" she really thought i would make fun of her for getting beaten? im not that low! "HEY! i would never make fun of you sara.!" i said, stressing the never.

she looked down and sighed. "thanks.. i suppose." before i could ask her about it, she ran off. as if sencing what i was planning on asking.

i slowly walked out of the classroom - entranced by her eyes, he un - gracefull-ness, her ability to not completely gawk over me...

i had a free period now, so i headed to the left end stair-well. i liked hanging out there during free period. i liked being alone to think sometimes.. and on my way there, the only thing that i could think about was Sara..

did i really fancy her?

Sara's POV:
i rushed out of the classroom - i new he was going to ask how all THIS happned, and i would not go on a rant about my father. definatly not to HIM. a popular, sutck up, gorgous boy. i hated this boy. why i would i open up to him..? why SHOULD i?

i had free period now, i was walking aimlessly arrounfd the hall way, desperatly searching for a place to sit, alone, to think.

I finally came up ti a door labled " the left end stair-well" hmm.. i thoight.. noone would want to hang on a stair well, so.. i will!

i never even glanced at the stairs as i plopped myself down on the seccond row of stairs. I pulled my song book out of my bookbag and began writing a song.

It was about how much i hated James..

but it was a love song...

did i hate him?? could he be a friend? but the even bigger question here was... did i fancy him?

then i heard a slight cough behind me. i turned arround to see who was sitting behind me, and see WHAT they wanted.

but as i turned arround, i saw James sitting there, a small, goofy grin playing on his lips.

"Soo.. you like the stairs too, do you Sara?" he asked me. trying hard not to laugh.