New school, New life, New twisted love?!

this man is a criminal mastermind

Sara's POV:

"what do you think you are doing?! freak! get the hell off him! he is mine!"
she kept screaming at me. i wasn't even doing anything anymore.
i had let go of 'her man' a long time ago.
he just wouldn't let go of me..
"heyy Katie.." he said.
did he not realive that she was busy verbally attacking me?
..guess not..
"dont you hey katie me jamess! what are you doing? why are you letting her hang off of you like this?! you no you are with me!"
..pffft. im not hanging off anyone! really, he is the one still holding me.
"GAH!" was that... me?
"listen you spaz, i am not even "hanging off of your man" cant you see, or are you really that stupid?!"
hah. they both were shocked.
than it came, fast and hard..
uhg, did she really have to hit my already broken face, what she didnt no, is that im used to it.
"hah, nice one. i really think you should start lifting weights or something, i did not even feel that "slap". i said using the air quotes just to annoy her.
"are you okay?" james said to me, finally realesing me from his hold.
wow. so this is really weird. why do he even care? i mean - he is going to loose miss. perfect over there, and he is even thinkning about me?
"like you care." i could hear the bitterness leaking on every word.
he looked away.. ""
okay, i really never felt it this time.
i looked up.
she slaped him, not me.
well, guess thats why i never felt it.
"katie" was shocked at herself ..
"omg omg omg, im so sorry baby, i.. i never ment to." she began rambeling appoligies,
"pfft. obviously you did" i half wispered as i left the stair well.
"UGH. get back here!"
hah, stick that in your juice box and suck it!
i was walking away, slowly, heading towords my locker.
i had to find a new thinkning spot now. uh man.
"heyyyyyy saraaaaa!"
i turned arround, and immedently smiled.
"hah, sup darling?!"
i jusy hugged him, he felt so nice.
"missed you too" he said chuckleing.
honestly, i liked this boy. he was... differnt, like me,.
we broke apart, and he escorted me to my locker.
"what did you do this morning sara?"
oo, what a story i had for him.. i thought kinda smiling.
"wellll..... i just basically thought about stuff in class, than i had free period, so i wanted to go somewhere to be alone, so i went to the stair well, but james was there..."
i paused and looked up to him.
his face hardened. and his eyes began to dart arround my neck, then arround my arm, and then arround the hall.... odd.
"so yeah, we ended up hugging, long story, and then this Katie chick bursted in and got mad... and well, she .. uh..."
this was the part i never wanted to tell him, he would over react, but here we go.
"she slapped me.. not really hard tho.. obviously, ive had worse"
i said pointing towords my face.
"ugh, she is so .. annoing. she thinks she owns everyone, than again, noone has told her differnty, but.. what the hell is wrong with her?" he said, his face was clouding over.
"but hey, look, no biggie, if it makes it better, she slapped him too... twice as hard..!"
he laughed a bit at that.
"doubt it had any affect on the leech." he said so quietly. too quietly.
"oh! sorry, nothing. uh, look, its audrey. lets.. uh go talk to her!"

Katie's POV

"omg hunnie that was awesome, she totally beleives that you actually like her!"
"oh yeah.."
yes, our plan was in motion..
she will think me and james broke up..
she will think he cares for her..
but, he wont.
"i got to go." man, he was moodey today,
"kk darling! ill see you at lunch"
"mhm sure.."
what, he thought he was leaving without a hug and a kiss, pffft. ya right,
i went up behind him and gave him a hug, he didnt react, hmm...
went in front of him, and went to give him a kiss, and he put hid hand over my mouth,
"will you just let me leave!" he demanded...
"hunny, she is gone you dont have to act anymore!" i squeeled.
"ohhh. she must be outside the door somewhere, haha okay, ill seeyou!"
i turned on my heel and went down the steps.

this man, is a criminal mastermind.
and a heartbreaker.