‹ Prequel: My Celtic Angel
Status: A continuation of the first story of My Celtic Angel

My Celtic Angel Story 2: My Angel

Preston's Castle part 3: The Lockdown p 1

Cadie's POV

I was still standing next to Zak, throughout the whole interview with Scott Anderson, the guy that came with Gloria today. Zak didn't waste any time on asking him questions and wanting the answers in any way possible.. Zak and I both wanted to know as much as we can before the lockdown.. Also I hoped to know something if not anything about Anna.

As I was trying to keep close attention to what they were saying. I got sidetracked again by looking at Preston's Castle, I couldn't stop looking at it no matter what. I felt sick when I looked at the old place, but it didn't stop me from wanting to know the truth..

As I tried to pay attention once again to Anderson, I got sidetracked once more when all the sudden I felt something hit me. I looked at the place again, this didn't went unnoticed by Nick and Aaron who was filming us, nor Zak or Anderson for that matter.

Zak took it upon him, to get Nick and Aaron to stay focus on him and Anderson, by a swift glare he gave them. It was enough for them to aim their camera's on him. I however kept looking at the old castle like school. Trying to figure it out, when all the sudden, I felt drawn away from the guys.

I was with them, but then I wasn't fully with them. I felt like I was back inside Preston's Castle once again. I felt a tug and then I was back looking at a dark hall way inside of Preston's Castle, when I was still with the guys.. I felt something behind me in the darkness, I didn't have anything to light my way or anything. Nothing but darkness, then all the sudden. Hands came around then grabbed my neck.

I fight it, but couldn't the hands had something against my neck. Then all the sudden I felt a shove pushing me back or forward. I jumped at this scare I had, and it caused me to come back to where I am with Zak, Nick and Aaron once more.

I had jumped during the interview which caused everyone to stop and look at me. I blushed, hoping no one caught that I jumped. But seeing how everyone was looking at me now, I can tell they that did saw me jump. I tried to keep my face down and eyes to the ground so no one wont see my blush.

Zak took a moment to clear up what had happened to save me from embarrassing myself or him. "Sorry about that normally Cadie isn't like this." He said, defending me. I felt him move his arm around me, giving a light squeeze. I knew he wanted to know what had happened.

But since we are still doing a interview, he'd have to wait till after this interview was done to talk to me about it. I sighed at this and kept looking at the ground. I didn't want to look at Preston's Castle anymore.

Zak looked at me for a second, I did the same with him. His eyes asked if he should ask about Anna, his only reply by me was deep released breath at this time. "We would like to know more about Anna Corbin? The head Housekeeper that was killed here." He asked.

Anderson began to tell us in detail what had happened. As he did, my stomach flipped inside of me. These boys were not your normal randy lads. These some these lads were killers and rapist towards women and some where in gangs too. I felt slightly light headed and I felt Zak's hand on me steady me.

He took a quick look at me, before looking at Anderson. His lips were a thin tight line and I felt his hand slightly bunched in a fist. "So these boys were not like your average bad boys that steals gum out of hardware stores are they?" He tried to joke about it. But I Heard a slight darker tone than what Nick and Aaron caught on camera.

A few minutes later, Anderson decides to be off topic for a brief second. This is something I learned about Zak over the last couple of months. One, you don't go off topic with him when it comes to the paranormal and the locations we are in. It can lose credibility that they give us. Two, if it was about me Zak would get very protective over me and jealous.

I felt his body went hard and tense next to me, as Anderson said. "Can I speak about something important." He said. The camera's didn't catch Zak's reaction to this question. Cause Zak's face was a calm and cool as he can be. But his body. It was tense and hard, Only Anderson, Nick and Aaron saw this part of him. When they were not looking through the camera screens.

"Depends what it is about? If it's about dating Cadence you can't. Red doesn't date who we interview." He said protectively.

Zak's POV

Anderson had to hit a small nerve with me. I was liking the guy throughout the whole time we were talking since he didn't pass a glance at Cadie. However, he did with this last question. My body went on high alert.

"No no. It's not about that... It's about your lady friend.. If she is to go in with you guys, make sure not to let her out of your sight. Who knows what the ghosts can do to a young pretty looking girl like her." I nodded at this. "She is sticking by me all night. She wont leave unless I tell her to leave." I said protectively.

A little bit after saying that, I noticed she was blushing. I Want this part of the interview to stop, I want to know what Cadence saw. I knew she felt or saw something when she jumped next to me. That bond we have, was enough to let me know she isn't herself either.

"Can we move on for now?" she asked, I looked at her then nodded. "Yes. I think we got what we needed. Thanks for talking to us." I said. Anderson nodded. "Let's go meet Gloria inside." I said, I felt her body went tense a little bit at my suggestion.

I looked at Nick and Aaron, then Gloria. "Go inside and wait for us. I need to chat with Cadie first before we go on." Nick saw the look I had, then nod. He knew I had a reason to chat with her alone.. Despite him hating me talking to her alone. I Have to.

I caught Gloria wink playfully at Cadie. I smiled at this cause it got her to blush, but it went away. Something wasn't right with Cadie. I can sense it, I can feel it in my body. She isn't herself.

"Let's go over there and chat alright." I said, hinting towards the guard tower. She nods, we walked up to the tower. After getting there, I went to undo her audio then mine. I didn't want Aaron or Nick listening on us.

I want this private between me and her. To hell what anyone would think about us or why I undid our audio.. I took a deep breath then looked at her. She kept on looking at Preston's Castle once again.

Anderson was right about her. As I look her over, I can see why the younger guys would want to. She was a right height, she looks young and fragile.. A perfect target for a horny or violent person to go after. I shook my head. I wont let that happen even with the afterlife and in real life I wont let her get hurt like she was back then.

"I need to know what happened Red? I didn't see you behave like this before." I said to her. She still wont look at me. She didn't look at the place anymore, but she was looking at the ground. "Sweetie. Tell me what happened?" She shook her head.

"I don't know. I was paying attention to what was being said. Then.." She shook her head once more. I sighed a this. "Don't give me that bullshit sweetie. I saw what had happened. I felt what had happened to you. Your hands went to your neck as if protecting yourself, before your hands went to your Celtic Cross. You were pale and you looked like you wanted to pass out. Then you jumped. I felt that energy that caused you to so do." I ranted, my tone getting angry as I went.

Cadie groaned at this. "It's not anything for you to worry about." She snapped back. "Do we need to stop this investigation Red?" I'll regret doing this, since we had a perfect place to ghost hunt at. Since it's a kind of place I like. However. I have to remind her. She was in charge. Welll....Not really in charge.. I was still leader and boss after all. I have rights to pull out if it's to much for her.

This however got a reaction that startled me from her. "NO Zak. I don't want to stop here. There is something.. I want to find out what happened. Why I got dragged here?" Her eyes changed on her. Those light big eyes were not her's anymore. They went to a deep dark filled with green. I only seen her angry when her eyes are green. This wasn't like that.

"I think we should stop this ghost hunt. I don't want what ever is trying to enter your body to enter inside you." I hissed dangerously at her. She glares at me. " Sod off Zak! You don't know shite! I want to finish this. Let me do what I came here for." I shook my head at this. "Slap me later on Red. But I am still boss and leader here. I will say when to pull the plug or not. Just listen to yourself Jen." I snapped at her.

"This isn't like you. You're getting too emotionally involved with this whole Anna thing." I knew she was about to slap me. Even though I thought she was done with that. I grabbed her hand and spun her around her keep her from hitting me. Her back against me. I was shaking at this. "Stop it Red! Stop! This isn't like you. If you keep this up. I'll tie and gag you till we come home to Las Vegas." I warned her.

"I am this close to say fuck it leave." I hissed darkly at her. I saw her eyes went sad at this. I knew she wanted to have the answers she is looking for. I knew she wanted to help Anna. But I must protect her too, if this location get's to much I don't risk on losing her again.

"Please Zak. I want to finish this. We are close I can feel it." "I am aware of it sweetie. I know you are.. But I can't have you getting hurt. Not like what had happened in my dreams." I shouted at her. I also had grabbed her face and was lightly shaking her head. Not enough to hurt her, but to scare sense into her mind.

I stopped shaking her head, then place a small kiss on her head. "I don't want you getting hurt." I tried to calm down. I felt her relax into me, as I held her in a tight grip. "If you want us to finish we'll finish alright. But you have to clear your mind and forget about Anna." I said in demand. She nods at this.

"Was those dreams you had, about me dying?" she asked. I stopped to hiss at this. I shouldn't of said that. "That is something to not worry about Red. We got this place to finish. I'll keep this investigation going. But if you act up again. I will call this investigation off." she nods at this

"Now, let's go so we can finish this ok." I said to her. I gave her a small lightly kiss on her forehead. Then pulled away. "You are safe with me. What ever happened to Anna, wont happen to you got it." I saw her nod. "Let's go Red." I said to her. With that we went inside.

As we were inside. I can see why the place was condemned, holes on the bottom floor. We wont be doing any nighttime investigations in these few rooms down stairs.. As we came to the stairs. I was telling how dangerous this place was.. As saying so, I nearly tripped. Cadie however did tripped and caught herself against me.

"Careful Red." I hissed protectively. Nick and Aaron gave me a glare on why not adding them to my worry list. Ignored them for a moment. "What? You two would be much more careful then she would." I admitted. I knew she was slowly letting this place get to her. I know it was.

Despite my warning, I wanted to keep this going for her. I wanted this location to go on, but not if she is letting this place get to her.. Then again I started to wonder if it was her gift that made her more open to this place. Nodding my head as I thought about it, as well to Gloria who was telling us about the hospital room that had roses inside.

A hour or later we came to a place. That Cadie was having a very hard time being at. "I don't want to go down there." she said, she had her eyes on the floor. As if searching for something, that she can only see. Not anyone of us can. I wrapped a arm around her. "Let's go Red!" She shook her head. "It's dark down there." I felt her body react to my touch. "Want to step outside?" she shook her head.

I did gave her credit, she was trying to fight it. But I knew it was due to her wanting answers. As we came down stairs, Cadie acted up again. Nick was looking at her through his camera. Also to keep an eye on her when I am not. She said something softly about.. Blood. Then before I knew she blacked out.

"Shit!" I hissed as Nick and I caught her before she hit the stairs with her head. "Let's take a break ok.. We'll cut this part out too." I said, Nick only nodded. I picked her up and carried her outside so we can take her to the van.

Later on we went to go let her sleep in the hotel, away from this place. I shook my head as I watched her one last time then went to leave with Nick and Aaron without Cadie with us again.

As we went to finish the walk through part of the location, I thought it be best if she stays away till the lockdown part. I knew I can't stop her from coming with us. So it was the only way to get her away for the time being... As we drove back to finish, little did I know that Cadie's reactions was the early warnings to something that is to come for us.


Cadie's POV _

I wasn't talking to either of the guys. I was upset with them and with Zak too.. Zak wasn't talking to me and refused to even look at me. Till he said this, "I am sorry Red. But you'll have to tear off my balls later. Right now we need to focus on this place." he said. "That isn't the only thing I want torn off." I hissed darkly.

This made both guys flinch as I hinted more then Zak's Bullock's. He glares at this not even caring about my threat. "I will make sure to not let you with us." he said. I knew by his tone he wasn't fooling me he meant it. Why now? Why must he be like this now? "Zak let's forget what had happened. You said it yourself we need to not let this place get to us. Your letting it get to by worrying about me." I saw him softened at this. "Is it my fault I want make sure your ass wont get hurt Red?" Aaron tossed in a small chuckle making us look at him. "What sorry? I mean your always looking at her ass anyways... So it wont be much of a problem for- never mind I'll stop." he said, seeing the dark look Zak gave him..

"Your right Red, we must forget what happened and what know of this place. We can't let them see we are getting effected.. By the way Cadie did you say you found scratches on you?" he asked. I nodded at this. "I'll show you once we get inside. Also you said something happened to Gloria right?" I asked. He nods.

A few minutes later we ended up getting started with the ghost hunt. We went back to being ourselves as much as we can for the locking in part. Zak was beside me, with a smile on his face. I knew he secretly wanted to investigate here, despite what is going with me and the location he still wanted to keep going.

He said something shortly about being excited and then asked everyone once Aaron came running up to meet us after placing a X cam outside of Preston's Castle to film the outside of the place. "Cadie are you Ready?" he asked, me first with a slight look in his eyes. He hidden the happiness with a small bit of worry, when he asked me first. I nodded my head without saying anything. He smiled at this, upon looking at my eyes. He went on with Nick and Aaron, with Aaron gave a slight groan about doing this lockdown. We met up with Gloria, Zak stopped us for a second. "Wait a second guys." Zak said, letting us stop. He asked Gloria about what she wanted us to know about.. Upon finding out, she was scratched also like me.

Zak took a moment to look at them, then looked at me. "Where have we seen this before?" he asked, I only shrugged at this. "Cadie can you show us yours..Cause didn't you say you got scratched too?" I took a moment to think, then nodded my head. Zak moved next to me and helped me move my hair to the side. He didn't see the scratches till now that is, but knows where they are located at. Pulling my shirt to the side where my shoulder is.. Zak told Nick to focus closer on the scratches at the base of my neck. "We gotta keep them boys off you tonight Red." Zak said in a teasing yet serious tone.

However he did ended up making me blush at the time too. Nick didn't miss how he lightly brushed my neck afterwards before pulling the shirt back to where it is. So it was filmed during the time. "Let's go you guys." he said with one last look at me. I nodded, Gloria gave me a soft look, then said. "Make sure she stays safe.... The boys may taking a liking to someone who is fresh and young looking like her." With that last warning we were locked in for the night.

Zak once again started off taunting as a form of introduction for Nick, Aaron and himself. Leaving me out as a new supervisor with them. "Also I would like to guys to know we also have a new Head Housekeeper working with us too. I would like to dare you guys into getting her attention by trying to push her." he snapped as he looked at me... "I doubt you have what it takes to push our new Housekeeper around." I heard Zak say once more then finished off the taunts, then started to walk into the back room where sat our equipment down at.

Zak hands me the camera, as well a couple digital recorders. "Cadence I want you to stay close to me tonight alright." he said. As I nodded, I was looking at something that was swinging lifelessly by his side, that was tied to his belt.

He took notice of me looking down at the general area of his lower body and smiled at this. Pleased that I even took a moment to even look there. "Why Cadie? Do you see something that you like?" he teased playfully. I glared at him then shook my head. "No. But I am wondering what that is though." Pointing at what looks like strap of leather with two heavy looking rope tied to it and tied around his belt.

He smirked at this once more. "This is for the bad boys.. We gotta make sure we keep them boys in line some how right.. Want me to test it out?" I shook my head to hide a blush. I knew he wont use it against me, since he knew how I am not ok with any kind of form of punishments at the time. "I wasn't going to have it used on you sweetheart.. What kind of guy do you think I am." He said, not liking how I gave him a look he didn't like at the moment.

"Well.. Keep that away from me and you wont get yourself slapped." I replied into a light warning. He nods, then we started our lockdown from here on out. As we started, Zak started talking about how dangerous it was in this place, to "Not only two people were scratched too, but also three counting Red right here who got scratched too." Zak then started to send a small threat towards whoever did scratched me. "I would like you to try to do that against to Cadie right here.. I dare you to touch her even." he snarled slightly.

We walked outside of the room we were in as this happened. Zak decided to have me moved up front of him. "I want you ahead of me and also Aaron too at this moment." I heard him say. I nodded at this, nothing to it we got to where we are needed. As this happened however.

Zak took a moment be slightly playful towards me, walking closer to me from behind. I felt something brush against my bum as I was walking. I stopped at feeling it and brushing my bum with my hand in case it was a bug or something. I looked at Zak, who was having his camera on me, then moved to Aaron.

A few minutes of this later I felt it again then decided to grab it. "Stop it will you Zak." I snapped lightly. He smirked at this. "What can I say. I wanted to make a example out of what I am meant to do." he said. "Why not do it to something else then instead of me." I said, he smirked at this. His attention went to Aaron who was poorly not paying attention as Zak seek him out to test his leather strap against him.

Without a second to waste, I heard a snap loud enough to make me slightly blush as I Aaron let out a startled yelp of fear. He looked and turned at me then Zak. "What?" Zak asked with a slight smile. "I can't use the strap on Cadence's ass now can I." I heard his reason to Aaron who made the big guy blush as he looked at me.

We went on once more to set up the night vision camera's where Zak wanted them placed at. After finishing up Anna's Apartment, Zak looked at me with a soft sigh escaping from me. He spoke up afterwards. "I'll let you come back after we are done with everywhere else first alright. But you must stick close to me and I have to be in the room with you alright." not trusting me alone on this lockdown. He knew why too.. This place has a strange effect on me and he is aware of it too.

I nodded, Zak started to taunt once more again. As I stood next to him, while Aaron and Nick had a good shot of us together also Aaron decided to move the camera at a different spot. As this happened, we heard something. Zak ordered who ever made the sound to be known. Then using the strap he had in his hand, he swung next to me and it landed on the wall behind me him. I looked around as he did, but jumped slightly as I heard leather hitting the wall.

"Sorry Red." I heard him say, but we got interrupted by a noise that got me and him distracted. A click was heard, following footsteps then a soft voice was heard. I picked up the tone and it saying "Who was or is there?" I spoke up over Zak as he was talking once more. "Anna is that your we hear? Cause it if it's you or someone make the noise again please." I said lightly, making Zak look at me.

We stopped for a while then decided to leave. By going down the hallway towards the hospital wings are. As we got there, I looked at the room around us. Zak and Aaron was sitting up EMF pumps and Movement Catchers to see if we can get the dark shadow or figure that Gloria told Zak about.

"I want you to go sit this up at the end of the hall alright. But come right back you hear me." Zak said in a light tone. I nodded at this. Then left to go set down the over devices to see if we can something on either of the devices. As I finished sitting up I got sidetracked by someone next to me.

I stopped for a minute, thinking if I should let myself stay and talk since this was something I shouldn't miss out on. Despite Zak telling me to come back. So pulling out my digital recorder, then sitting my camera down. I sat down on the floor where I was at then asked. "Anna are you following me?" I asked, but was slightly nervous as I asked that question.

"If anyone is following me I want you to make noise alright. So I can hear you." I said lightly. I waited to see if I can hear anything, then checked my digital recorder something I was taught by Mark and Debby a lot. After a few minutes passed, I decided to get up and go back to where the guys are at.

"Alright I am leaving for now... Anna if you are here with me. I want you to follow me if that is ok with you.." I trailed off, then left quietly without sitting off the motion catchers.. Which was how I am calling them now since I can't pronounce detectors to good cause my accent can be a pain for me once in a while.

As I was going back, I felt something following me. I turned around. "Hello is anyone there?" I asked. Pointing the camera where I felt the feeling coming from. I sighed then left again but sadly enough I didn't know I was being lead away from the guys. Till I got turned around again.

Shaking my head, I looked to where I was at.. "Zak! Nick!?" I called out. "Aaron!" I said quietly, in case they might be near me. But they weren't. "Are you leading me away from the guys?" I asked, as I felt a energy close my me again. Shaking my head I huffed. Then went to go leave to find the boys.

As I did this, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I gave a slight startled jump but the hand that touched me wasn't what caused me to jump. It was a scream. I felt it enter my body and I took off running without even thinking who it was the screamed but I went to go follow it.

As this had happened. I heard a sound go off not far from me, telling me we got something on the devices. Also I heard Zak's voice too not far from it. I kept on running as I did turned around a corner I felt something hit me I froze at this for second but then kept going afterwards.

As I came closer to the hall the way were in. I heard Zak say. "Where the fuck is Red? She should be back by now..."I didn't stop myself in time as I sent myself crashing into whoever I crashed on to. "What the hell was that?" Aaron asked, as he caught the whole thing on his camera but it was to fast for him.

Nick and him pointed his camera on me. I had landed on Zak in their camera angles. From behind him since he wasn't looking at where I was coming from. "Red tell me that is this you that is on top of me." I heard Zak say, then felt his hands on my legs or tried to anyways.

"Sorry." I managed to squeak out in Irish. Before Aaron helped me up off of Zak. "Where the fuck were you?" he asked in anger. If I didn't know any better he was scared that I didn't came back. I glared at this.

"I got lost by accident. Also I took a moment to ask questions since I felt something next to me as was sitting up the other devices." I saw him nod. Then sighed. "Alright but next time be careful alright. Don't wander off anymore for the rest of the night alright." he said protectively. I sighed in defeat then nodded. He took note of it too..

"I am sorry Red. But I want you safe in this place alright." I nodded. He places a hand on my head and lightly messed with my hair. "Now, let's keep on moving alright." he said, I nodded at this. As we started to try to figure out what cause the devices to go off and EMF pump get drained. Little did we both now that there was more to then just me being lead away from the guys.
♠ ♠ ♠
More of the lockdown will be added next chapter, I am trying to not speed up the Lockdowns and Investigations as of much. So it wont feel like it's all tossed in all at once.. Yes I put more Drama and had to have Zak and Cadie fight in this chapter. Zak wanted to protect and make sure she wont end up like what had happened in his dreams.. So it's why he is being a overprotective person, despite wanting to do the Preston Castle Investigation and wanting to please Cadie.. He still wants to make sure she safe with him.. So yes, it will be an on and off thing between Zak being like that..This is how I am going to have him see how much he really cares for Cadie. But don't worry. Zak will lighten up on being overprotective over Cadie.