I'm Anxiously Awaiting Your Arrival Now

Putting on the Ritz

As I ran through the warm, dewy grass, the sun gently beats down, covering everything in its golden light. I stopped and glanced around myself. I took in everything, the clear, flowing river, the bright, blooming flowers that blanketed the ground. The green leaves on the tall trees and the bright blue sky that stretched for miles. Everything seemed so...Perfect.
I take a deep breath. Taking in the warm California air. A rabbit jumps from a bush and hops in the flowers. I laugh and prance through the tall grass after it. But the rabbit disappears right before the river. I stop and gaze into the flowing water. The warm wind whips through my long blond hair.
Everything around me seems to be alive. A tiny frog floats up to the surface of the river. He stays there for a moment, then suddenly leaps onto a lily pad drifting through the water nearby. The frog looks up at me and opens its mouth. “BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!”
My eyes fly open and I sit straight up in my full bed. My alarm clock is going off. I reach over and shut it off. I let myself fall back down on to my warm bed and pull my duvet around me. I close my eyes and sigh deeply. If only it wasn’t a dream. If only I was still in California with all my friends. Instead, I’m here in Las Vegas. Starting a new school and I don’t know anyone.
“Delilah.” My mom is shaking me. “Come on get up.” I reluctantly get out of bed.
“Ugh. Why!?” I whined. “Why must I got to this new god forsaken school? Maybe I’ll just quit and then I can just stay home.” I pondered this thought for a moment.
“Delilah.” My mom said my name once again. “Get real. You have to go to school. And think on the positive side! Its your last year!”
“Year...that’s a long time.” I mumbled.
“Relax, your graduating this year. This is supposed to be a fun year.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my room.
I ripped my hand from her grasp. “It would be fun if I was still back in Huntington with my friends.” I hissed. She through her hands up in defeat and walked away.
I started my normal morning routine. Shower, clothes, hair, make up, the usual stuff. “Hurry up! The bus is here!” my mom yelled up the stairs. I flew downstairs and out of the door. I slowed to a walk when I reached the sidewalk. I didn’t want to look like a freaky little kid running to catch the bus.
I walked on to the bus and looked for a place to sit. There was barely anyone on the bus, so I had a lot of choices. I sat towards the back, behind a guy that looked about my age with black hair. He had his lip and nose pierced also and wore a little eyeliner. I noticed that he had a tattoo on his neck. Which I thought was weird. I had never seen anyone my age that had a tattoo on their neck.
I sat down and I could hear his Ipod. I smiled to myself and silently pulled out my own from my jean pocket. I put on my favorite song and relaxed into the cold, hard seat of the bus. It was a fairly long bus ride for us being so close to the high school.
I told myself that I would drive my car the next time. I noticed that a lot of the people getting on looked about my age or maybe a year younger. I wondered why they didn’t drive. Maybe they don’t have cars or something. My car is in the shop so I can’t drive it at the moment. But I should be able to by Monday.
By the time the last kid got on the bus, it was packed. The boy in front of me was now talking loudly to two boys that had gotten on a few stops after me. One was taller than the other and had black hair and his nose pierced. He lifted up his left arm and I saw a tattoo but I couldn’t make out what it was.
The second boy was shorter and had bleach blond hair. No tattoo and no piercings. Pretty normal except for the hair. It was crazy and spiked. Just like the boy in front of me, they were wearing eyeliner too. But the black haired guy, was wearing more than both of them put together.
I sighed and looked out of the dirty bus window, wishing the ride was over already. I turned back to the bus and looked down at my chipping black nail polish.
I was totally absorbed in chipping it even more when I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I pried myself away from my nails and looked up. And was met with a pair of pale blue eyes peering over the seat at me.
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okay, I'm sorry if it was kind of short.
The next one will hopefully be longer and I should hopefully have it out by tonight.

comments are the greatest love.