I'm Anxiously Awaiting Your Arrival Now

Say Hello To Tomorrow.

I chose a seat in the back of the room. There were only a few spots left and this was one of them so I took it. We could pretty much do whatever we wanted during the 20 minutes that we had home room. This is fucking gay.

I sat there listening to my Ipod while the class, if you would call it that, dragged on. People around me were talking and pointing at me. Some were just staring, wondering who the weird new girl was. The teacher wasn’t in the room almost the whole time. He came in the last few minutes and asked if everyone was there. He seemed like he was in a rush and as soon as he took role, he was out of the room again.

The bell rang and I slowly put my ipod back into my bag and walked out of the art room. Only to be greeted by Ronnie.
“Hi.” he smiled
“Hi.” I smiled back. “Shall we go to first hour?” I looked down at my schedule, “which is History.” I said.
“Yep, lets go.” he answered taking hold of my hand once again.
We weaved in between students and teachers. Ronnie seemed to really know his way around the school. I got more strange looks again walking through the hallway.
“Uh, Ronnie?” I asked stopping in the middle of the hallway.
“Hmm?” He turned around and looked at me, also stopping.
“Why are you holding my hand?”
“So I don’t lose you in the mob of people” he said nonchalantly.
“You don’t have to because I can see you, your right in front of me.”
He shrugged. “I like it better holding your hand.” He turned back around and continued walking down the hallway again.
I dropped the subject and followed him, having no choice since he wouldn’t release my hand.
The rest of the day passed by pretty much uneventful. I met the rest of Ronnie and Maxes friends and I met Lauren, who turned out to be pretty cool. I sat by them at lunch too. We were constantly laughing. They were all so funny.

“Hey guys you know what I just realized?” Max asked a few days later.
“What’s that?” Ronnie asked not really caring.
“That was like the best first day of school ever!” He squealed and threw his arms up in the air. Lauren and I looked at each other and laughed.
School had just ended and we were outside by the buses, talking.
“You know what? It was pretty fucking amazing. Only because Delilah came.” Mike agreed. He was one of the guys that I had met on the first day too.
“The only thing that matters is if Delilah had a good first day!” Craig shouted. Everyone stopped and looked at him. He cleared his throat. “So, did you have a good first day?”
I burst out laughing. I couldn’t keep it in anymore. Craig was too funny when he yelled. “Yeah, I guess I did it was pretty boring but so was yesterday ad today.” I said.
Ronnie put a hand on his heart, “How on earth could you be bored when you are hanging out with me?”
“Oh please Ronnie! Everyone knows that you are boring and the only reason that she had a little bit of fun is because she is hanging out with us.” Bryan said.
Ronnie stuck out his bottom lip, put his head down and pouted. I laughed and walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. “The classes were boring dear Ronnie, not you. Your way to fun for me.” I said laughing.
He breathed a sigh of relief. “Good, I thought you hated me.” he said ruffling my hair.
“Ugh! Stop Ronnie!” I yelled hitting his hand away and running behind Bryan.
“Why are you hiding behind Bryan?” Max asked just now joining what was already in progress.
“Because Bry will protect me from the evil Ronnie.” I cried.
Ronnie scoffed, “Oh so now I’m boring and evil, huh?” I nodded and moved out from behind Bryan. “Well then I guess you don’t get to come over to my house with everyone else!” Ronnie stated.
“What?” I asked. I didn’t even know that we were going to his house.
“Yep, and we’re gonna order pizza, and play video games and drink until we puke!!” he exclaimed. “It’s Friday so we can do whatever!” I didn’t really get why they put the first day of school so close to a Friday. Why not start on a Monday so there would be a full week.

I sprinted over to Ronnie. “Please, please, please! Please can’t I come over!” I whined.
“Nope, You called me a boring evil person. That’s not nice.” he crossed his arms and turned away from me.
“Geez Delilah, be mean.” Mike laughed before turning back to the group and joining their conversation.
I stuck out my bottom lip and jumped on Ronnie’s back. “Come on! I’m sorry, you know I was kidding! Come on Ronnie, I love you! Please come on please Ronnie please!?”
He turned around and looked at me, “Okay, I forgive you, IF! You give me a hug.” he made a puppy dog face and put his arms out. I laughed and ran into his open arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into the spot right above his collar bone. He wrapped his arms firmly around my middle and his face in the crook of my neck. We hugged for a few minutes then pulled away.

“That was like the best hug ever.” Ronnie concluded laughing.
“Yes, it was.” I agreed.
“Yo, people!” Mike yelled at us. “We are walking to Ronnie’s since he live so close.”
“Okay then lets go.” I said picking my bag up from the ground. Ronnie followed suit. Our whole group, which consisted of: me, Ronnie, Lauren, Max, Bryan, Mike and Craig, started walking to Ronnie’s house.
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yay! 3 in one day!
woo hoo!

comments are the greatest love.