I'm Anxiously Awaiting Your Arrival Now

One Love In Your Eyes Now.

My eyelids started to get unbelievably heavy. So heavy in fact that I didn’t hear the rest of the “where is everyone going to sleep” conversation. But what seemed like seconds after I willed my eyelids to shut, someone was shaking me. “Delilah, come on get up.” “Dude, leave her alone she’s sleeping.”
“Yeah, leave me alone.” I mumbled in my sleep. I heard someone chuckle. I let myself fall back asleep but was slightly woken up by someone, picking me up. “Leave me alone.” I mumbled but gave in. I felt lips pressed to my head and I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up the next morning, not knowing where I was. I sat straight up and let my eyes adjust to the bright light. I looked around and saw mostly black. Black walls, black clothes, black furniture and black sheets and duvet. There were a lot of posters covering the walls too. I figured I must be in Ronnie’s room since I know this isn’t his brothers room and I’m pretty sure that I didn’t leave the house. And then I noticed something else. Something with their arm slung across me. Thebeautiful sleeping figure of Mr. Ronnie Radke himself. His long midnight black hair was all messed up and covering his face so I could just make out his nose. I smiled to myself and pushed some hair out of his face.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and set my feet on the floor. I felt two arms slither around me and I looked down at my waist. I saw all the carefully colored portraits that Ronnie called his tattoos. He tightened his grip around me and pulled me back into him. I laughed and sat down on top of him. He grunted but stayed still. I wanted to wake him up so I poked his nose. He scrunched it up and I laughed and did it again. I did it over and over until he finally opened his eyes and flipped me off of him. I fell back and landed half on the floor, but on his pillow that was flung off the bed, so it was okay. I grabbed his pillow and tried to jump on to the floor but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back down. I landed on his lap and he pinned me to the bed. “AHHH! Ronnie let me up! I can’t breathe!” I screeched.

“NEVER! MUAHAHHA!” He laughed like a manic. I pushed him off me with great trouble and bolted out the door, with him right on my heels.

I ran down the stairs to see Mike playing PS2. “Mike!” I screamed and jumped on him, hiding from Ronnie. I made him drop the controller and practically flung him across the room. “Save me!” I yelled as Ronnie picked me up with one arm and threw me over his shoulder. “LET ME GO!” I screamed at Ronnie and pounded with my fists on his back. But nothing seemed to faze him. He just laughed and carried me upstairs. "You guys so love each other!" I heard Mike scream, but Ronnie didn't seem to notice.

He brought us into the office room that was also a guest room. He slammed me down on the bed and turned on the computer. “Ronnie why did you take me up here?” I asked grabbing a pillow and stuffing it under my chin.
He spun around in the chair and looked at me. “Because I am bored and you are the only one else here besides Mike.” Just then we heard the front door close. I looked out the window and Mike’s mom was sitting outside in her car and Mike was getting in. “Okay now its just you.”
“What time is it?” I asked changing the subject.
Ronnie looked over at his phone. “Its 9:30 AM.”
“Are you kidding? I’m up that early.”
“Haha yeah I would still be sleeping, if someone didn’t poke my friggin nose!” he said getting up and sitting on top of me.
“Ugh! Get your fat ass off me!” I cried slapping his back.
“You know, that does nothing to me. And its pay back time.” He smiled evilly as he got an idea. My eyes widened and I knew what he was going to do.

“No Ronnie, No!” I screamed as he started to poke my sides. “AH! Stop!” I screamed bloody murder. He was practically laying on top of me tickling my sides. He had the hugest smile on his face while he was nearly killing me. I’m very ticklish so I can’t handle much.
“Ser- seriously Ronnie! St- stop! I’m gonna die!” I cried with hot tears of laughter running down my face.
“Okay fine I will. But only because your cute.” He smiled warmly at me. I sighed and laid back on the bed. Moments later Ronnie laid down next to me and put his head on my shoulder. His arms slunk around me and I snuggled closer to him. Then without warning he lifted his head and kissed me lightly on the lips.
My heart stopped. He had never done that before. And it caught me off guard. A million thoughts were running through my head all at once. I couldn’t think straight or comprehend what had just happened It wasn’t that big of deal to him but, hey I had to admit that I had feelings for Ronnie. He was a nice, cute guy. We had a lot in common and we got along really well, but I had never thought of him in that way.

“Are you okay?” Ronnie asked me, bringing me back from inside my troubled mind. “Your eyes keep moving around and your breathing really heavily.”
I looked over at him and he was about 5 inches from my face. He had a permanent smirk on his face. Like he was pleased with himself that he messes with my tangled web of a mind. “Ye-, yeah I’m fine.” was all I managed to get out. He smiled and leaned in closer. My eyes were now bulging out of my head I felt like my heart was going to explode. And I stopped breathing. He laughed and moved back and laid and the bed. I let myself breath and relaxed a little. Ronnie couldn’t take it anymore and burst out laughing. I watched the way his shoulders shook up and down from laughter for a moment before back handing his head.
“Ow!” he yelled and looked back at me still laughing slightly. “What was that for?”
“Quit laughing! It’s mean.” I whined crossing my arms. He chuckled and pried my arms apart. “I’m sorry!!” he said and took both of my hands in his. He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.
“Yes Ronald?” I asked trying hard not to laugh at how childish he was. He stopped and looked at me seriously for a second then jumped off the bed and stood up straight.
He took both my hands in his own and pulled me up off the bed. He look me dead in the eye. It was kind of freaking me out how serious he was being. He let go of my left hand and brushed a piece of hair away that was caught on my eyelashes. He grabbed my hand again and swallowed hard. “Ronnie,” I started but he shushed me. “I’m thinking.” He said. So I simply nodded.
He looked down at me and leaned in, stopping when our lips just brushed each others. I could feel his hot breath on me and it sent shivers through my whole body. I'm not gonna lie, it was turning me on. He smirked and then closed the tiny gap between our lips. He brought his hands up to my face and pulled me closer to him. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I granted it and his tongue slid in. It was amazing. He was such a great kisser. And his mouth was so sweet. The kiss was almost breath taking. I felt like I was dreaming the whole time.

We broke apart and he went back to staring at me. I opened my mouth to say something but he put a finger to my lips. And shushed me.

After a while of us just standing there and Ronnie ‘thinking’ he took a deep breath and started talking. “Okay, I really have to ask you something.”
“Yeah...” I urged him to continue.
"I have something really important to tell you." He said yet again.
♠ ♠ ♠
o.O what is it?
and obviously I didn't put this in my story I had to turn in.

comments are the greatest love.

seriously comment or I might not put anymore out!