I'm Haunted. (By Her).

003. Forever Wandering.


"Sara! Sara! Where is that girl? I just saw her come inside an hour ago. Do you think maybe she snuck out?" asked Sara's mother, Karen.

"Could be. It would explain the loud noises we heard from upstairs." replied her father, David.

Once they went to check on Sara, they come to find their daughter, her throat slit and her wrists slashed. The horror and obscenity of the vision before them was too much for Karen; she fainted right away. David vomited in a trash bin near by.

By the time the police got there, the killer had made it across state. He had killed Sara because the house had told him. The man had often spent time on the property, having always dreamt of the house.

He had never lived there, but he knew he had to kill the hippie girl so it would appease the demons.

Karen and David moved out of the house once the funeral had happened and been done with. They sold the house, donated all of Saras things. All while Sara had to get used to the spirit world and the afterlife in the house forever.

The friendliest ghost had been Nora, who took in Sara lIke she was Noras own daughter.

Soon, Constance and her family had moved in. They had a maid named Moira O'Hara. Constances husband Hugo was obviously smitten by the gorgeous young redhead.

Sara had seen Tate since he was a young toddler. She wished she could be there for him more than just his unruly teen years.

Even the guidance she gave during those years didn't stop the transformation of Tate into the murderer he became.


It was two weeks before the new family was moving in and all the ghosts were panicking. We were all on edge and even Tate was trying to be on his best behaviour.

Who knows how long that will last...

Moira was making sure the house was tidy for them, since the annoying realtor didn't know how to clean apparently. Nora was scolding Charles for one reason or another.

I, on the other hand, was just excited to see human life once more.