Status: Look at the story in full detail, the photos of the real vacation and the real people featured in the story at Password: seaside

Keeping Summer

Three // Kayla

Date: June Eleventh Two Thousand Fourteen.
Time: Ten in the morning
Place: Main beach entrance, Seaside, Florida

“Kayla, wait up for us” called Riley.
“Nah,” I called back to her, “Y’all head home. I’m going to stop by the seaside store and get a shirt.”
“Okay, Meet you at your house in an hour then?” Riley asked.
“Yeah, meet you then. Get cleaned up and everything. I think we should go to rosemary beach later to shop and get lunch.” I say to her as her and the girls run to catch up with me.
“Yeah!” Ava cheers, “I can’t wait to go to sugar shack!”
“Okay, now y’all go get washed up.” I say then turn the corner into a small shop. The store is like headquarters for all things seaside brand. They have t-shirts to visors. Beer koozies and golf balls. Schools supplies, water bottles, notebooks, basically anything you can think of with the word seaside written on it. It’s completely worth it because the shirts are as soft as the sand on their beach. I walk around the store a little bit looking at all the stuff they have available. I was looking around in the t-shirt section for about ten minutes when a guy that looks to be around 16 walks up to me.
“Can I help you with anything today ma’am?” He asks. He has on a neon aqua hollister polo with a button that says ‘Ask me about hometown discounts’ on it.
“Ha ha,” It ends up sounding really awkward and I try hiding my face in a t-shirt. I look back up at him “Nah, I’m fine” I start backing up slowly pretending to look at other shirts in the store.
“Well if you need anything, my name is Cody” He smiles a one million watt smile at me then turns away. Just as he wasn’t facing me I backed up into a row of mannequins. I fell over with all of them. Cody runs over to me and helps me up.
“Are you okay ma’am?” He looks worried, but it’s obvious that he is suppressing a laugh.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I attempt to laugh all the awkwardness away, “It’s Kayla by the way.” I smile at him. The awkwardness has faded a tad.
“Do you wanna check out before you knock down our bookshelf too?” He jokes while pointing at the red seaside shirt I had in my hand. I shook my head yes and he took me to the register. I went through the checkout managing to not push anything around me.
“Thank you,” he smiled at me, “Have an amazing day Kayla” he put the receipt in the bag and handed it to me. Once I was out of the store I looked at the receipt.

| Seaside Store Florida
| Red seaside tee
| 29.00
| Thank you have a nice day
| --- Nice meeting you today
| Don't run into a wall
| While you're texting me
| ~Cody 899-344-8723

I walked home with a small smirk on my face.