Sequel: Lost Boy
Status: Feedback please!


And time is just a melody

Coraline laid across the bed, the back of her arm covering her eyes. Michael wiggled his way up beside her, arms moving around her waist. She leaned her head against his chest, closing her eyes as she breathed in his scent. Now would be the time to tell him, but every time she tired to find her voice, it would fail her. "I have to leave around five," Michael finally spoke up and Coraline looked at the alarm clock behind him. 3:45. "Band practice," she nodded once, not wanting to face him any longer. She turned around, back to him. He still held on tight, chin on her shoulder.

It wasn't fair. He had been her best friend first. She knew she was being selfish, but she just wanted him to be there. She was leaving at the end of the school year, for Christ's sake. Her eyes burned and she felt a tear creep from the corner of her eye. She quickly wiped it, not saying a word. "Cor..." her throat tightened as he said her name. "Cor, look at me." She shook her head, opening the flood gates. Both hands moved to her face and she sniffed, shielding her scarlet cheeks from Michael.

Hands found her shoulder and he pushed it down to turn her around, now laying on her back. Her hands still covered her face, not daring to look at him. "Just stop, Michael," she sniffed, voice breaking.

"Then tell me why you're crying..." his voice was gentle, genuinely concerned.

"You, Michael," she threw her hands down and sent him a hard, tear-filled gaze. "You have these guys now and you're just going to forget about me. I'm happy for you," Michael's eyes dropped to her lips as she spoke, watching the way they moved as she articulated each word, "I really am, and I know I'm being selfish, but you're my best fri-" His lips soon cut off her rambling as tears continued to carve their way down the sides of her face. One of her hands found his chest as she kissed back, melting beside him. She smiled against his lips as one of his hands pressed against her hip. He slowly pulled away, looking down at her before his eyes widened. His lower jaw went slack, shock evident on his face. Before Coraline could say anything, he pushed himself away from her, standing up. She sat up slowly and eyed him.

"Ah..." Her hazel eyes, still glossed over with tears, met his with a hint of hope. "Cor... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." It was her turn to gape as he rambled over the accident of taking her first kiss. "It was an accident," he spoke clearly, unsure of what exactly to say.

Right. An accident. That's all it was.

Coraline looked at her hands, still taken aback. He said her name gently and she let out a small laugh. "Get out."


She rose her gaze to meet his defiantly. "If all that was, was an accident, then get out." He was so confused. Wiping his sweaty hands on his shirt, he dropped his head and turned, walking out of her room with one hand on the back of his neck. Coraline fell back to her pillows, letting out a shaky breath before tears sprung back to her eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is SO short. I try to keep my word count above eight hundred and my other story, the one about Gaskarth, is close to one thousand if not more for every chapter. I hate skimping out on you guys! I was going to combine this with another part of the story, but I felt like that was too much for one chapter after I finished typing it all up. On the upside, the next chapter will be up soon!

I have a small character sheet up for Coraline, Grayson and Frankie. It's got some spoilers in it, so read with caution. Thanks loves! And thank you Forgetful-Insomniacs for the very first comment and recommendation!

Support really makes a difference in how fast updates come out! Although... I really like this story, so I've been planning ahead, way ahead. OH god... Have a good day lovelies!