Sequel: Lost Boy
Status: Feedback please!


Walk as fast as their feet can take them

Coraline angrily strummed the strings on her guitar, changing chords quickly to accommodate the next line of lyrics she had written down. Her voice flowed to the tune, and she stopped to write a few more lyrics down. Her keyboard sat beside her on the bed and she moved on finger to the keys, playing a few notes. With a nod, she looped her recording, playing over it with the guitar before coupling it with her voice. The chorus was looming and she stood up, eyes on the sheet as she belted out the few lines, nodding her head along. A small smile lit up her face and she pulled her phone from her back pocket, tweeting to her followers that she'd have a live stream going in less than an hour.

While she was waiting for the time to pass, she actually did something with her hair, curling it into even tighter ringlets. She put on only a little make up, having never been a fan of heavy make up unless it was for a costume or a makeup tutorial. She left her Rolling Stones long sleeve on and changed her pajama pants for a pair of black skinny jeans and red Vans. She pulled her curled hair into a far side pony and jogged down the stairs, grabbing a water bottle and a piece of bread. She smoothed honey over one side and sprinkled brown sugar on top before slipping back up the stairs before Margeret had a chance to call after her. She shot a text to both Grayson and Frankie to tell them about the live stream and set up her live stream. The number was low, at only thirty-two but it was steadily rising.6

"Go~od afternoon! Cora here!" She did and awkward wave as she sat back down on the bed. "I swear, music is the best therapy, just remember that. I've been in the gutter for a while now, but today I finally decided to put my mind back on writing and guess what... I came up with something for you! I'm sorry I haven't been updating much lately." Her eyes dropped and she bit her lip, feeling anxious before she let out a dry laugh. "I've just had a lot of shitty things happen this week..."

The computer beeped and she leaned in, squinting at the message.

Wanna talk about it? We're all here for you Coraline!

"Well thank you, JalexBarakarth! Amazing name, by the way. I ship them too, no worries, but I guess the gist of everything is my best friend and my dad who likes to decide things on his own without taking my opinions into consideration. Don't get me wrong, I am behind my family one hundred and ten percent, but it's just... I don't know... I'm only in grade ten and he just wants to make this life changing decision at the drop of a hat." She shook her had.

Are you and Michael okay?

The numbers of her live stream kept rising and she bit her lip, not knowing just who was watching it. "I don't know. I haven't talked to him in about a month," she admitted, finally pulling her guitar into her lap. Her fingers danced across the lion painted onto the wood and she adjusted her tribal printed strap before turning to the keyboard. "Alright, I hope you're all ready for this bad assery," she grinned, hit the loop button, and quickly set her notebook beside the laptop's webcam.


Michael let out a breath as Coraline finished up her song. The guys were on either side of him, watching her as her velvet voice melted through the speakers. His stomach turned, worry etched within him. What exactly was she talking about when she mentioned her dad? "She's a brilliant singer," Luke commented as Coraline continued to talk with her follows about some random trivia. The asked what her favorite romance movie was and Michael knew it.

"The Notebook," he breathed.

"The Notebook," she said over the webcam.

Then they asked what her favorite Disney movie was.

"Lion King," she and Michael answered at the same time. Michael stood up and pulled his jacket on, telling the two other guys that he'd be back before hurrying out of the house. He caught the bus to head across town, tapping his foot the whole way there. It really had been a month that they had spoken and the guilt, in all honesty, had been eating him alive. He wanted to see her but he assumed that kiss had just been pushing his limits as a best friend.

"If all that was, was an accident, then get out."

Realization washed over him like a tidal wave as the bus lurched to a stop. With a cheeky grin, he hopped off and hurried towards the large house only a few streets down from his own. His knuckles about to know on the door before it was suddenly swung open, Coraline's step mother standing there on her way out. "Oh," she gasped, staring at Michael. She was a pretty woman, around five foot eight with short, dark brown hair, green eyes with crow's feet in the corners and a bright smile when she rarely decided to show it. Coraline swore she was horrible, but Michael simply never saw it. "Hello, Mikey! It's so nice to see you!" She gave him one of her rare smiles and he returned it.

"Is Cora here?"

"Yes, right up the stairs, like usual." She rolled her eyes before re-positioning her purse. "You two play nicely." With that, she left the porch and walked towards her car.

Michael pushed the door open, silently closing it behind him. The house keeper saw him, about to greet him with a smile, but he put his finger up to his lips. She smiled and waved her hand indifferently before disappearing into the kitchen. He tip toed up the stairs, to the only room upstairs, and put his hand on the handle. He could still hear Coraline talking to her followers as he waited, though it sounded as if she was finishing up. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the door open. She turned, eyes wide with shock, and he took four large steps towards her and wrapping her in a hug that practically lifted her off of the ground. Tears pricked the back of her eyes as she wiggled to reach the stop button on the computer. His arms tightened around her and she finally gave in, hugging him back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hahaha, this one is no bueno.

Sorry y'all...
