Status: Chapters weekly every friday night... hopefully. :D

The Halfbreed

Wounds to Heal

She turned around and looked for someone to help and she saw the Master was already gone and she knew no help was to come from him, “Come we must go to Bard I fear no one will help us now.” Fili shouldered Kili’s weight and she started to feel like she was falling, what if she couldn’t help? What if he died?! She panicked. After a lot of walking, which did not help her nerves, they made it to Bards house, and Bofur knocked.
Bard opened the door and saw them and then tried to close the door, “No. I'm done with dwarves, go away!”
As Bard tried to close it Bofur stopped him, “No! No! No one will help us. Kili's sick.” They all looked at him and she felt the falling sensation double, he looked horrible if she had just looked at it sooner. “He's very sick.” Bofur said.
They put Kili on a bed and Oin started going over it with some fluid and Kili started groaning in pain.
Bofur looked at Oin, “Can you not do something?”
Oin shook his head, “I need herbs, something to bring down his fever.”
Bard rummaged through his herbs, “We have nightshade, feverfew...”
Oin looked at him, “They're no use to me. Do you have any Kingsfoil?”
Bard looked at Oin oddly, “No, it's a weed. We feed it to the pigs.”
Bofur looked up, “Pigs? Weed? Right.” He turned to Kili, “Don't move.” And then ran out of the house.
Vanya looked on while she felt helpless, “Oin are we sure this wound is a regular wound?” Vanya asked. “I have heard some orcs use poison on their arrows. If we get that weed then I can help if you’ll let me, I may be able to suck out the poison.” She said as she held down his arching back
Oin looked at her oddly and then looked closer at the wound, noting the purple discolourations, he nodded, “I think you might be right lassie this may have been no normal arrow.”
All they could do was hope that Bofur came back, she was so wrapped up in Kili and making sure he was all right that she didn’t hear the conversation Bard had but she heard him leave and not long after orcs descended into the house.
First through the front door and then through the roof. Bards kids were in the midst of the attack and Vanya pulled her daggers out from their sheaths and attacked the orcs along with Fili and Oin who used what was around them. Vanya tossed the daggers to her friends and rolled under and orc to her bow and she shot orc after orc noting that the children were relatively safe under the table, she kept fighting her mind was one running sentence. ‘Keep Kili safe’. But one second she turned around to find an orc stuck with his arms up about to stab her. Kili pulled the blade from the orc and collapsed himself.
The Orc yelled about Thorin being gone but her attention was on Kili, had he just wasted his energy on her? No, no he looked close to death, please don’t die she thought, just as Bofur came in through the door.
She grabbed the weed from Bofur and cleared space on the table for them to lay him down, “hold him down” she said as she put the weed into the boiling water. And brought it out rubbing it against her palms she made a silent prayer for him to live she knew she had the ability to heal him, she had to save him.
She started to chant an elven incantation for purification of the blood she did not know which poison was used but she knew this basic spell should work. Kili fought her and writhed in pain, but she had to work past it, at least pain meant he was alive. She could feel herself radiating power that she always felt when she channeled her elven magik. Her hands grew warm and she closed her eyes, still chanting, but this way she could see his energy and through this herb she lay her will to save him she had to save him, he was the only one who had ever treated her like this he stared but for a new reason, and he wasn’t gruff or pushy, he needed to live; even if it was a life without her.
This will this push set over the balance as she felt the poisons hold lessen on him, and she opened her eyes to see him looking at her, staring in awe. He passed out later from the strain, as she finished the incantation. The boys went to sit down and the girls went to their rooms after the excitement. She was just finishing wrapping his wound after applying a basic salve when he woke up.
“Vanya,” he called her name in a hushed tone if she had not been elf kind she would not have heard it.
“Kili you need to rest, Posto si” she said.
“Yes but what worth is rest, when dreams are only taunting, and she must find another path without me. I cannot be with her, and I cannot be without her. Why must she be so near and so far away?” He looked at her hand, “If this is a dream then I will sleep happy, that you are here with me and that is all that matters.” He gently grasped her hand and smiled at her tiredly, “Do you think she could ever love me?”
She just stared at him unsure of what to say but she did not have to worry too much for he soon passed out again, she looked at him and whispered in his ear, “Gi melin, (I love you)” and then she went to sit and rest. Healing takes a lot out of elves and she needed rest. Plus she had all these feelings inside of her, she wanted to tell him and she had but she knew that even if he had heard he wouldn’t understand. Which made it easier, she could not deny the fact that she felt very strongly about him but she couldn’t admit it openly, it would only make matters worse. Would it, I mean love is always in different places and when you least expect it, but Thorin would most definitely not like this at all.
She was deep in thought when Fili came over to her, “Thank you, for healing him.”
She looked up at him and shook her head, “It was no matter, I couldn’t just let him die.”
He looked at her and sat across from her, “I know about you and him, and honestly I was a little surprised at last night.”
She cocked her head, “Last night?”
“When you slept together, Kili and I were to share a room.” He whispered.
She thought back and remembered her asking him to stay, she blushed, why hadn’t she remembered that before? She looked at him, “We didn’t do anything, I just asked him to stay with me in my state and he didn’t want to deny me is all.”
Fili didn’t look like he bought it, “Look I know you like him, I know how he feels about you. It wasn’t hard to see when you were on the balcony, or when you came down with your hair braided, and I assume that was Kili?”
She went and touched her braid, she had forgotten about it, and she blushed, “I can’t feel that way though can I master dwarf? He must find someone else because I am wrong for him. It would never work a dwarf and an elf, even a half breed. No never and no one will ever accept it Fili, you must know that.”
He looked into her eyes, “Well I’m just saying you may not have my uncles permission or blessing but I give you mine, and I’m sure my mother would want him to be happy. So I won’t go making your choices for you but I see no reason to split you up.” He smiled and embraced her. In a louder voice he said, “Thank you very much.” And then walked away.
Her head was spinning and Fili hadn’t helped it in anyway size shape or form. Now she had barely any reason not to be with him, and it made her feel light like a feather. All her problems seemed to drift away as she stared at Kili’s sleeping face, he was very handsome. His soft brown eyes, and long thick hair, not to mention his amazing smile. And even if he couldn’t grow a beard he still looked good to her.
Yes she loved him but she had not expected to fall so fast, but then again she had heard and seen elves and dwarves with their one and they never seemed to take long at all to fall madly in love. She also supposed if it wasn’t for that wretched wound she might not have realized her feelings for him fully, and was now happy with her discovery.
That was she was happy until she heard a very loud boom and a rumble, she looked towards where it had some from, and she had turned to the mountain. Her eyes widened in fear, she had only saved Kili so he could hop back into the fire, literally, she knew the dragon Smaug was coming but she was unsure of what to do.
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So this is gonna be the last chapter for a bit until I either finish up, or finish fiddling with the DoS part. I will try to make sure that there is a decent time period between the chapters but I'm sorry if I don't follow through with that. (I am in college right now so it's all up in the air) Thanks for reading hopefully be back soon! :)