
So, I am completely addicted to 'The 100' right now. And I was doing fine until I realized they're on a stupid hiatus and that episode just left me reeling and I had to get it out before I exploded. This story is based on the [Uhh, do I even need to put a spoiler disclaimer thing here? If so here it is] hug in 2x05 but it goes off course with the actual course of the show, this is just an alternate version of what could've happened. It's short, but I read over and added and re-wrote a lot of stuff multiple times, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out in the end.
But please leave some feedback on what you like, dislike, how I can improve my writing, etc :)
  1. Together
    "In that moment, even her deep cuts and dark bruises were beautiful to him, and he suddenly decided that she needed to know it."