Status: Soon six Korean boys were shouting in Korean. We are pretty sure there are cuss words mixed in too. We couldn’t hold in the laughter anymore. They turned to us like lions on the hunt. “Don’t you mean colorful chickens on the hunt.” Laughed Rachel

Boys Are Pathetic

Chapter 7: Badman

"What are you up too?" asked Himchan as he saw us making us a list

"Nothing!" we sang

"They have been like this all day." said Young Guk as he walked into the kitchen

"You can't put them in a box and ship them to China." said Jong Up popping out behind us

We screamed.

"What's with the screaming?" Said Young Jae as he, Dae Hyun and Zelo walked in

I got up and ran to Zelo while Rachel ran to Dae Hyun.

"Jong up is being mean!" I faked cried into Zelo's shirt

The members of B.A.P stared at the two crazy American girls.


"Kat I thing you are pissing him off." said Rachel as we turned to face the mad leader

"I'll show you mad!" growled Young Guk

He chased us through out the entire house. We were screaming and laughing. We even heard him laugh! Ever time we passed the boys they were laughing also! Maybe my project won't be needed. We soon ran into something hard, falling on our asses. Looking up we saw that we had ran into the two fancy suits, behind us stood all six boys.

"Looks like you all are having fun." stated fancy suit one with a grin

I was scared of what that grin meant.

"You should be. Both you and miss Rachel will be leaving this house. We gave you a warning and you ignored it. Good luck getting back to America." said fancy suit two

~3rd person~
"You can't do that!" said Young Jae in shock

"You are kicking these two to the streets?" asked Dae Hyun

"We are." said Kim Gi, Kat's fancy suit one

"Why?" growled Young Guk very passed

Kat and Rachel still sat on the floor staring at the two middle-aged Korean men infront of them.

"We are not middle-aged." said Son Suk, fancy suit two

"Where did the voice come from?" asked Jong Up

I am just a voice that you need to ignore. We need to get on with the story.

"WHAT STORY?" yelled Young Guk

My my Young Guk watch that damn temper of yours!

"Why isn't Kat narrating?" asked sweet Zelo

Look at the two of them. They are in shock! Kat probably doesn't even know what's going on right now to even began to narrate. You should be ingoring me anyway! My god you boys are a pain! How the hell did these two put up with you! And you two fancy assholes why are you ruining the damn story by kicking them out!?

"We have our reasons." said Kim Gi

Fuck your damn reasons! You pig headed freaks!

Soon laughter was heard and everyone looked at the two American girls as they began on a laughing kick.

"Pig headed freaks!" laughed Kat

"Omg thats too funny!" laughed Rachel

..........I quit!

~Kat's pov~
I couldn't stop laughing. That voice was so funny! I quickly recover and looked at the fancy suits.

"Fine we will leave but we want concert tickets to their last show in a few weeks." I said

"Deal." they both said

Rachel and I walked upstairs to our rooms. It didn't take us long to pack. We ignored everyone and walked out the front door. Waiting for us was our driver, Jae Beom. We climbed into the car.

"Well girls?" he asked

"Phase one is complete!" I said with a grin

He laughed. "Good. My wife has your beds made and food ready."

"Beds!" I said

"Food?" said Rachel

He just laughed.

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Thank you for reading Boys. Are. Pathetic! Don't forget to check out my other stories!