Wait for Me


"So, Justin how have you been? It's always good to see you." Sasha said.
"Always fun to be here. Thanks for having me."
"So, you're twenty-one now. In December of 2013, you threw your fans into panic mode by saying on Twitter that you were planning to retire from music."
Linda looked at Grace. "Do you remember that?"
She nodded. "Yes, I do."
"Could we throw those tweets he posted up on the screen please?"

@justinbieber: My beloved beliebers I'm officially retiring

@justinbieber: The media talks a lot about me. They make up a lot of lies and want me to fail but I'm never leaving you, being a belieber is a lifestyle.

@justinbieber: Be kind loving to each other, forgive each other as God forgave us through Christ. Merry Christmas. IM HERE FOREVER.

"Then you tweeted and deleted 'Lol.' How come?"
"Well, I had mentioned that I'd be taking a break, and I was serious. There had been a lot of, just, personal heartbreak as well as media embellishments and twisting of my actions and words. They'd turn around what I said and made me out to be a... monster. Make up stories without knowing the full one. Write an entire demeaning article all based on one bad photo taken at the wrong time or angle."
"And how did that affect your trust of others?" Sasha asked.
"It was quite difficult, to say the least. I was talking with Scooter the other day and said, 'Justin, when I met you, you were this carefree, 'go wherever this big dream will take you' kid. But, now, it's like the only time you can really open up and be yourself is either with Beliebers or up in Canada with your family.' And he was right. My life was so on display for the world to see, I had to hide in a car trunk just to get ice cream in the middle of the night. If I had a problem, and I needed to get it off my chest, I couldn't just call up a friend and say 'Yo, like, I need to talk'. I felt like there were little cameras behind my back and phone lines were tapped. My normal life was gone, and I'll never get it back. Even when I relax in Stratford, my mind somehow always goes back to my Beliebers, reminding me to check up on them, see how they're doing. It's so crazy to me how something that you didn't have for, I guess, to include Stratford Star competition, for twelve years of your life can mean everything to you now. Every show is for them. The movies were for them. The tours were for them. When I'd be so drained from late flights and early interviews, just the thought of them was enough to get me up or to keep me going. I love them with everything I am."
"So is your mom done with her book tour yet?"
"Yes, she is. She's back home now, safe and sound." He smiled, seeming pleased.
The crowd aww-ed, causing his smile to turn to a sweet smirk.
"Is it good to have her by your side?"
Both Grace and Justin's minds immediately raced back to the backstage interview at the 2011 Billboard Awards, when this same question was asked of him, only the 'her' had been Selena.
He smiled and answered the same way he had of Selena. "It's great. I love her. She's so supportive of me."
Grace gave a small smile, as did some of the young women in the audience, obviously thinking the same thing.
"Are you protective of her?"
"I- Yes. I am. She's my mom, y'know. She's, um, dating again and so I don't want her to get hurt."
"Are you even more protective and, aware, I guess you could say, after reading about her past?"
Justin nodded fervently. "Yes, yes. Definitely. I never want to mistreat a woman in any way."
"Do you have any music planned for us?"
"Um, not ready to be released, no. I'm still writing, experimenting, mixing and recording most of them."
"What are the songs about?" Grace inquired.
"Well, healing from heartbreak, moving on, letting go, finding yourself. Things that every teenager, young adult has to go through."
"Well, there you have it. Justin Bieber, still at the top of his game after a year break from the spotlight. We'll be back with you this same time next week."