Wait for Me


Grace awoke to the sound of her cell phone ringing. She rubbed her eyes and squinted at the red numbers on the digital alarm clock beside her bed. Who is calling me at three forty-five in the morning and why? She turned onto her side and leaned on her arm, grabbing the phone with the other. Manager. She groaned and pressed answer. "Hello?" she asked, laying back down.
"Grace, it's Jim. Listen, I know it's early and you're an intern, so you usually don't have to be in until six, but Nancy called in sick at the last minute and we can't get hold of her back-up, Ashley. I think you're ready."
Grace sat up straight. "Wait. Really? But I'm only twenty. Do Carrie, Sasha and Linda agree?"
Jim chuckled. "Listen, Grace. After I told Nancy that Ashley wasn't answering her phone, she immediately requested you. I talked to the producers and the others and they think you should take her place today. What do you think?"
Grace thought for a moment. She's watched the women on The Sun Room, a morning talk show, for two years. Now, she'd have her chance to show them just how much she's learned from watching their movements and behaviors on camera.
"I'll do it." She finally responded.
A sigh of relief sounded on the other end of the line. "Great. Thanks, Grace. Be at the studio by 5:00, alright?"
"Will do, Jim. Bye."
Grace yawned and rolled out of bed. She showered and dried her dark blonde hair, then called her older sister and her mom to tell them the news. After applying some light makeup, she decided to wear a white blouse, black blazer, pencil skirt and heels. She stopped by Starbucks on the way to get her morning coffee.
"The usual, Miss Binconi?" Tina, a worker, greeted her with a smile.
"Yes, thank you."
"You're in earlier than usual. Anything wrong?"
She smiled. "You might call Nancy being sick today 'something going wrong', but the fact that I get to fill in for her and that it'll be my first time being on stage in front of the cameras just makes me a mixture of excited and nervous."
Tina gasped. "You're gonna be on the show?"
Grace smiled wide and nodded. "Yup."
Tina handed her the iced mocha and took the money.
"Good luck!" Tina waved as Grace took note of the time and rushed out of the cafe.
Grace didn't think it was possible for cars to move at such a slow pace as she inched her way through traffic. She sipped her coffee and tried to calm her nerves. At 4:52, she ran into the studio. She breathed deep and walked in, acting as collected as possible.
"Hey Grace." Jim smiled warmly. "Thanks again for coming in so early for this."
She let out a deep breath. "Hey, anything to keep the show rolling."
She got her hair and make-up done and talked with the other ladies. They told her to relax, to not show any bias and just to have fun.
"Hey, Carrie?"
Carrie turned, smiling.
"Who are the guests today?"
Carrie smiled, glancing at Sasha and Linda.
"Cher Lloyd, Tom Hanks and Justin Bieber."
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I will post a new chapter every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the time being. Enjoy!