Wait for Me


Grace was searching for her car keys when a voice called her name. She turned to see Justin quickly walking towards her.

"Where are you going?" He asked, not trying to hide his disappointment at her leaving so soon.

"I was going back home. But I guess could change my plans." She smiled, not wanting him to feel guilty.

"I have you cell number, so can I call you sometime? Can we meet up somewhere? Am I coming off as creepy?"

She shook her head, smiling. "No. Not at all." She nodded to a couch in the break room and they sat.

"If you don't mind my asking, Grace, how did you end up in L.A.? You're quite a long way from home."

"Would you like the short story or relax for the long version?"

He smiled and placed his hands behind his head, settling into the couch. "I've got time."

"My dad's grandparents immigrated to America from Italy and settled in New York City. But seeing the crowds and high crime, they moved to New Hampshire to better protect their three young boys. Then ten years later, when my grandfather was fourteen, his mother lost her job in a factory. My great-grandfather decided to sell their farm after their family was constantly harassed because they were Roman Catholics. They moved again, this time to Quebec. My grandfather met my grandmother there and they married at the age of twenty and twenty-one. My uncle, Mikael (Mee-kah-el), was born there, and so was my dad, Arnaldo, and their sister, Bianca. When my dad was seven, they moved to Toronto. And that's where I was born."

"Wow. That's really interesting." Justin said truthfully. "Glad I did ask for the long story."

"May I ask you a thinking question?" Grace mused quietly.

He nodded. "Sure." He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together.

"If something were to happen to you and you left your Beliebers without anyone to look after them, whom would you put in charge of keeping in contact with them?"

Not two seconds later, he said, "I'd choose a tag-team of Ryan- "Butsy" and Fredo."

She nodded approval.

"My turn." Justin smiled warmly. "Are you married or engaged?"

"I am as single as single gets." she chuckled. "Why?"

He pointed with his index finger to her left hand, causing her to look down at it.

"Oh, no, no." She laughed. "That's my purity ring."

"Purity ring as in 'sexual abstinence until marriage'?"


"How serious are you?"

"If I broke my promise, I honestly believe that I'd slip into a very deep depression. It is not something I take lightly."

"Alright. So tell me about it."

She was uneasy. She had heard #Journals. They didn't sound like they were written by someone who was just fantasizing about a future experience. She didn't want to insult him or give him guilt.

As if he could read her mind, he reached out and put a hand on her knee. "It's okay. Don't worry about me."

"How much time do you have?"

He sat back. "All the time in the world."

"I got the ring at age thirteen. My parents explained the meaning and importance of it, which made me want to wear it even more. My mom let me watch "Grease" a few years ago, and the "Summer Nights", also called "Tell Me More" song was eye-opening. They come back after summer and their friends want all the details. The thing is, she sticks to "He got friendly, holding my hand." But he, being egged on and feeling pressured by his friends to say that something happened, makes up false details to sound cool. "She got friendly, down in the sand." That's where problems begin. Guys embellish the facts or even make up things because they feel embarrassed that something didn't happen, while the girls are usually just happy with the innocent romance. Rumors start and the girl gets the brunt of the teasing because the guy made her sound "easy" and she didn't even do anything. My promise is that I will not engage in any sexual act until my wedding night. Period. To begin with, wedding dresses were white to symbolize purity. In today's culture, it's because that's the traditional color. My dress will be white because I am pure. I know that by voicing this so adamantly, it becomes the devil's favorite temptation for me."

"So have you been tested, tempted?"

She nodded. "My ex-boyfriend. He tried to get me to break my promise. Even used the classic line 'If you really loved me, you'd do this with me.' I refused multiple times and... he got really mad. He threw me onto the couch, ready to force me to get what he wanted. But my sister came by and interrupted him before it went any further, but if she hadn't..."

"So, the next day, you broke up with him?" He wasn't trying to rush her, he was just interested.

She nodded. "That was when I was eighteen. I wasn't comfortable meeting up at a house anymore, so we met at a park. One of the most awkward conversations I've ever had."

"I'm so sorry." Now he was scared to even put a hand on her knee.

She smiled. "Some guys may say 'If you really loved me, you'd do this.' You know what I say to that?"


"'If you really loved me, you would be willing to respect my promise and wait until I'm ready.'"

He nodded. "I agree. A guy should never hurt a girl, no matter what he wants."

Scooter appeared in the doorway. "Justin, we've been looking all over for you. We've all been calling and texting you."

"Sorry. I must not have put my phone back on sound after the interview."

"I'm Grace." She shook Scooter's hand. "I'm sorry I kept him here so long-"

"No, no. It's my fault, Scoot." Justin cut in, looking up from his phone. "I was the one who asked if she had time to talk."

"Well, Grace, it was nice meeting you. But, Justin, we need to go."

"Alright." He turned back to Grace, shaking her hand and pecking her cheek in a friendly fashion. "Great interview today. And your persistence and tenacity about your purity was very inspiring."

"Thank you."

"I'll call you. Goodbye."


When Grace was gone, Scooter asked Justin, "What are you thinking?"

"She's like Avalanna."


"Toward the end, she didn't see me as a star, but as a good friend." He looked at Scooter with a small smile.

"What is it?" Scooter prodded.

"I just might have found someone I can trust."