Status: Complete


Four of one.

A/N A tiny flashback to before the... third chapter? Yes. Third chapter.

Everything was dark again, but this time, I could hear things bubbling on around me. It takes a few moments and some extra energy, but I finally open my eyes, to reveal that I am in Bobby’s house once again; although this time I’m in my room. I can hear the boys and Bobby in the kitchen downstairs, hustling and bustling around as Dean makes dinner. I sit up from bed, and make my way into the hall and start down the stairs.
“I know you can, Em.” I hear Dean say. “But I want to let you take a break for one night. You’re not the only awesome chef in this house.” Sam scoffs with a chuckle, knowing full well that I’m at least the best cook in the house.
“I’m excited, Dean.” I hear my own voice say. I stop at the bottom stair, frozen. What?
As I make my way around the corner into the living room, I stop once more when I see a figure sitting in the arm chair in the corner.
“My, my, my.” Death says, turning his chin when I walk through the doorway. “I knew this is the day you would come, Emalina, but I had my doubts it wouldn’t actually happen.” He chuckles. “You Winchesters and weaseling your way out of things.” My muscles relax as I take a deep breath. “But once I knew that it was THE Emalina Winchester, I knew I had to come myself.”
“What’s… what’s going on?” I ask, taking a step closer to him. I notice Sam, Bobby and me sitting at the table in the kitchen, while Dean moves about.
“This is your favorite memory,” Death says, turning his head to look at the scene as well.
“So I’m…”
“Yes, little one.” He takes a deep breath, nodding slowly. “You’re dead.” The words knock the breath out of me, and I have to place my hand on the doorframe so that I don’t fall. I’ve anticipated this day for as long as I could remember, in our kind of business, you never know what could go wrong.
“Come, sit. I would like to talk to you a little while before we go.” Death nods to the similar chair in front of him. I make my way around and sit in Bobby’s wife’s old chair, sinking into the fabric comfortably.
Dead. The word rings around my ears, echoing.
“Now, needless to say that while I am escorting you to heaven this time, there is no saying that the boys won’t find a way to bring you back.” He smirks.
“Heaven?” I gasp. “I get to go to…?”
“Well of course, my dear.” He shakes his dead, his eyes widening. “Where else would you go for all of the people that you’ve saved in this world? Your negative actions don’t completely cancel out the good, darling.” I sink a bit more into the chair, a little more at ease now.
Heaven, where I was with my parents. I’ll be with my parents again.
“What about Sam and Dean?” I ask then, looking up at the kitchen. “Will they be…?”
“They… will have a hard time without you, that’s a given. But after a while, they will be okay.” His lips press into a line. “I do have to say that it is an honor collecting the likes of Emalina Winchester,” he sits up a bit more, readjusting his cane and then settling back in and looking back up at me. “You… well played, my child.” A weak smile plays at my lips, my heart warmed with the thought of Death being proud of me.
My attention gets brought back to the kitchen, where the pot of water on the stove starts to boil over, cueing Bobby to pipe up and gripe at Dean.
“It’s an old kitchen, Dean.” He spits. “You best be kind to her.”
“I’ve got it, Bobby.” Dean whines in respond, stepping over and turning the gas down. Glancing at Death, I stand slowing from the chair and shuffle over to the doorway, leaning on it gently, to get a better view of everything laid out in front of me.
Playing cards are scattered around the table, Sam’s eyes darting from the cards in his hands to the ones on the table, the shifting to Bobby’s and I.
He shoves some chips in front of him and into the collective pile. Bobby chuckles, breaking his poker face, and lays his cards down to reveal a straight.
“Dammit, Bobby!” Sam throws his low pair on the table, standing and moving toward the fridge. I can’t help but laugh along with Bobby, who beams as he pulls the pile in his direction. Sam returns with two beers in his hand, setting one on the table in front of me, then leaning over and placing a kiss on the top of my head.
I smile from the doorway, taking a deep breath.
“I’m ready.” I say softly, turning back to Death, whom is now standing. He smiles softly, bowing his head and holding out his hand for me to take.