5 Seconds of Sirens

Try Hard

Last chance at survival, Calia. Make it count. Keep your head down and don’t fuck it up. My hands balled into tight fists of their own accord, and I wiggled my arms so the sleeves of my overly-large leather jacket covered them. Remember what Ash said. You control the power, not the other way around. Don’t freak out. I relaxed my hands just a bit before they balled up tighter. I could practically feel my knuckles turning white every time a shoulder bumped into mine. Ignore it. Keep your eyes down. Don’t give in. You’re strong, you can do this. I weaved my way through the taller bodies, trying to make it through the door to the main office. Since the first bell had already sounded, the students had nearly turned into a solid mass on their way to Homeroom. Ignore the idiots; just get your shit handled. You’ve really gotta try hard this time. “Just shove through, usually works.” I snapped my eyes up out of instinct, staring at the figure the voice belonged to. Looks like a tool. Put your head back down, idiot! “Everyone out of the way, fresh meat coming through!” The boy spoke again, this time in a more annoying tone before he gripped one of my leather sleeves. Within seconds I yanked my arm away, crossing my arms over my chest before I pushed through the crowd, trying to keep the physical contact to a minimum. Smooth, genius. Ten minutes in and people are already touching you. Get your shit together and go, you psycho.

“Stiles, bro. Stalking is illegal like, everywhere. Go to class, dude.” I lifted my gaze again, but only slightly, to see a tall guy standing behind the desk. I took little to no time checking him out. Boys were the last thing on my mind. I had no idea who had been talking to, until I heard the mall from the hallway grumble and walk away like an angry five year old. “Sorry about him.” I only shrugged as I tightened my hold around myself. “I’m Scott, the office aide. What can I help you with?”

Alright. Gotta look up, now. Not his eyes, Calia. You know better. I picked my head up only a bit, making sure not to look directly into this kids eyes. “Acalia Fynn. Transfer student. Senior.” I kept it short, sweet, and to the point before I turned my head to the desk. Watching this Scott guy get my file could have been creepy, and I was all about normal this year. I had to be normal.

“No problem, just give me a second.” I heard his feet move, but I was trying to avoid stalking him with my eyes as I waited for my schedule. Even when he returned with the paper I tuned him out. It was far from the only ‘first day of school’ speech I had heard in my life. But here’s to hoping it’s the last.

As soon as he stopped talking I snatched up the paper and scanned it. Ten minutes of Homeroom? What kind of a school was this? “Thanks.” I mumbled the words before I stepped back into the hallway, thanking every God that it was empty. Spoke too soon. Way to jinx yourself, dumbass.

“Hey, wait up! We’ve got first period together, I’ll walk you.” Say nothing. Nod and stare at your feet. You know the drill. I gave Scott a quick nod, keeping my eyes to my schedule while following his feet down the hallway. “So where’d you move from?” Silence. “Do you like Beacon Hills so far?” More silence. “Okay then…” I was hoping that meant he would get the hint. Talking was something saved for when it was absolutely necessary, or when I was comfortable with someone. Neither situation applied at the moment. “You don’t talk much, do you?” This time I stopped, raising my eyebrow at him. Does this kid ever shut up? He returned my look with a nervous laugh before he steered me into a classroom that was slowly filling up. This was one of my least favorite parts. Everyone was already clumped together at the desks. “You can sit with us. Come on.” I had almost forgotten that Scott was right next to me. I gave him my normal small nod before I followed him to the back of the room.

“Thanks.” I whispered before I sat in the empty seat next to him, placing my bag on the desk. You’re not here to make friends, idiot. When I glanced over, Scott had a goofy grin on his face as if he was pleased that I had spoken to him again.

“Ugh, I hate your stupid job so much, McCall. I have big news for-there’s someone in my seat.” I slammed my head down onto my bag, a soft groan escaping my lips. Of course this idiot was in my class. “And she looks oh so excited to see me.” He mumbled before he flopped down on the opposite side of Scott.

“Don’t mind him. He’s kind of an idiot.” Tell me something I don’t know, kid. I let out a snort at Scott’s words before heavier footsteps sounded in the room. I picked my head up from the desk and I instantly tensed. Are you fucking kidding me? My fingers gripped the edge of my desk as I stared down the male at the front of the room. His was a face I had only seen a number of times, but it was one I could never forget. “Hey, you okay?” Scott’s voice snapped me out of my anger and I turned my head to him, nodding slowly.

“Morning, class. Welcome to Ancient History and Mythology. I’m Mr. Rite, and you’re stuck with me until graduation.” Chuckled rose up from the students surrounding me, but my blood ran cold. What the hell does that mean? Is that douche nugget actually going to draw this out that long? What a tool. “Let’s begin shall we?” I watched as he glanced down at a clip board on his desk. “Miss…Fynn? Please pass out the text book on the back table.” I only took a second to glare at the smirk on his face before I pushed out of my chair.

“Here, I’ll help.” My head snapped to the side at the sudden voice, and stupid me almost smiled at Scott’s idiotic grin. I gave a single nod before I picked up a stack of books and made my way down the rows. I tried my hardest to avoid physical contact as I dropped a book on each desk that Scott had skipped. I avoided the front of the room like the plague, nodding for Scott to get those ones as I flopped back down into my chair.

“There. Now that’s taken care of, I’d like everyone to open up to the first page. We’re going to start off with one of the most common myths in history. The Werewolf.” I saw Scott and the idiot tense out of the corner of my eye and stare at each other while I flipped my book open. Not my business. Stay out of it. An Archaic drawing of a man mid-shift filled the entire page with different names for Werewolves underneath it. Dear Gods, can he just kill me now? I don’t wanna hear this shit for an entire year. “Now, the Werewolf if only one of many shape shifting myths we’ll be covering this year, but we’re staring here since it’s the most common.” There was a glint in his eyes that I had trouble deciphering, but I gave up trying after only a few seconds and tuned out the world.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when the bell rang. I stayed in my seat as the others practically flew out of the room. “We can help you find your other classes if you want.” For the hundredth time that morning I turned my head to Scott to nod. I stuffed the text book into my bag before I handed over the paper from my pocket. “You’ve got math with Stiles next, so he can just take you. The next time I’ll see you is lunch, which you have after your first free period.” I took the schedule back, folding it once more and replacing it in my back pocket before I finally stood up.

“Stiles Stilinski, tour guide extraordinaire, at your service.” The idiot from before bounced in out of nowhere. Someone kill this idiot, please. I ignored him as I hauled the strap to my messenger bag over my shoulder. He was still in the same spot, so I raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh, yeah. Let’s go.” He had the look of a depressed puppy as he led me from the classroom. I tried to ignore it, but I could practically feel Mr. Rite’s gaze on me as I slipped into the hallway. Stop him before he stops you. It’s kill or be killed. Never forget that. I shook out the thoughts with my normal silence as I followed the goofy Stiles kid to my next class.

Only two actual classes down, and my arm felt like it was going to fall off. Whoever had invented giant math books needed to be put down. Not to mention my nerves. Mr. Rite had stared at me through my entire free period. I think I sat still for all forty minutes. Much to my surprise, Scott and Stiles were waiting outside the classroom door. “I figured I’d show you where you locker is before we went to lunch.” Even though I found it creepy that he seemed to always show up near me out of nowhere, I was actually thankful. Scott seemed like a genuine guy who just wanted to help out. I was still on the fence about his goofball of a friend, though.

It seemed that Scott was used to my silence after only one class together, because he just started leading me down the hallway. Apparently my locker was right by the main doors. That was a plus. He pointed out the number, and I scanned the metal tags until I finally found it. Unfortunately, there was someone standing in front of it. I approached slowly, my arms crossed in front of my chest. It was my go-to pose. I may be small, but I can pull off intimidating when I need to. I was only standing for a few moments before I was noticed. This guy slathered on the charm as he turned to face me. Are you serious? Don’t make me laugh. “Well, hi. I’m Jackson.”

For the first time all day, I spoke more than a sentence. “And I’m not interested. Now move.” The Jackson tool’s face shifted from playboy to anger in a split second. He went to say something, but someone stopped him.

“Jackson! Lay off.” That was Scott’s voice, but different. I could practically feel the power dripping off of him. I shivered slightly before Jackson stepped away from my locker. I stepped forward, spinning the combination on the dial. It popped open with ease. I nearly sighed in relief as I pulled the books from my bag and set them on the top shelf before I turned around. Jackson, Scott, and Stiles seemed to be in a deep discussion before they collectively lifted their heads to look at me. I slammed my locker closed and approached the group with a raised eyebrow. “Well, uh, let’s get some food.” I noted the fact that Scott was a bit flustered, but I said nothing per usual.

As I did with every other school I went to I had my lunch in my bag. School food usually never included my dietary staples. I followed behind Scott in the line until he led me to a table near the back of the room. I pulled out the thin packet from my bag, followed by a Tupperware container. I ignored the looks Stiles gave me as I opened the container and popped a piece of sushi into my mouth. “You actually brought sushi to school? Who does that?” He gave a laugh, but it was cut off quickly when I narrowed my eyes at him. His mouth snapped shut before he turned his attention to the nasty looking pizza on his tray.

“So, where did you move from?” Scott was trying the question thing again, but I only raised my eyebrow and stuffed another bit of sushi into my mouth. “Ah, I get it.” He mumbled to himself before lowering his head in defeat. I actually felt kind of bad for the guy. Shut up! No you don’t! You’re not here to make friends. You’re here to survive. Plain and simple. I gave a soft sigh before I went back to my food. Stiles was even more confused about the small package of dried seaweed when I opened it, but smartly kept his words to himself.

As it turns out, Scott and I got assigned to be lab partners in our archaeology class. Though I had to do it, we exchanged numbers so we could start working on our first project. My creative writing class was like nothing, and I actually fell asleep during P.E. It was hilarious to see Coach flip out when he found me hiding in the bleachers. My last class was a free period, but I actually had to stay because my grade average was far from high enough to get the senior privileges. Idiots.

“Hey! Acalia!” As I neared my car in the parking lot I stopped, raising my eyebrow at the boy calling my name. “A bunch of us are going bowling tonight, you wanna join?” I rolled my eyes at the offer, not bothering to cover up my laugh. Seriously, Scott? Bowling? What are we, ten? “I’ll take that as a no.” He pursed his lips and kicked at a rock and I almost felt bad for him again. Just get in your car, stupid. “I-uh-I guess I’ll just text you later about the project, then?” I gave a quick nod as I dashed into the beat up Camaro behind me. Get me the fuck out of here.
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I present to you the first chapter! I hope you guys are pretty into it so far. Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions! I'm always up for new ideas! What do you guys think of Acalia so far? And remember, this is AU, obviously, so not everything is going to be the same as the show. MUCH LOVE <3