The Ceiling


Jake is a stereotypical kind of kid. Thinks he can do better on his own, he is bothered by his parents and would much rather be somewhere else. On his own, in the jungle.
Jake looks up to the ceiling.
Jake realizes he is better off being here with the other people like him. But other people are not like him. He has already corrupted many views of him. His reputation does not have a good start. However this is not much of a problem as the ones that look at him poorly are not the ones he desires. They don’t have the power he seeks and thus he doesn’t need them.
Jake looks up to the ceiling.
Jake finds a girl however. This girl has traits that Jake finds desirable, however one that he does not see how to fix. This is a new situation and Jake does not know how to solve this problem.
Jake looks up to the ceiling.
Jake sees this girl one day and realizes this undesirable trait is no longer present. So he does as people do and pursue this girl. But he is denied and he doesn’t know how to counter this.
Jake looks up to the ceiling.
Jake accepts this girl is not the one for him, but isn’t done. He puts it on the backburner and knows he will get what he desires. However he did not like this struggle he faced and he has found a new girl, same undesirable trait as before but this time this doesn’t stop Jake. He pursues her with this undesirable trait. He talks real nice and makes this new girl also see how undesirable her one trait is and shows her how happy she will be when she leaves that trait behind. However when this is done Jake’s experiment is done too. Jake moves on and leaves the girl behind. Jake feels the guilt poking through.
Jake has to suppress this feeling.
Jake looks up to the ceiling.
Jake finds a new girl. This one has all the features he wants. This girl is perfect. She doesn’t deserve someone like Jake.
Jake looks up to the ceiling.
Jake has been treating the first girl like his own and she has grown attached to Jake. Jake tells her about this new perfect girl. She doesn’t like that, not one bit. The perfect girl does not want Jake to show up. Jake looks up to the ceiling to find blindness. Jake has lost control. This perfect girl makes Jake not be there. The perfect one makes the light shine out. Jake has not seen the true light in a while. Jake is no longer needed as the light can do his job. The light, however is also blind. The light does not need this original girl any longer and will not associate with her if possible. But the original girl does not like this change and she pushes, and pushes until she is met with a greater force and pushed back. The light does not like what Jake has made of it. The light will not be blind any longer.
In the end the light has been stripped down and lost all which it dishonorably obtained. But none of this even matters as it is all in the light’s choice to no longer allow Jake to be the operator. The light will have its struggles, However it no longer will be looking to the ceiling for answers. The light will hang on to the perfect one to the end.