Status: Will update when I can.

The Bet


"Dad, what's going on? Why are these men taking my stuff?"

He sighed, looking up at me. "Sweetie, just go with the man outside by the limo and don't ask question's. Can you do that?"

I looked at my father like he was nuts. "I'm not going anywhere! What is going on dad?"

"Ms. can you come with me? You don't belong here anymore. You are now no longer family to this man."

"Who the fuck are you to say that to me!? Daddy, what's happening!?"

"God damn it Al, just go!" My father snapped, slamming his two fist on the coffee table.

I flinched and felt the tears form in my eyes. He stood up, turning his back towards me and I felt a set of hands grip my arm.

"No," I gasped out a sob. "No, let me go!" I yelled when I was being lifted off of the ground. "Daddy, I love you! Please, help me!" I cried harder trying to wiggle my way from the man holding his arms around my waist. It was a fail, I was too weak and he was too strong. "DAD!" I screamed out the door, but it was too late. I was already half way down the gate...

~Six Month's Later~

"Hunny, I am back!" I hummed as I shut the door behind me and kicked off my boots. "Baby?" I made my way through the hall way and walked in the living room seeing Cameron, my boyfriend and may I add, my financè.

He looked up from his lap top, with a smile from ear to ear. "Hey sweetness, I missed you. How was your fitting?"

I plopped down beside him on the couch and ran my hands through my hair. "Great," I closed my eyes and felt him silde his hand on my thigh. "What are you doing on there hun?"

"Don't even drop the subject. What's going on?" He chuckled.

My eyes reopened and looked over at him. "Emma's pregnant, the dress is tight on her and its a big deal now because I have to change all the bridesmaids dresses to match hers a little." I sighed.

"Baby girl, I told you to get a wedding planner."

"No, it's our wedding and I don't want no one else to plan it for us. I can handle this Cam, trust me."

He shut his lap top down and tossed it on the chair beside of the couch. He picked me up, placing me in his lap. I giggled and ran my hands through his hair, smiling down at him. "You're beautiful." He whispered and leaned his forehead on mine.

I smiled and pecked his lips softly, "I love you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright .. Something new I wanted to share with you readers! :) it'll be more understanding as I explain a little more each chapter. Hope it's sounding good so far! Please, may I have feedback? xx